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Mrs Martine Callaghan

5/9 Rennie's Isle


Account No: 210210013

JG + Reference: 11853
Dear Mrs Callaghan


I have been recently appointed as the Development Manager for your development. You can contact me on the
details below:

T: 0333 240 8325


Please find below some good housekeeping guidance, which has been issued to all owners within the development.
If you rent your property, I would be grateful if you could provide a copy of this communication to your tenant.

In order to ensure that the development is a pleasant place to live, it is good practice if all residents can be mindful of
the following:


 When entering and leaving the garage, please wait until the gates are securely closed before driving away,
this ensures access is not gained to the garage through “tailgating”

 Please do not allow access to any unknown person who calls your property through the door entry system.
This includes persons advising they are making a delivery. Please only allow access to persons visiting your
individual flat

 Please ensure that all security doors are closed firmly behind you when leaving and entering the block and
report any maintenance issues to James Gibb immediately.

 Please do not use the emergency exits as main exits, these should be kept secure at all times and only used
in the event of an emergency.
 If you require access codes for any area of the development, please contact our office.

Fire Safety

 All bicycles should be stored in the garage at the appropriate cycle store area. Bicycles should not be chained
to railings/bannisters anywhere within the development.

 Items should not be stored in communal hallways, to ensure that all residents can escape the building quickly
and safety in the event of an emergency, should this be required

 Fire Exits should never be blocked internally with items, or externally by parked vehicles

Refuse Disposal

 All refuse should be disposed of correctly. Refuse should be secured in a refuse sack and placed in the refuse

 All recycling should be minimized and placed in the correct bin. Further information on which recyclables go
in which communal bin can be found here: Communal bins service – The City of Edinburgh Council

 Large/bulky items should be dumped in the bin store or anywhere within the development. These will not
be collected by the refuse team. A special uplift must be arranged and the items left on the kerbside to the
front of the development. You can arrange a special uplift by calling 0131 200 2000 or by visiting: Request a
collection of household bulky waste items – The City of Edinburgh Council

 Please ensure all waste is correctly disposed of as to reduce the risk of vermin within the development


 The lifts located in each block are passenger lifts only and should not be used for transporting heavy goods.
This can seriously damage the lift and call outs for misuse are not included in the maintenance contract and
are invoiced separately, causing increased invoices for all owners.

 The lift doors should never be held open manually, or propped open by blocking the sensor. This can result in
a fault, which needs to be reset. This is also classed as misuse and not included in the maintenance cost,
again increasing invoice costs for owners.

Thank you for your attention on these matters and I look forward to meeting all owners in due course.

Yours sincerely

Marianne Griffiths
Development Manager

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