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Exercise 1

7. The number of visitors to the website had/ witnessed an upward trend.

→ The number of visitors to the website increased.

8. There were some was a wild fluctuations in the growth rate throughout the years.

9. The number of students who applied to the university remained unchanged over the decade.

→ There was some stability in the number of students who applied to the university over the decade.

10(3) There was a gradual growth in the house price in London in over (the year) 2000.

Exercise 2

5(2) The amount of money spent/ Spending/ Expense on books in Austria increased sharply by $32m to reach
$72m in 1975.

6(3) There was a considerable dip of 7m barrels boxes to hit 3m barrels boxes in the amount of oil consumed in
the US between 2009 and 2019.

7(1) The percentage of congresswomen in the UK sharply increased from 3% to 22% between 2012 and 2018.

8(3) There was a sharp increase of 6 million tanks to reach 14m tanks in the amount of oil produced in the UAE
between 1990 and 2010.

Exercise 3

(1) In May, the profits of the company / the company’s profits increased and remained unchanged at in $1m but
the figure for profits of company in June slowly decreased by $0.1m to hit $0.9m, decreasing by ed 10%. From
July to September, the company’s monthly profits fluctuated between $0.9m and $0.7m. However, the last 3
months’ profits rose steadily, with the data for December’s profits peaking at $1.1m.

2. In 1980, only 10% of visitors came to England to visit the Pier in Brighton. Although there were some slight
fluctuations/ Despite some slight fluctuations, the figure climbed dropped from about 12% in 2000 to 22% in
2010. The percentage of people visiting the gallery also increased from 23% in 1980 to almost 50% in 1995.
However, this number has increased to 35% in 2000 and continued to fall to further fell about 30% in 2010.


Spending on food

Turkey: 32%

Sweden: 15%

1. In 2000, standing at 32%, spending percentage on food in Turkey was significantly/ considerably higher
than the figure for Sweden, at 15%.

2. In 2000, standing at 32%, spending percentage on food in Turkey surpassed the figure for Sweden by 17
percentage point.

3. In 2000, standing at 32%, spending percentage on food in Turkey was about 2 times the figure for Sweden.

4. In 2000, spending percentage on food in Turkey, which stood at 32%, was significantly/ considerably
higher than the figure for Sweden, at 15%.

5. In 2000, spending percentage on food in Turkey, which stood at 32%, surpassed the figure for Sweden by 17
percentage point.

6. In 2000, spending percentage on food in Turkey, which stood at 32%, was about 2 times the figure for

7. In 2000, spending percentage on food in Turkey was significantly/ considerably higher than the figure for
Sweden, at 32% and 15% respectively.

8. In 2000, spending percentage on food in Turkey surpassed the figure for Sweden by 17 percentage point,

at 32% and 15% respectively.

9. In 2000, spending percentage on food in Turkey was about 2 times the figure for Sweden, at 32% and 15%

Standing at Số (A), S(A) was significantly/ considerably higher/ lower than the figure for B, at Số (B)
was slightly higher/ lower than
surpassed the figure for B by Số
chênh lệch.
was Số times the figure for B.
was significantly/ considerably higher/ lower than the figure for B, at Số (B)
S(A), which stood at Số was slightly higher/ lower than
(A), surpassed the figure for B by Số
chênh lệch.
was Số times the figure for B.
S(A) was significantly/ considerably higher/ lower than the figure for B, at Số (A)
was slightly higher/ lower than and Số (B), respectively/ in
that order.
surpassed the figure for B by Số
chênh lệch, at Số (A) and
Số (B), respectively/ in that
was Số times the figure for B, at Số (A)
and Số (B), respectively/ in
that order.

Exercise 1

1. the number of people learning English

→ (9) In 2015, the number of people learning English/ English learners was 2 times/ twice the figure for Chinese,
at 5000 people and 2500 people respectively.

2. the unemployment rate

→ (2) In 2015, standing at 12%, the unemployment rate of young people in the US in VN surpassed the figure
for VN US by 2 percentage point.

3. the amount of water consumed

→ (4) In 2015, standing at 750m3, the amount of water consumed per capita in city was significantly lower than
the figure for countryside village, at 1250m3.


5. the divorce rate

8. the spending percentage on food in a Japanese household

9. the income gap between men and women

10. the percentage of commuters who walked to work

11. the amount of time spent on cooking/ baking/ doing laundry by women

12. the amount of electricity produced from coal

13. the percentage of government spending on roads and transportation

14. market share

17. birth rate

19. TV advertising budget

20. the sales percentage of car companies

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