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I. Choose the letter that best describes the statement.

A. Elephant Nebula D. Fox Fur Nebula G. Orion Nebula J. Lobster Nebula

B. Fishhead Nebula E. Pencil Nebula H. Glowing Nebula K. Crab Nebula
C. Butterfly Nebula F. Rosette Nebula I. Cocoon Nebula L. Pillar of Creation

___1. It is the closest stellar nursery to Earth and helps scientists explore how stars from.
___2. It was named like this because it resembles an elephant’s head and trunk appearing as a dark
patch with bright winding rim.
___3. The bright clusters and nebulae of planet Earth’s night sky are named after flowers and insect
___4. This beautiful deep-sky object looks like petals of rose.
___5. To some, this nebula looks like the head of a fish.
___6. The pencil’s shape suggests that it is part of the supernova shock wave of debris.
___7. This nebula was given the name War and Peace Nebula by midcourse Space Experiment
scientists of its appearance.
___8. The nebula is a cloud of gas ejected several years ago from the hot star visible in its center.
___9. It is named for its resemblance to a fox fur stole. The blue are next to it is a reflection nebula.
___10. It has similar shape to an Iris looks like a heaven in space.

II. Complete the table below. Refer to number 1 for an example.

Name of the Nebula Distance from the Earth Type of Nebula Age

1. Elephant Nebula 2,400 light years Emission Nebula 100,000 years old
2. Butterfly Nebula Dark Nebula
3. Pencil Nebula
4. Fox Fur Nebula
5. Rosette Nebula 4 million years old

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