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Le poem in colors
K- Painting- canvas

I chose this product because it has accessories that we always see on a
daily basis but embodied in simple pastes, which in some way make it
look harmonious and alive, people can compare it with a simple
photograph but clearly it is not the same because, instead of capturing
something completely real, it allows us to take it according to our tone
and give it our touch, something that you can not only find in a simple
photograph, besides the paintings can be of all tastes, of anything, to fit a
person, a state of mind to vibes, a palette colored and etc.
Although the slogan is the possession in colors they will not only be
paintings, but drawings, pencil graphics not necessarily painted but
created to be like a verse of a poem, to make this possible in general, we
need a canvas - canvas, paints, which are most often acrylic
Watercolors, palettes, brushes of various sizes, etc.
Well, to start an acrylic painting, we also need water to soften it in the
parts of the drawing that are needed, the acrylic paintings that we want
will always be according to the colors or what the client wants, although
it will always carry our special and personalized touch of our art,
because as I already said they are for all tastes.
Este es nuestro logo, lo quisimos hacer de no una forma tan minimalista
para que demuestre lo que nuestra marca quiere expresar, es colorido
pero simple para que se puedo memorizar y recordar fácilmente más que
todo llamar la atención para así tener mas gente interesada en el
producto y mas que todo en su presentación, escogí el nombre kavint ya
que es una combinación de la primera letra de mi nombre (Keyla) más
Paint- pintar- y canvas- lienzos, aparte es un nombre facil de recordar y
define el producto y su autor en una sola palabra

This is our logo, we wanted to do it not such a minimalist way to

demonstrate what our brand wants to express, it is color but simple so
that I can easily memorize and remember more than everything to attract
attention to have more people interested in the product and more than
everything in its presentation, I chose the name Kavint since it is a
combination of the first letter of my name (Keyla) product and its author
in a single word
We invest
acrylics box: 14.00
brushes: 6.00
pencil: 00.25
canva: 3,00

customer price
25,25 is what I invested, without counting things like watercolor, eraser
or other products that I could use, now we see how much we invest in
materials and from there we calculate to reach a price for customers.
For this reason we decided to sell them according to their size and
dedication or amount of acrylic in the painting, therefore a small
painting that has a canvas price: 3.00
And with a considered painting it would be 10 dollars, obviously we do
not see a profit because we will get it from approximately the 10
paintings that we can take from that acrylic box and those canvases, so
the profit would be approximately more than four times what we
invested, taking into account that this product will be sold due to the
promotion and in the school, also for this reason the price is considered
for the students.

¿how would we recognize ourselves?

Se dice que el cerebro reconoce mejor colores que palabras, así que por
redes sociales, y no solo para promocionarnos, si no para que los demás
puedan admirar las sensaciones y colores que quise captar en una
pintura ya que todos deberían tener el privilegio de admirar cualquier
pintura y lo que quiere decir atravez de sus colores y trazos a esto viene
El Eslogan de Kavint que es

Le poème in colors

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