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room 11

1st level
Shrine of the Sisterhood

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Shrine of the Sisterhood
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc
(“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
Written by Mike Ring
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Cartography by Mario Barbati
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The Dungeon Under The Mountain and Shrine of the Sisterhood © by Øone Roleplaying Games Øone Roleplaying Games
Some artwork copyright Paul Daly, used with permission. www.Ø

What is this Product Monsters will scale, DCs will The smaller map features the “Rule
change, traps and behaviors of the the Dungeon” button. Clicking this
This product contains one room
villains will change, according with the button, you can customize the map by
or one dungeon -based encounter.
level of play you choose. opening or closing the doors, remov-
All the rooms featured here are taken
ing the furniture or removing the fill
from one of The Dungeon Under
Nevertheless, this is not all. in the walls and more, depending on
the Mountain products, available at
the room’s layout. All the choices, although these
Beside each paragraph you will made on the smaller map are reflected
products are not necessary, since the
find the same button found before, on the larger one.
encounter can be adapted without ef-
but much smaller. This button allows
fort to any existing dungeon.
you to change only the appropriate The Background
paragraph. Therefore, if you need The Dungeon Under the Moun-
How to
stronger monsters in your low-level tain is a massive dungeon complex
Use this Product encounter, you can adjust them and extending endlessly below the ground.
This product takes advantage from use mid-level monsters instead of In a remote past, ancient evil beings
the PDF technology, joining old-fash- low-level ones. Likewise, if you want dwelled in the area. Now, the remain-
ioned style with the most advanced traps tougher, just click on the para- ing of these mysterious evil beings
electronic features. In order to use this graph button and change the level of have seized the dungeons and filled it
product you must use Adobe Acrobat the traps paragraph. Blank spaces, due with deadly traps and monsters. Also,
6 or later. to different text lengths, will be filled many known villains have established
with placeholder artwork, so you will their strongholds in the depths of The
This product has been designed have a good-looking page. Dungeon Under the Mountain. No-
to help busy referees in preparing
body knows why this dungeon is filled
dungeon adventures and encounters. Finally, a paragraph called “Person- by danger, but nobody cares, since this
Instead of wasting time scaling the al Notes” is left blank. This paragraph dungeon is the most prized adventure
encounters and adapting them to your features a text field you can fill with ground of the world. However be
party, here you will find a pre-scaled your notes about the encounter, sim- warned, adventurers, your life will be
encounter suitable in three different ply click and write. not easy here and dozens of self-call-
versions (for low, mid and high level The document saves automatically ing heroes never returned from the
of play). At the beginning of the en- the notes when you close it. In order Dungeon Under the Mountain!
counter text, you will find a big button to recall the notes present on a docu-
like this. ment you must choose “Load Notes”
from the paragraph button. Note that
if you load the previous notes they will “You Have Been
override the notes you are writing
25,% The buttons will not be printed.
$5.'%/. The Maps
Those familiar with The Dun-
geon Under the Mountain products
will found the maps easy to use. The
product comes with two maps of the
room. A smaller version of the map
By clicking on this button you can
is intended for the referee; the second,
choose which level want to play (low,
larger one, may come split in more
medium, high). When you have made
than one sheet and it is intended for
your choice all the relevant portions of
miniature play.
the text will change accordingly.


room 11

1st level
Shrine of the Sisterhood

UNDER DUNGEON gaudy lanterns hanging in the “tunnel” ing the ocean floor: rippling strands
THE so that the light appears to emanate of seaweed growing amid a coral reef,

