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War Guilt Clause

Germany had to accept complete:

blame for causing World War!
according to Article 231 (see
Source 1.1).

Territorial Reductions
Much of the land that belonged

to Germany and Austria before the

war was redistributed amongst the:
Allied Powers (see Figure 1.6). —

coloniesiin Africa and the Asia

- Germany lost Alsace-Lorraine
and the profits from the Saar coal
region to France
- Germany had to give up the
territory between Germany '

F tous of
- Germany lost all her overseas, ¢


Bath sen!
and'East Prussiatto form the
Polish Corridorito give Poland
independent access to the sear
Germany was not allowed to unite
with Austria (see boxed story on
page 10) ¢lf- deteumuation not
applivable to Austra d
_,, Femany i
Tight limitations were placed on
Germany's armed forces;
- Size of the army was limited to
100,000 men
- Size of the navy was limited to
15,000 meni
- Not allowed to have an air force;
= Not allowed to have tanks
- Not allowed to have submarines!
b battlestaps A some auraller snips
Germany had to pay compensation
for all the damage caused in the
war. The reparations demanded

in 1921 were 269 billion gold

Reichsmarks, the German currency
at that time, or 6,600 million Pounds
(worth 96.41 million kilograms of
fine gold at the time).


People previously belonging to

Austria-Hungary in Central Europe
with a common identity were given
the right to govern themselves (see

page 11).

Formation of the League of Nations

A League of Nations was to be set
up to maintain world peace (see
page 18 onwards).
DEMILITARISATION: The reduction of
a country or area's army, weapons
and military vehicles to a bare
minimum. In cases such as the
Rhineland, they were completely

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