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Minor Assignment For MS and MBA

Name: Soma Fareed

MBA Finance
Semester: 1st
Subject: ARM
Submitted To: Dr. Sayed Mohsin Ali Shah
Topic: Identifying a Research Problem, Objectives, and Research Questions
For Your MS/MBA Study


Title: The Impact of Leadership Styles on Employee Motivation and
Performance in the Global Business Environment:

A research problem may be thought of as an intellectual conundrum or investigation that clarifies
a region of ambiguity or confusion within a certain field of study. It denotes a knowledge gap or
the need for more research to increase theoretical comprehension, real-world applications, or the
formulation of policy. Researchers go into the research topic to investigate this region of
ambiguity with the goal of understanding its complicated nature and providing insightful
opinions that advance the field. Researchers aim to close the knowledge gap and give clarity by
identifying and solving the research challenge, pushing the limits of knowledge in their particular
discipline. Employee motivation and performance are greatly influenced by effective leadership,
particularly in today's fast-paced, linked global corporate world. Different leadership
philosophies affect employee attitudes, behavior, and work outcomes differently.
Organizations must comprehend these factors in order to maximize their leadership tactics and
improve employee engagement and productivity. This study attempts to investigate how
leadership styles affect worker performance and motivation in the setting of a worldwide
Organizations operate in varied and multicultural cultures in the current global business world,
which presents special problems due to cultural differences, communication obstacles, and a
range of employee expectations. Effective leadership becomes even more essential to guarantee
high levels of engagement and performance among employees and to match employee efforts
with corporate goals. Although the effects of several leadership philosophies, including
transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire, on worker performance and motivation in a
global company context have been well examined, there is still much to learn.
The impact of leadership styles on employee motivation and performance has substantial
implications for organizations' success. Motivated and engaged employees are more likely to
demonstrate better levels of dedication, productivity, and work satisfaction, improving
performance results. Understanding how different leadership styles affect employee engagement
and performance is essential for effective leadership development and talent management
strategies in the global business world, where organizations operate across borders and cultural

Research Problem:
To what extent do different leadership styles impact employee motivation and performance in
the global business environment, and how can organizations leverage this knowledge to enhance
leadership effectiveness and optimize employee outcomes?

Main Issues and Challenges:

 Determining the leadership approach(es) that have the most impact employee motivation and
performance in the global business context.
 Understanding the cultural quirks and situational elements that influence the correlation
between leadership philosophies and employee performance.
 Addressing probable difficulties and obstacles that businesses may have while implementing
and customizing leadership philosophies to meet the various requirements of a global

The rationale for Investigation:

 This research problem is worth investigating due to the following reasons:
 It helps close the information gap that exists about the particular impact of leadership styles
on employee motivation and performance in the global business environment.
 It offers perceptions that businesses can use to construct successful leadership practices and
tactics adapted to various cultural settings and employee expectations.
 The findings may have useful ramifications for talent management and leadership
development programs that will improve corporate performance and competitive advantage.

Research Objectives:
1) To investigate the relationship between transformative leadership style and employee
motivation and performance in the global business environment.
2) To investigate how transactional leadership style on employee motivation and performance
in the global business environment.
3) To investigate how a laissez-faire leadership style affects employee performance and
motivation in a global company context.

4) To identify cultural influences which impact the relationship between leadership styles and
employee motivation and performance.
5) To provide suggestions for businesses to improve leadership styles and enhance employee
motivation and performance in the global business environment.

How each goal handles the research problem:

 By precisely examining the connection between a transformative leadership style and
employee engagement and performance, this aim directly tackles the study topic. The
purpose seeks to deepen awareness of the impact of transformational leadership on employee
motivation and performance in the context of the global corporate environment by
researching this connection and offering insights into how it might affect employee
 Objective 2 investigates the effect of transactional leadership style on employee motivation
and performance, which directly contributes to the research question. . By examining this
effect, the objective seeks to identify how transactional leadership affects employee
outcomes and provide insightful information about the position of this leadership style in
shaping employee motivation and performance in the global business environment.
 By examining the impact of a laissez-faire leadership style on employee motivation and
performance, this objective responds to the research topic. By examining this aspect, the aim
is to clarify how a laissez-faire leadership style may affect employee results, deepening our
comprehension of the problem. Understanding how this leadership approach affects
employee performance and motivation in a global company environment.
 Objective 4 directly contributes to addressing the research problem by focusing on
identifying cultural factors that moderate the relationship between leadership styles and
employee motivation and performance By exploring these cultural factors, the objective aims
to highlight the contextual elements that influence the impact of different leadership styles on
employee outcomes, providing insights into how cultural dynamics shape the relationship
between leadership and employee motivation and performance in the global business
 Objective 5 directly tackles the research issue by seeking to offer suggestions for businesses
to improve leadership styles and enhance employee motivation and performance. By
synthesizing the findings from the previous objectives, The objective strives to provide
businesses with useful advice and practical insights so they may make use of the information
they have learned about various leadership styles and how they affect employee outcomes.
The objective contributes to addressing the research problem by providing organizations with
recommendations to enhance leadership effectiveness and optimize employee motivation and
performance in the global business environment based on the research findings.

Research Questions:
1) How does the transformational leadership style influence employee motivation and
performance in the global business environment?
2) How much influence does a transactional leadership style have on staff engagement and
performance in an international corporate setting?
3) How does a laissez-faire leadership style influence employee engagement and productivity in
the setting of an international business environment?
4) In a global company context, what cultural considerations influence employee motivation
and performance in regard to leadership styles?
5) What strategies can organizations adopt to optimize leadership styles and enhance employee
motivation and performance in the global business environment?

Each research question aligns with the research objectives as follows:

 The first study question focuses on the unique impact of transformational leadership, which
directly addresses the purpose. leadership style on employee motivation and performance in
the global business environment.
 Research question 2 aligns with the objective as it investigates the impact of transactional
leadership style specifically on employee motivation and performance in the global business
 Research question 3 directly aligns with the objective by examining the influence of laissez-
faire leadership style on employee motivation and performance in the global business
 The fourth research question directly aligns with the objective as it aims to identify the
specific cultural factors that moderate the relationship between different leadership styles and
employee motivation and performance in the global business environment.
 Research question 5 aligns with the objective by seeking to identify and provide strategies
that organizations can adopt to optimize their leadership styles and enhance employee
motivation and performance in the global business environment.

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