MOUNTAIN THE from real sources. with fish and crustaceans peering with
Smell: Creatures with scent can dark eyes from every cranny. From
detect anyone moving within the false the floor rises a wide well, its walls
walls. Such movement unnerves any carved in similar fashion. Inside, the
Shrine animal companions or familiars in the 20-foot-deep murky water rises within
of the Sisterhood party. a few feet of the edge. The clerics who
(Level 1, Room 11) Sound: Illusory sounds suggest once worshipped at the shrine threw
an underground river runs through tributes to their ocean goddess into
Background the surrounding stone. the well. The hags acknowledge this
Terrain: The “tunnel” is created goddess but claim the well’s contents
and Lead-ins
by mirage arcana, and simply entering as their own.
Once a shrine to dark gods of
it allows a character to attempt a Will
the sea, this chamber now shelters a
save to disbelieve the illusion. Covey Magic: The hags create
covey of deceitful witches. These evil
their illusions with the spell-like abili-
hags, who refer them themselves as a
Room Description ties available to the covey as a whole.
“sisterhood,” wandered the Dungeon
for the Players Every eight hours or so, the covey
before claiming this shrine for their
casts mirage arcana to make the room
lair (choosing it for the magical pool A thick stone door blocks the door-
appear like a tunnel and disguise the
so their sea hag sister can reside in way, its surface carved with hundreds
objects in it. The sisters then use veil
comfort). The hags always wear magi- of shells and undersea plants. The
to alter their appearances and that of
cal disguises, and their illusions also stone has been smashed away around
their “pet,” a skeletal imp. Outside
protect the chamber from intruders. a keyhole beneath a rusty iron pull-
the shrine, the veil ceases to func-
In this encounter, nothing the party ring. It looks as though the lock were
tion, so the green hag and annis rely
sees is truly what it seems. destroyed and later repaired.
on disguise self while traveling. Every
morning, each hag also receives a
As the characters approach the When the characters enter read the
mind blank spell, protecting her from
ruined shrine, it is appropriate for following:
mind-affecting effects and divinations
them to encounter some of the covey’s
such as detect evil.
guards. A pair of ogres, trolls, or hill The dungeon’s brick walls give way
giants (depending on the party’s level) to a tunnel hewn roughly through the
A detect magic spell reveals moder-
could surprise the PCs in the large rock. Though wide and high enough to
ate illusion across the room and on
room just outside the lair. Addition- stand upright, the tunnel seems peril-
the hags, who also radiate strong
ally, because one or more hags may be ous, with an uneven floor and jagged
absent from the room, the party could ceiling supporting by rotting timbers.
meet them elsewhere. A few puddles of water glisten under
The Disguised Sisters: The
the light of two hanging lanterns, and
witches appear as furred humanoids
The party faces one obstacle before the distant rush of water can be heard
resembling giant mice or rats—basi-
even entering the shrine: Blocking the through the walls. Countless human-
cally, weremice. They hope to seem
entrance is a locked door. While easy like dolls litter the ground, and at the
intelligent, pleasant, and good-hearted,
to unlock or break down, the door bend in the tunnel, an open chest sits
but also capable of defending them-
provides the hags a few moments to beneath three ragged tapestries.
selves. Most intruders identify them as
prepare for visitors. Past the door lies
lycanthropes in hybrid form and stay
an illusory tunnel where the hags wait Room Description away.
disguised as more benign humanoids. for the Referee
The illusion of the tunnel does Scraggletag the Sea Hag: Scrag-
Room Environment not remotely resemble the actual gletag appears as a plump gray mouse
Lighting: Two everburning room. Instead, the floor is built of carrying a bucket of sloshing water,
torches light the room, disguised as neat flagstones, and the walls are from which she occasionally takes a
stone blocks carved in a relief depict- drink and spills on the ground. (Her


room 11

1st level
Shrine of the Sisterhood

true form resembles an old crone with Torch Box: A box at the tunnel’s party before combat, and once the
the sallow skin of a bloated corpse. bend holds a few torches and sand fight begins she directs her smites at
Her ankle-length black hair drips with for extinguishing them. (In truth, this good characters. Because her spell
foul water.) chest contains numerous coins, some resistance is little help against powerful
of which spill over onto the floor.) spellcasters, she tries to cripple them
Grovelhog the Green Hag: Grovel- first before moving on to the party’s
hog’s disguise is a brownish mouse Tapestries: Three torn and moldy warriors.
wearing a pair of spectacles. (Beneath tapestries hang on the left-hand wall The covey can cast animate dead,
the illusion, the hag has a piggish face. at the bend in the tunnel. They depict bestow curse (DC 19), control weather,
The ancient woman’s green hair twists a continuous scene, a marshland that dream, forcecage, mind blank, mirage
upward in a mud-encrusted beehive.) appears flooded in the left-hand im- arcana (DC 20), veil, and vision (DC
age, drier and overgrown with vines 21), each three times per day (CL 9th).
Raven the Annis: Raven looks like in the center, and frozen with winter’s The hags must all be within 10 feet
a ragged, gray-black rat with dirty fur chill on the third. (The scenes reflect of one another and simultaneously
and eyes white with cataracts. (A tall the ideal home of each hag, but the take a full-round action to activate a
and lithely muscular witch, Raven has tapestries are, in fact, the hides of a spell-like ability. Because each hag has
midnight blue skin and wild black blink dog, a bronze dragon, and a a higher-than-normal Charisma, the
hair that reaches out like the points of massive stingray. The skins close off a DCs of their covey abilities are based
daggers.) corner of the room where the annis on a Charisma score of 20.
sleeps in privacy.)
The Hidden Treasure: The RULE

