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Past questions XYAM PANT



-Smallest prokaryotic organisms that can grow in cell free culture medium; filterable through bacteria stopping filter.
-Cause pleuropneumonia in cattle, so also called pleuropneumonia like organisms (PPLO).
-Part of normal flora of oropharynx, upper respiratory tract and genitourinary tract in humans.
-Pleomorphic (undefined shape) smallest free living bacterium measuring about 0.1 μm to 0.2 μm in diameter. They
occur in granules and filaments of various sizes.
-DON’T HAVE RIGID CELL WALL resulting in their plasticity. Instead they are bounded by TRIPLE LAYERED MEMBRANE
-Don’t stain with conventional bacteriological stains, non-motile and non-sporulating.
-Most of them are facultative anaerobes.
-Optimum temperature- 37OC

-Mycoplasma pneumoniae: Pneumonia, respiratory tract infections (RTI), inflammation of ear
-Mycoplasma hominis: Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
-Ureaplasma urealyticum: Non-gonococcal urethritis


-Non-motile, small, gram negative or variable bacteria.
-Don’t contain peptidoglycan in their cell wall.
- Chlamydia occurs in two morphological forms (i.e. Morphology):
1. Elementary bodies: spherical particles; 200nm to 300nm; extracellular infectious particles
2. Reticulate bodies (initial bodies): 500nm to 1000nm in size; it multiplies by binary fission and transform into
elementary bodies

Chlamydia trachomatis: Trachoma (infection of eye) and infection of genital tract.
Chlamydia pneumonia: Acute respiratory tract infections
Chlamydia psittaci: Zoonotic infections
Chlamydia pecorum: veterinary infections


-Originally thought to be virus due to their small size 0.8μm to 2 μm × 0.3 μm to 0.5 μm.
-Obligate intracellular parasites.
-Short rod or pleomorphic and gram negative.
-May appear in short chains, pairs or singly.
Cell wall possesses peptidoglycan and cell wall structure resemble to that of Gram-negative bacteria.
-Can’t be cultivated in artificial culture media since they are unable to grow in cell free media.
-Parasites of fleas, ticks, lice, mites, etc.

Rickettsia typhi: Endemic typhus fever Rickettsia rickettsiae: Rocky spotted mountain fever
Rickettsia prowazekii: Epidemic typhus fever Rickettsia japonica: Japanese spotted fever
Coxiella brunetii: Q- fever (Resist pasteurisation temperature)
Past questions XYAM PANT

2054 B.S.
1) List the major characteristics of gram-negative bacteria that differ from gram-positive bacteria (GPB). 4
2) Role of the bacterial capsule and flagella. 2
1) Describe the structure of cell wall of gram-positive bacteria. 4
2) What is IMViC test? 4
3) Name two bacteria that lack cell wall.
2056 B.S.
Describe the role of bacterial capsule.14
2057 B.S.
Explain the role of bacterial capsule in virulence.4
2058 B.S.
1) How do Mycoplasma differ from other bacteria.4
2) Justify bacterial spores are resistant to heat.4
3) List the name of four human pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) and disease caused by them.4
4) Characters of Salmonella Typhi. 2
5) Chemical composition of bacterial cell wall, Flagella. 2
2059 B.S.
1) Compare the composition and functions of Gram-positive bacteria (GPB) and gram-negative bacterial cell wall.14
2) Justify: It can be established experimentally that GNB doesn’t retain crystal violet.4
3) List four GN human pathogenic bacteria. 4
4) Function of Calcium Dipicolinic acid.2
2060 B.S.
1) Write the major differences between GP and GN bacteria. Describe with diagramic representation. 14
2) Draw a typical diagram of bacterial cell showing major cell organelles. 4
3) What are the constituents of bacterial spores? Explain with suitable diagram.4
4) List out four bacteria found in natural water.4
2061 B.S.
1) How does composition of cell wall affect the gram reaction? 4
2) Capsulated bacteria more virulent than the non-capsulated ones.Explain.4
3) Comment on normal microbial flora of human intestine.
2062 B.S
1) Define bacterial nomenclature and differentiate it from bacterial classification. 8
2) Describe the composition of GNB cell wall. 4
3) Bacterial spores are resistant to heat. Justify. 4
4) Indole test in identification of bacteria.2
5) Name two bacteria that lack cell wall. 2
2063 B.S.
Point out the difference between gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial cell wall.4
2064 B.S.
1) Why sporulation of bacteria is not considered as a mechanism of multiplication? 4
2) What are the characteristics of GPB and GNB cell wall. 4
3) Capsulated bacteria are more virulent. Justify. 4
4) Point out differentiating characteristics between endotoxin and exotoxin.4
2065 B.S.
1) Give the characteristic features of aquatic bacteria.4
2) Normal flora is important for animal body system.
Past questions XYAM PANT

2066 B.S. NQ
2067 B.S.
1) Give two differential characteristics of GPB and GNB. Describe cell wall composition of GNB. 2+8 (new course)
2) Point out the difference between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.4 (old course)
3) Spores of bacteria are more resistant than vegetative cell. Justify. 4 (old course)

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