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Homework #2

I. Complete el cuadro (5pts)

Monda Tuesday Wedne Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

y sday

II. Complete el cuadro. (8pts)

January July
February August
March September
April October
May November
June December

III. Escriba el color correspondiente. (8pts)


IV. Escriba en inglés los siguientes números de forma cardinal. (7pts)

1: One

8: Eight

15: fifteen

25: Twenty five

38: Thirty eight

40: Forty

75: seventy five

V. Escriba el número según corresponda. (8pts)

Ten: 10 Eighty two: 82

Twenty two: 22 Fourteen: 14

Seventy three: 73 One Hundred: 100

Fifty one:51 Twenty six 26

VI. Escriba el nombre del trabajo según corresponda. (6pts)





Escriba 5 emociones en inglés (5pts)

● . SAD

VII. Lea los relojes y escriba la hora según corresponda (2 formas estudiadas en
clases) (4pts)

7: 00


5: 15

it is fifteen past five.

9: 30

It is fifteen past nine.

1: 45

It is a quarter to five.

VIII. Complete las siguientes oraciones usando el verb to be (is/am/are) de

manera afirmativa según corresponda (5pts)

1. She is happy
2. Leonardo and Javier are students
3. Violeta is smart
4. Karen and Madeline are best friends.
5. I am a doctor

IX- La siguiente oración está de manera afirmativa. Conviértala en oración

negativa, en pregunta y dé su respuesta corta (positiva y negativa) (4pts)

Siga el ejemplo.

She is sad

She is not sad (-)

Is she sad? (?)
Yes, she is / No she is not. (Respuesta Corta)

We are teachers.

We are not teachers__mm_(Negativa)

They are teachers‽ (Pregunta)
Yes, we are teachers. (Respuesta Corta Afirmativa)
 No, we are not teachers (Respuesta Corta Negativa)

X. Escriba un diálogo que incluya saludos, información personal y despedidas.

Mínimo 6 preguntas personales. Sea original, no repita el que usó en la tarea #1.

Saray: Hi , I am Saray a new coworker, what is your name?

Lucy: Hi Saray nice to meet you, my name is Lucy.

Saray: Nice to meet you Lucy, how are you?

Lucy: I’m good thanks, and you?

Saray: I’m good thanks, how old are you?

Lucy: I am twenty-five years old and you?

Saray: I´m twenty-three-year-old, Lucy where are you from?

Lucy: I am from in Colombia and you?

Saray: I am from in Costa Rica.

Lucy: Oh, is a beautiful country, Saray what do you do?

Saray: I am a dentist and you?

Lucy: I am a doctor; Saray are you married?

Saray: No, I am single and you?

Lucy: I am married.

Saray: Oh, do you have children?

Lucy: Yes, I have two children.

Saray: Lucy see you soon, nice to meet you.

Lucy: See you son soon saray.

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