Roleplaying Tactics

hags collect a variety of treasure, trin- Caged Bird: A pigeon sits quietly
kets, and trash, all of which litters their in a cage hanging near the back exit.
The hags’ plan for intruders is to
lair haphazardly. The mirage arcana It pecks occasionally at the seed in its
appear unimportant and get them to
prevents the discovery of these items; cage. (The bird is really an imp skel-
leave. Scraggletag is a practiced liar
the hags intend to dissuade others eton created with animate dead.)
(Bluff +11), so she handles most of
from entering the shrine by showing
the conversation. Raven, on the other
there are no valuables to be found RULE
Combat Tactics hand, has a noticeably frightful aura,
and nothing worth exploring. What is so she stays at the rear and keeps her
[high] (EL 14)
visible seems valuable only to packrats, distance from the party. She appears to
Scraggletag first dismisses her veil,
which is what the hags claim to be. In play with dolls, her blind eyes staring
unleashing her horrific appearance on
reality, many of the disguised items are into space; in reality, she is watch-
the party. She then casts greater invis-
worth an adventurer’s notice. ing the party intently and using detect
ibility on Raven and Grovelhog. The
sea hag prefers to remain visible as she good. Her Bluff bonus is +7. Grovel-
Moving from the entrance to hog, who seems worried the party will
attacks spellcasters with vampiric touch
the exit, the party sees the following track dirt in her tunnel, has a +3 Bluff
or touch of idiocy. If badly wounded,
objects: bonus.
she retreats to the well. The hag gains
cover (+4 AC) when half-submerged If the party strongly wishes to
Dolls: Scattered around the floor enter and uses Diplomacy or offers a
and total cover (+8 AC) when fully
are ragged wooden and cloth dolls bribe, the “weremice” relent and allow
resembling human townsfolk. (The them to pass through, but only if they
Grovelhog uses her weakening
dolls are actually the gnawed bones of promise to leave once they see the fol-
touch on any melee combatant not
humanoid skeletons left over from the lowing rooms.
affected by her sister’s appearance.
hags’ meals.) PCs who study or physically inter-
Once the PCs are subdued (or prove
act with the hags can attempt a Will
resistant to these attacks), she begins
Lanterns: Two gaudy lanterns set save to disbelieve the illusion, but the
slashing with her filthy claws. Once
with worthless gemstones light the veil is otherwise impenetrable. If the
Scraggletag leaves melee, the green hag
tunnel, one hanging halfway down the PCs disbelieve the illusions, the hags
casts silence to protect herself from
first section and the other just past the strike immediately. They fear their
bend. (The lanterns are everburning treasure will be taken, or that they will
Raven uses detect good on the
torches.) be driven from the shrine.


