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▪ Mental representation is the mental imagery of things .

a mental representation is one of the

prevailing ways of explaining and describing the nature of ideas and concepts.
▪ Mental representations (or mental imagery) enable representing things that have never been
experienced as well as things that do not exist.Think of yourself traveling to a place you have
never visited before.
▪ It explain How we store information in memory, represent it in our mind's eye.
How can information be mentally represented.
*Mental models
*Images and cognitive maps.
▪ The concept of “schema” is central to cognitive theories of representation.
A script is a knowledge representation scheme similar to a frame, but instead of
describing an object, the script describes a sequence of events. Like the frame, the
script portrays a stereotyped situation. Unlike the frame, it is usually presented in a
particular context.
▪ Its a schema about about a certain situations.
▪ It can be helpful in helping people determine their reaction in unfamiliar situation.

▪ A mental model is an explanation of someone's thought process about how

something works in the real world. It is a representation of the surrounding world, the
relationships between its various parts and a person's intuitive perception about his or
her own acts and their consequences.
▪ Concepts are categories of object ,events or ideas With common properties.
▪ Defined abstract idea or general notion that occure in the mind ,in speech, or
▪ Formal properties:
Clearly defined by a set of rules or properties.
▪ Natural concept:
No fixed set of defining features but has typical or Characteristic feature.
▪ The propostion is the most basic unit of meaning in a representation. It is the smallest
statement that can be judged either true or false.
▪ A cognitive map is any visual representation of a person's (or a group's) mental
model for a given process or concept.
▪ For example, when a friend asks you for directions to your house, you are able to
create an image in your mind of the roads, places to turn, landmarks, etc.,

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