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Sunan Bonang and Brahmana

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Hallo everyone, my name is ...................

And today I'm going to tell you a story about Sunan Bonang and Brahmana.

Many years ago there was a man, named Raden Maulana Ibrahim or often
known as Sunan Bonang.

Since he was little, he had been told about islam by his father.

He has a big role in spreading Islam in java.

He has a strong knowledge and supernatural powers.

His strong knowledge and supernatural powers had made lots of issues.

Day by day islam had developed very well and many people hold Islam, but on
the other hand, the development of islam had made other religions like hindu was
not developed well. This made brahmana from india angry.

“I can't hold it, we should look for Bonang”, said Brahmana.

Then a time came, where brahmana from India sailed across the ocean while
bringing some holy books as a reference to debate with sunan Bonang.

“I swear if I lose I will kneel down to him, but if i win i will cut off his head.
Hahahaha”, sweared Brahmana followed by students behind.

Not long after that, a big storm came. By his supernatural powers, Brahmana
tried to defend the storm, but it didn't work, instead his ship was drowned into the

They lost everything they had, including the holy books he had studied many
years. he worked so hard to look for the holy books, but of course it was useless.
Now the holy books were all drowned in the ocean.

Even though the books were gone, Brahmana still wanted to challenge sunan
Bonang to debate with him.

Suddenly he saw a man walking with a white cloak and holding a stick. He
stopped and then talked to Brahmana. The man stuck down his stick and listened
to Brahma.

“I came from india and I'm looking for sunan Bonang. Can you tell me where I
can find him?” asked the Brahmana.

“Why do you want to meet him?” the man asked.

“Well I want to challenge him to debate about religion and challenge supernatural
power with me, although my books were gone in the ocean”, said Brahma.

The man didn't answer, instead he pulled a mystic and suddenly do you know
what happened? Big water splashed out from that place and it took out
Brahmana's holy books.

Are those your holy books? asked the man.

Brahmana and the students then check for the books.

“My books, yes these are my books, it's real. How how can you do that?”,
Brahmana asked.

Brahmana was confused and started to think that this man was not an ordinary
man. Brahmana then asked the man.

“Well I'm the one who you’re looking for”, answered the man who was actually
Sunan Bonang.

After Brahmana heard the answer, he kneeled down in front of sunan Bonang.

“so are you Sunan Bonang? no I don’t believe that you're not an

ordinary man. Please take me as your student”, cried Brahma.

“Get up, you cannot kneel down to humans, you can only kneel down to Allah”
answered Sunan Bonang. Then you said that you want to debate and challenge
supernatural power with me.

“No forgive me I'm not strong enough to do that, your powers are too strong, i'm
defeated”, cried Brahmana.

“No you are wrong I'm not strong enough to make those waves and storms, only
Allah who can control everything. He will protect all his creatures who believe and
who are close to him” said Sunan Bonang.

Brahmana and his students then held islam and became Sunan Bonang’s

The moral value of the story is never judge people before you meet or know

Thank you and sorry for my mistakes

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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