room 11

1st level
Shrine of the Sisterhood

Relevant Skill Treasures and XP

DUNGEON! 3rd (6/day)—clairaudience/clairvoy-
Checks [high] ance, vampiric touch
[high] Characters who disbelieve the illu- 2nd (7/day)—fog cloud, mirror image
Knowledge (nature) DC 11 to sion find a chest of 51 pp, 103 gp, 864 (1d4+2), touch of idiocy
identify the disguises as lycanthropes, sp, and 795 cp, a pair of everburning 1st (7/day)—charm person (DC 14), de-
except the character notes that wer- torches, and the three skins: The blink tect secret doors, expeditious retreat,
erats are not normally this large. dog pelt functions as a cape of the mage armor*, true strike
0 (6/day)—dancing lights, detect magic,
Open Lock DC 25 to unlock the mountebank (its claws magically clasp
detect poison, ghost sound, mage
shrine’s entrance. to the shoulders); the dragonhide
hand, mending, open/close, read
Search DC 30 to scrounge comes from an ancient bronze and
through the muck at the bottom of can be fashioned into armor or sold
*Already cast
the pool. for 750 gp; and the stingray skin is a
Swim DC 20 to swim in the sea cloak of the manta ray. Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10,
hag’s well, a magic whirlpool. Failure Wis 13, Cha 16
by 5 or more causes a character to be A successful search of the pool digs SQ amphibious, summon familiar
pulled downward 10 feet. The water is up a handful of rusty knives, 10 silver (none currently)
stormy, so a PC cannot take 10 on his pearls (worth 125 gp each), and a black Feats Alertness, Combat Casting,
Swim check, but Scraggletag is accus- pearl of power (3rd-level spell). Great Fortitude, Toughness
tomed to the current and may take 10. Skills Bluff +11, Concentration +9,
Will save DC 20 to disbelieve The sisterhood also owns a hag Hide +4, Knowledge (religion) +3,
the mirage arcana. eye made from a pearl set into a key Listen +6, Spellcraft +9, Spot +6,
Will save DC 21 to disbelieve ring. The hag eye is carried by either Swim +12
the veil. the annis or green hag, or one of their Possessions ring of protection +1, key
guards. If the characters find it, any of to shrine
the surviving hags can use it to observe
Traps, Mechanical

them. Horrific Appearance (Su) The sight of a

Devices, Doors, and sea hag is so revolting that anyone
Objects Statblocks RULE
(other than another hag) who sets
[high] Monsters and eyes upon one must succeed on a

Carved Stone Door: 4 in. thick, Villains Statblocks DC 14 Fortitude save or instantly
Hardness 8, hp 60, Open Lock DC 25, [high] be weakened, taking 2d6 points of
Break DC 28. Scraggletag CR 10 Strength damage. Creatures that
Sea hag sorcerer 8 are affected by this power or that
CE Medium monstrous humanoid successfully save against it cannot
Init +1; Senses Listen +6, Spot +6 be affected again by the same hag’s
Languages Common, Giant horrific appearance for 24 hours.
The save DC is Charisma-based.
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 18 Evil Eye (Su) Three times per day, a
hp 47 (11 HD) sea hag can cast its dire gaze upon
Immune mind blank any single creature within 30 feet.
SR 14 The target must succeed on a DC
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +10 14 Will save or be dazed for three
days, although remove curse or dispel
Spd 30 ft., swim 40 ft. evil can restore sanity sooner. In
Melee 2 claws +11 (1d4+4) addition, an affected creature must
Base Atk +7; Grp +11 succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude save
Special Atk evil eye, horrible appear- or die from fright. Creatures with
ance immunity to fear effects are not af-
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 8th, melee fected by the sea hag’s evil eye. The
touch +11): save DCs are Charisma-based.
4th (4/day)—greater invisibility Amphibious (Ex) Sea hags are aquatic
can survive indefinitely on land.


