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There was a believer in Joppa named Di kota Yope, tinggal seorang pengikut Yesus

Dorcas. She was always doing kind bernama Dorkas. Perempuan itu selalu berbuat baik
things for others and helping the poor. bagi orang lain dan sering menolong orang miskin.
One day, she got sick and died. Tetapi pada waktu itu ia sakit lalu meninggal.
The believers had heard that Peter Kota Lida dekat dengan Yope. Jadi, ketika orang-orang
was nearby at Lydda, so they sent percaya mendengar bahwa Petrus berada di Lida, mereka
two men to beg him, “Please come mengutus beberapa orang ke sana untuk memohon
as soon as possible!” kepadanya, “Tuan, tolong cepatlah dating ke tempat kami.”
Peter returned with them. As soon as he Setibanya di Yope, Petrus diantar ke ruang atas
arrived, they took him to the upstairs room. tadi. Sesudah Petrus menyuruh semua orang
Peter then knelt and prayed. keluar dari ruangan itu, dia berlutut dan berdoa.
Turning to the body, Peter said, “Get up, Kemudian Petrus memandang jenazah itu dan
Dorcas.” berkata, “Dorkas, bangunlah.”
Dorcas opened her eyes! When she saw Dorkas pun membuka matanya, dan ketika melihat
Peter, she sat up. He took her by the hand Petrus, dia bangun lalu duduk! Petrus memegang
and helped her to her feet. tangannya dan membantu dia berdiri.

All images by Richard Gunther via

Text from The Bible, Acts Chapter 10

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