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Discussion Reply: Option 1

Insert the student’s name here, I concur with you that the morality surrounding abortion

is dependent on individual opinion. As to put it, the decision on what is ethical hinges on when

one believes personhood starts and whether individuals participate in abortion voluntarily.

Having an abortion before personhood is established is permissible since it does ‘no harm’ to

anyone but doing so afterword is ethically wrong as it would constitute murder. Another

consideration in this debate is the harm towards the pregnant woman. Some say that denying

access to abortion interferes with the woman’s rights on autonomy over their body. Lastly, you

bring up an interesting issue about whether a killing is only wrong when involving a sapient

being. It means abortion would still be murder even before the fetus becomes part of the sentient

world. Should we consider the act of slaughtering an animal murder? After all, the fetus before

personhood is comparable to any other non-sapient living creature. I would love to hear more of

your thoughts on this idea.

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