room 11

1st level
Shrine of the Sisterhood

Grovelhog CR 11 found near its lair. Knowledge (religion) +9, Listen +8,
Green hag cleric 6 Weakness (Su) A creature struck by Spot +8
CE Medium monstrous humanoid a green hag’s touch attack must Possessions masterwork studded
Init +1; Senses darkvision 90 ft.; Listen succeed on a DC 17 Fortitude save leather, cloak of Charisma +4, key to
+12, Spot +12 or take 2d4 points of Strength shrine
Languages Common, Giant damage. The save DC is Charisma-
based. Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability,
AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 24 an annis must hit a Large or smaller
hp 66 (15 HD) Raven CR 12 opponent with a claw attack. It can
Immune mind blank Annis blackguard 6 then attempt to start a grapple as
SR 18 CE Large monstrous humanoid a free action without provoking an
Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +13 Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen attack of opportunity.
+8, Spot +8 Rake (Ex)* Attack bonus +15 melee,
Spd 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Aura despair (10 ft., –2 on saves) damage 1d6+13. An annis can attack
Melee 2 claws +18 (1d6+4) or Languages Common, Giant a grappled foe with both claws at no
touch +17 (weakness) penalty.
Base Atk +13; Grp +17 AC 23, touch 10, flat-footed 22 Rend (Ex) An annis that hits with both
Special Atk command undead 5/day hp 90 (13 HD); DR 2/bludgeoning claw attacks latches onto the oppo-
(+5, 2d6+9), mimicry, weakness Immune mind blank nent’s body and tears the flesh. This
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th): SR 19 attack automatically deals an extra
At will—dancing lights, disguise self, Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +11 2d6+12 points of damage.
ghost sound (DC 13), invisibility, pass
without trace, tongues, water breath- Spd 40 ft. Imp Skeleton CR 1
ing Melee* 2 claws +15 melee (1d6+13/19- NE Tiny Undead
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 6th): 20) and Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen
3rd—invisibility purge, magic circle bite +10 melee (1d6+9) +0, Spot +0
against goodD, magic vestment (+1) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
2nd—death knell, desecrateD, eagle’s Base Atk +13; Grp +25 AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12
splendor, silence (DC 14), sound burst Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack, hp 19 (3 HD); DR 5/bludgeoning
(DC 14) smite good 2/day (+2 attack, +6 Immune cold; undead traits
1st—bless, comprehend languages, cure damage), sneak attack +1d6 Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +3
light wounds (2), obscuring mistD Special Atk* command undead 5/day
0—detect magic, guidance, light, resis- (+4, 2d6+6), improved grab, rake Spd 20 ft.
tance, virtue 1d6+13, rend 2d6+12 Melee Sting +3 (1d4) and
D Domain Spell; Domains Evil, Water Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th): 2 claws –2 (1d2)
At will—detect good Base Atk +1; Grp –7
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, 3/day—disguise self, fog cloud
Wis 14, Cha 16 Blackguard Spells Prepared (CL 6th): Abilities Str 10, Dex 19, Con —, Int —,
SQ aura of evil 2nd—bull’s strength, darkness Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat 1st—cure light wounds (2) Feats Improved Initiative
Casting, Great Fortitude, Improved *Includes adjustments for a 5-point
Natural Attack (claw), Weapon Power Attack
Focus (claw)
Skills Concentration +13, Craft (lock- Abilities Str 26, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13,
smithing) +7, Diplomacy +9, Hide Wis 14, Cha 14
+9, Knowledge (religion) +7, Listen SQ aura of evil, dark blessing, fiendish
+12, Spot +12, Swim +12 servant (none currently), poison use
Possessions masterwork studded Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved
leather, ioun stone (pink and green Critical (claw), Improved Sunder,
sphere), key to shrine Power Attack
Skills Bluff +7, Concentration +14,
Mimicry (Ex) A green hag can imitate Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4
the sounds of almost any animal acting), Hide +6, Intimidate +4,


room 11

1st level
Shrine of the Sisterhood

New Objects, Spells, Personal Notes


and Magical Items

Write here your personal notes
Sisterhood’s Eye: The sister-
hood’s hag eye is an iron key ring
with an inset white pearl of little value.
The key ring holds a key to the shrine
and hooks onto its wearer’s belt loop.
Any of the three hags who created the
hag eye can see through it whenever
they wish, so long as it is on the same
plane of existence as the hag. The
sisterhood’s eye has hardness 5 and 10
hit points. A true seeing spell reveals
it as a disembodied eye. Destroying it
deals 1d10 points of damage to each
member of the covey and causes the
one who sustained the greatest dam-
age to be blinded for 24 hours.

Moderate divination; CL 9th; crea-

tors must be a hag covey; Price 25 gp;
Cost —.

Designer’s Notes
The DM could run this encounter
when the PCs are slightly below its
Encounter Level. The hags’ CRs matter
less than normally, because the char-
acters do not have to fight—unless they
force a battle, in which case it should
not be too easy for them. If the party
is asking for trouble, let the hags give
it to them.

Author’s Bio
Mike Ring was inspired by Jim
Henson’s Storyteller to populate a
room with anthropomorphic animals.
Mike designs and edits d20 products
and plays a lot of Magic. His web page
lists his credits and contact information:


room 11

1st level

Illusory tunnel

one square = 5 ft.


room 11

1st level


one square = 5 ft.

Shrine of the Sisterhood (battlemap 1 of 2)



© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only

Shrine of the Sisterhood (battlemap 2 of 2)



© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only

Shrine of the Sisterhood, illusory tunnel (battlemap 1 of 2)



© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only

Shrine of the Sisterhood, illusory tunnel (battlemap 2 of 2)



© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only





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