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room 10

1st level
Pillars of Salt

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Pillars of Salt
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc
(“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
Written by Tim Hitchcock
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Cartography by Mario Barbati
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First edition: May 2006
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14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The Dungeon Under The Mountain and Pillars of Salt © by Øone Roleplaying Games Øone Roleplaying Games
Some artwork copyright Paul Daly, used with permission. www.Ø

What is this Product Monsters will scale, DCs will The smaller map features the “Rule
change, traps and behaviors of the the Dungeon” button. Clicking this
This product contains one room
villains will change, according with the button, you can customize the map by
or one dungeon -based encounter.
level of play you choose. opening or closing the doors, remov-
All the rooms featured here are taken
ing the furniture or removing the fill
from one of The Dungeon Under
Nevertheless, this is not all. in the walls and more, depending on
the Mountain products, available at
the room’s layout. All the choices, although these
Beside each paragraph you will made on the smaller map are reflected
products are not necessary, since the
find the same button found before, on the larger one.
encounter can be adapted without ef-
but much smaller. This button allows
fort to any existing dungeon.
you to change only the appropriate The Background
paragraph. Therefore, if you need The Dungeon Under the Moun-
How to
stronger monsters in your low-level tain is a massive dungeon complex
Use this Product encounter, you can adjust them and extending endlessly below the ground.
This product takes advantage from use mid-level monsters instead of In a remote past, ancient evil beings
the PDF technology, joining old-fash- low-level ones. Likewise, if you want dwelled in the area. Now, the remain-
ioned style with the most advanced traps tougher, just click on the para- ing of these mysterious evil beings
electronic features. In order to use this graph button and change the level of have seized the dungeons and filled it
product you must use Adobe Acrobat the traps paragraph. Blank spaces, due with deadly traps and monsters. Also,
6 or later. to different text lengths, will be filled many known villains have established
with placeholder artwork, so you will their strongholds in the depths of The
This product has been designed have a good-looking page. Dungeon Under the Mountain. No-
to help busy referees in preparing
body knows why this dungeon is filled
dungeon adventures and encounters. Finally, a paragraph called “Person- by danger, but nobody cares, since this
Instead of wasting time scaling the al Notes” is left blank. This paragraph dungeon is the most prized adventure
encounters and adapting them to your features a text field you can fill with ground of the world. However be
party, here you will find a pre-scaled your notes about the encounter, sim- warned, adventurers, your life will be
encounter suitable in three different ply click and write. not easy here and dozens of self-call-
versions (for low, mid and high level The document saves automatically ing heroes never returned from the
of play). At the beginning of the en- the notes when you close it. In order Dungeon Under the Mountain!
counter text, you will find a big button to recall the notes present on a docu-
like this. ment you must choose “Load Notes”
from the paragraph button. Note that
if you load the previous notes they will “You Have Been
override the notes you are writing
25,% The buttons will not be printed.
$5.'%/. The Maps
Those familiar with The Dun-
geon Under the Mountain products
will found the maps easy to use. The
product comes with two maps of the
room. A smaller version of the map
By clicking on this button you can
is intended for the referee; the second,
choose which level want to play (low,
larger one, may come split in more
medium, high). When you have made
than one sheet and it is intended for
your choice all the relevant portions of
miniature play.
the text will change accordingly.


room 10

1st level
Pillars of Salt

THE DUNGEON the knight’s tears to salt. When later some of the large crystals. As you peer
THE the king confronted the knight about closer, you see within them dried husks

MOUNTAIN THE his missing sister, he remained stone- of humanoids so badly desiccated
faced and unreadable. Still, the greater that you are unable to determine their
loss fell upon the knight for he was original race. Their skins are pulled so
unable to mourn the passing of his tightly that they appear skeletal, though
Pillars of Salt sister and was forced to live out his life, their postures and expressions are
(Level 1, Room 10) unable to share his loss and love.” eerily preserved in an articulation of
unimaginable pain.
Background The corridors leading to this room
and Lead-ins are tunnels encrusted with crystalline Room Description
In order to enter this room, players salt shards. The tunnels are a little less for the Referee
must travel one of the five corridors than five feet in diameter making it an
The room has seven salt entombed
leading in (one is actually a stair lead- cramped and narrow crawl. The salt
corpses, crusts ranging from between
ing to the Great City). The stonework is enchanted to desiccate anything it
three-inches-thick to a pair that are
in the corridors is exquisitely carved contacts (see trap section). At the end
almost foot thick. The thickest connect
from white limestone, with alabaster of the tunnels, light reflects on the
floor to ceiling and are the diameter
figurines of cherubic gargoyles framing salt encrusted walls. Large depos-
of an oak, while the thinner ones
large frescoed panels. The colors have its of salt have crystallized over the
almost look like humanoid statues (see
faded and they are chipping badly, doorways completely sealing them
treasure section for full descriptions).
however a careful interpretation of the but allowing some light to filter out.
A search reveals another smaller
pictures tells the following tale: Damaging the crystalline deposits
crystal nearby that has been hollowed-
alerts the mephit residing in the room
out and filled with a handful of tear
“Long ago there was a knight who shaped salt crystals.
was the high servant to the king. The Room Environment
knight had a younger sister, a sweet Lighting: low-light. Candles Combat Tactics

