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It is important teachers to note that learners are and they learn through different ways in order for them

to understand easily. Therefore there are so many methods or techniques which can satisfy the learning
needs for all learners. It is necessary for the teachers to vary the methods of and teaching becomes
more effective when combining several methods of teaching in one lesson is adopted. Above all
teachers are encouraged to to be creative using participatory methods like group discussions, question
and answer, brainstorming, role play, values clarification, devils advocate, field/educational visits and
many more. Terms to be defined below are guidance and counseling.

Guidance is a process advising, helping and giving of information to learners to enable them to make
meaningful life. Akinade (2012) defines it as a process of helping an individual become fully aware of the
ways in which responds to the influence of the environment. Counseling refers to giving and taking
advices. It is the help given to learners through talking out to remove frustration to interfere with the
learners normal development and learning at school. Adebowale (2012) supports the above saying it is
an interaction or relationship between two or few individuals.

Teaching guide and counseling at secondary schools using a participatory method of question and
answers helps learns quickly understand. Questions and answers it is a method for both teaching and
oral testing based on the use of the questions to be answered by learners. In the development phase of
a lesson this method can be used to check if learners are following the discussion and encourage them
to contribute to the knowledge being presented. Characteristics of good questions should be short,
simple and clear, appropriate to learners ability and relevent to the content covered.

Brainstorming is another approach for teaching. It is a technique which every learner response that
applies to a given topic is acceptable again is for encouraging learners who are quite and hesitate to
enter in a discussion and generating a large number of ideas as quickly as possible. It gives learners the
opportunity to think through issues, respect for other learners ideas, it is a one way of determining
learners knowledge before getting into a topic and ideas generated are owned collectively by groups of
learners.There are problem solving in brainstorming session. Al-bwali (2006) mentioned stages that
must be followed which are phrasing and framing the problem, practice brainstorming for one or more
statements in problems and offering ideas. Al-qarni (2011) supports the above steps conducts warm up
session, frustration and boring must be avoided. However to the lesser extent brainstorming
is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, because it is difficult to ensure that everyone speaks if the class large and after session
reorganizing the ideas or points may be time consuming.

Role play is another method which can be used to teach guidance and counseling in secondary schools.
It is when learners uses their experience and creativity to imitate a real life situation. It increases
learners confidence, give them opportunity to understand and feel empthy for other people's view of
points and usually encourages them to come up with practical answers and solutions,develops problem
solving skills and creates critical thinking. After role play learners should discuss the performance. Joyce
(2009), Henneman and Cunningham (2005)support the above arguing the strategy of role play provides
the context where learners learn from their mistakes and observe new knowledge while exchanging
dialogues with other to present a specific character. However time consuming, requires adequate
preparation, some feel not comfortable or embarrassed and not will to participate when fail to present.
In guide and counseling, group discussions are recommended as a participatory method in teaching.
Group discussion described as a method that permits open interaction between students and students
as well as students and teachers. It gives learners the opportunity to express their ideas hear those of
their peers and the teacher. The teacher does not take the leadership role. According to Robert Shostak
(2003) support the above saying discussion used to check what have been learnt, concluding a
laboratory experiment and giving learners practice in forming and evaluating opinions. They should be
guidelines of discussion, some of them are topic must be interesting, let one learner talk at a time and
write down main points.

Introducing value clarification as an approach in teaching is more important. It is a process of identifying

and critically examining one's beliefs, values, attitudes and opinions on different issues such as drugs,
early marriages and cultural practices. It allows learners to recognize, acknowledge and tolerate variety
of opinions held by others. Learners enables to identify their personal beliefs regards to cultural issues,
social issues, sexual and reproductive health and many more. Authur( 2014) says that values are the
most valuable gifts which learners can have and experience and those experiences may develop certain
general guides and to behaviours. Values also serve criteria for the selection of actions in a situation. It is
a relationship of the world and ourselves giving direction and consistency to behaviours, helping
learners what to do and not to do. I support this approach because these are general principles that
guide human actions and inaction enabling them to relate and socialise with others.

Devils advocate approach must be taught very well in schools cause many learners are affected. It is a
form of role play in which one person tries as hard as possible to convince a friend to give into
temptation. On this approach learners should identify temptation they face in their lives like smoking,
stealing, drinking and etc. Learners should reverse roles after some time and they must be in pairs and
one of them should pretend to be a bad friend (the devil) who is trying to to make others give into
temptation. It is useful since it promotes critical thinking and problem solving in learners. It helps
learners handling peer pressure and temptation towards risky behaviors. They are some limitations
because some learners might be convinced by the arguments in favor of risky behavior if the technique
is not well handled. However it can result in combative classroom environment, learners become
frustrated when the teacher disagrees with them or think that the teacher is unreliable.

Field /educational trips is a participatory method used in guidance and counseling in schools. These are
lessons conducted outside the classroom with the aims of giving learners first hand information and
experience on subject matters under discussion. The trip is part of ongoing study and teachers should
prepare in advance. Most learners favors this method because they enjoy. It is the responsibility of a
resource person to explain the ideas and processes to the learners. These trips to visit industrials,
institutions, game packs, hospitals or even prisons. Learners gain knowledge, experience and attitudes
by observing using their sense, they relate classroom ideas to the real world and also provides
opportunities to carry out practical work relating to what they have learnt. However they are some
certain disadvantages such as time consuming to undertake, it requires a lot of arrangements and
organisations, costs a lot with regard of transport and provision of meals. Permission from the head and
school management committee is needed.
Teachers should acquire in this area because some of them use abusive languages that makes and never
keep learners problems confidential. learners shy to say out their problems. It should be a department
to assist all learners in the school. The above methods l mentioned are some of the approaches used in
guidance and counseling in secondary schools.


Al-bwli. Q. (2006). The effectiveness of using brainstorming in developing creative in Islamic

among Third Secondary in Tabouk.

Akinade, E. C. (2012).Modern Behavior modification, principles and practices. Ibadan:Bright

Way Publisher.

Al-qarni. F. (2011). Measuring the effective of using brainstorming in developing creative

thinking in Science among third intermediate students in Qurayyat City. Unpublished

Master thesis. Al-balqa Applied University. Salt. Jordan.

Arthur, M. (2014). Happiness, morally and freedom. New York :Brill Publications.

Henneman, E. A., and Cunningham, H. (2005).Using clinical stimulation to teach patient safety

in an acute /critical care nursing course. Nurse educator,30.172-177.

Rejoice, B. R, Weils. M, and Calhoun, E. (2009).Models of teaching. Boston :Pearson Education.

Robert Shostak. (2003)

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