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Caley Johnson

June 20, 2023

Artifact Description: Music In You

What you learned about your Multiple Intelligence results (include the scores from the survey):

I learned that I am 3.57/5 Social which means I like to talk and that I have good social skills. I

got the highest score in social which I can understand because I have really been working on my

outgoing skills. I also got a 3.14 score on Self. I do enjoy spending time with myself and

thinking about everything that's going on. These are the only two intelligences that were over a

3.0. My third top intelligence is musical, I feel like music is a big part of my everyday life so I

appreciate that it is in my top three.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S Addressed: Students publish

or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I believe this would be a great idea to do in a

classroom as extra credit or to ensure that the students really learn. You could make it a

competition and whoever is the best has to teach the class the song. I think this is an amazing

idea however, It was difficult to think of a song that would match with something to learn.

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