child whom he loved dearly. One day, reflecting off salt crystal. [high]
she came before him in the courts and Terrain: normal If PCs break the crystalline seal it
her beauty caught the attention of the
draws the mephit’s immediate at-
king. Immediately, he demanded to
wed her as one of his many brides.
Room Description tention. First, he casts invisibility on
for the Players himself, followed by mage armor, and
He sent the knight to fetch his sister
As emerge through the salt covered unholy aura. Then he waits stealthily
and return before the following day.
door, your eyes are assaulted by a diso- for the opportune moment to strike
The knight went to his sister, but the
rienting contrast of glare and shadow. interlopers. He initiates combat with
young girl was stricken with grief for
Like the cramped tunnels leading here, sneak attack against the closest oppo-
she didn’t love the old and lecherous
the room inside is limned with salt nent, then uses his breath weapon to
deposits that cover the walls, floor, and retreat and use his spell-like power to
She told her brother she’d rather
ceiling. Scattered throughout the small draw moisture from the air. Next, he
die, before marry the king. The knight
chamber, a half dozen or so massive uses darkness to obscure his location
pleaded with his sister, but she refused
crystalline formations jut in threaten- and attempts to summon another salt
and stole his blade from his girdle
ing angles like frozen thorn bushes mephit to aid him. Afterwards, he at-
and fell upon it, dying at her brother’s
after a midwinter’s frost. Strangely, the tempt further sneak attacks, augment-
hand. Fearful of the king’s wraith and
room is lit by a score of poorly made ing his melee attacks with smite good,
distraught over his sister’s death the
tallow candles placed haphazardly atop contagion, chill touch, and poison, and
knight fled, carrying his sister’s body
various salt deposits. The room feels making additional breath attacks where
deep into the woods where an old wise
hot and dry and moisture seems to be possible. If reduced to 30 hit points or
witch lived. There the witch made a
siphoning out of your flesh. As your less, he casts blur then retreats and uses
foul pact with the knight to hide his
eyes adjust to the bouncing light, they his unholy blight ability then alternates
deeds from the king. The girl’s body
rest on several dark shadows inside between his ranged spells, horrid wilt-
was burnt and the witch transformed
ing, and his breath weapon.


room 10

1st level
Pillars of Salt

Roleplaying Tactics Relevant Skill Treasures and XP


The PCs may try to reason with Checks If the PCs resolve this encounter
the mephit, which is not an impos- [high] by roleplaying, award the same XP as
sible task. He is not pleased with the Search DC 28: Locates the they defeated the mephit in combat.
terms of his servitude and although he doors behind the salt cover
is powerful, he isn’t brave enough to Search DC 25: Locates the Crys- [high]
have tested the terms and conditions tal Container Salt Crystallized Body 1:
of his imprisonment/guardianship. RULE
A male wearing loose fitting cotton
PCs that immediately acknowledge his
Traps, Mechanical robes. He clutches a rod of frost, On
plight and show him some empathy Devices, Doors, and his person is are several cracked and
can attempt to use Bluff to convince Objects Statblocks dried out leather pouches. Most hold
him that they have come to aid in his [high] only dust, but one contains three small
release. A successful opposed Bluff Salt Encrusted Door, thickness garnets worth 150 gp each. Tucked
check causes him to cease his attacks 2 in, hardness 8, HP 30 into the robes is a bone scrollcase con-
and enter into wary conversation with taining a scroll of cone of cold, detect
an initial attitude of indifferent. From Desiccating Salt (environ- scrying, and stinking cloud (CL 13)
that point on, PCs can attempt to ma- mental hazard): Any living crea- Salt Crystallized Body 2: A
nipulate his attitude with Diplomacy ture entering the salt encrusted passage female wearing a worn suit of ring-
checks. or room is subject to the desiccat- mail. The leather bodice of the armor
ing effect of the crystalline deposits. is dried so completely that as soon as
If the mephit can be made help- Each minute the individual remains the salt crust is removed, the armor
ful, he reveals that he once served a exposed to the salt crystals, he must starts falling apart.
powerful witch who enslaved him as make a Fortitude save (DC20) or lose A +1 longsword is crusted into the
the guardian of the knight’s tears. He 2d8 temporary points of Constitution floor at its feet.
believes he was once a knight as well, damage as the crystals pull water from Salt Crystallized Body 3: A
but the witch cursed him and altered his body. Creatures with the earth female wearing a suit of leather armor
his form when she made him guard- subtype are immune to this effect that is remarkably still supple (greater
ian. He also believes that if the tears while creatures of the water subtype slick leather +3). On her person is
are removed from the chamber, he receive a –4 penalty to saves against it. a crumbling backpack with a set of
will turn into a pillar of salt. None of Water creatures that save successfully masterwork thieves’ tools, three empty
these statements are true, the mephit still take half damage. glass vials, a tinderbox, 60 platnium
is the victim of a well-worded modify coins, and several other unidentifiable
memory spell. Of course, dispelling Salt-Sealed Doorway, thickness items dried to dust. On one of her
the enchantment cures the mephit, 4 in, hardness 8, HP 60, break DC 40. fingers is a ring of free action.
though he may remain hostile towards Salt Crystallized Body 4: A
PCs depending on previous actions Hollow Salt Crystal Con- male body wearing furs and hides that
and circumstances. tainer, thickness 1 1/2 in, hardness 8, crumble to dust as soon as they are
HP 22 exposed to air. He is still clutching a
+1 battleaxe engraved with primitive
runes. Around his neck is a +2 amulet
of natural armor.
Salt Crystallized Body 5: A
female body wearing a suit of elven
chainmail and clutching a +3 dag-
ger and a rapier of puncturing. Slung
across her back is a crumbling wood-
en lute, a horn of fog and a pack filled
with dust.
Salt Crystallized Body 6: A
male knight in suit of +3 full platemail


