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Employee Name:

Item Checked
(these items should be contained in the new employee/contractor/ consultant’s (this confirms that both the new
position description). Note for volunteers, the supervisor will advise of expected employee/contractor/consultant or
tasks or duties and the volunteer will be given a brief position description at volunteer and the supervisor are satisfied
Induction) that this item has
been explained and understood)
AIM: To make new employee/contractor/consultant/volunteer fully aware of the quality policy, quality manual and relevant
procedures (SOPs) and procedures

Organisation Chart (role of personnel within the organisation and where the
new employee/contractor /consultant ‘fits in’).
AIM: To familarise new employee/contractor/consultant/volunteer with workplace and facilities

Introduction to colleagues

Equipment and machinery (including computers, copiers, scanners, data storage

servers etc).

Specialised equipment and machinery – if applicable (employees,

contractors/consultants must be fully trained on any specialised equipment or
machinery prior to use. The employee credential documentation should be
approved by a supervisor prior to engagement.

Note: Volunteers will not be directed to use any specialised equipment or


Policies related to IT and data security including AUP and document security

AIM: To familarise new employee/contractor/consultant/volunteer with operation of QMS and Quality Policy

Tutorial on the company Quality Policy (10 mins)

Tutorial on the company QMS system (1 hour)

I have read and understood the company Guide to Induction Training Rules and agree to abide by

Signature: Date:

Witnessed by Supervisor

Supervisor Name:

Signature: Date:

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