room 10

1st level
Pillars of Salt

and holding a lion’s shield and a sun 1/hr– glitterdust (DC 14) spell, but with only a 25% chance
blade. He wears a pale blue tabard 3/day– darkness, poison (DC 17), unholy of success. Roll d%: On a failure,
resembling the knight in the tapestry. aura no creature answers the summons
Salt Crystallized Body 7: A 1/day– blasphemy, contagion (DC 16), that day. A mephit that has just
ghoulishly pale ad desiccated woman. desecrate, horrid wilting (DC20), been summoned cannot use its
She wears a gorgeous gown and veil unholy blight (DC 17), unhallow own summon ability for 1 hour. This
hand-stitched from white lace now 1/day– (CL6) draw the moisture from ability is the equivalent of a 2nd-
yellowed with age. She crumbles as an area in a 20-foot-radius centered level spell.
soon as her body is exposed to air. on itself. Living creatures within
range take 2d8 points of damage
The Crystal Container holds (Fortitude DC 14 half). Plant crea- New Objects, Spells,
five greater salt tears.
tures and aquatic creatures take –2 and Magical Items
penalty to saves. This ability is the Salt Tears
equivalent of a 2nd-level spell. A salt tear can turn its user’s
Monsters and
expressions and emotions to stone,

Villains Statblocks Abilities Str 21, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10,
making their intentions and motiva-
[high] Wis 11, Cha 17
tions unreadable to even the most
Jhermali CR 18 SQ trap sense +2, trapfinding
skilled interrogator. The user activates
Male half-fiend salt mephit rogue 7/ Feats Combat Casting, Eschew Materi-
a salt tear by crushing it, following
sorcerer 5 als, Magic Aptitude, Multiattack,
Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon which he gains a + 10 competence
CE Small Outsider (Earth, Extraplanar)
Init +2 (+2 Dex, misc. mods); Senses Focus (claw) bonus to all Bluff checks for the next
Darkvision 60ft; Listen +8, Spot +8 Skills Balance +10, Bluff +8, Climb +5, 24 hours. Salt tears are usually found
Languages Common, Terran. Concentration +7, Diplomacy +8, in groups of 4 +1d4
Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Escape Moderate transmutation: CL7;
AC 24*, touch 16, flat-footed 24; un- Artist +8, Hide +16, Intimidate +12, Craft Wondrous Item; creator must
canny dodge Jump +8, Move Silently +12, Search have 10 ranks in Bluff; Price 250gp.
hp 89 (15HD); fast healing 2/round; +5, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of
DR 10/magic Hand +7, Spellcraft +7, Tumble +8, Salt Tears, Improved
Immune poison Use Magic Device +10, Use Rope As salt tears except the user is also
Resist evasion; acid 10, cold 10, elec- +6 (+8 with bindings) warded as if under the effect of an
tricity 10, fire 10; SR 25 undetectable alignment spell
Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +9 Breath Weapon (Su): 10-foot cone of Moderate transmutation: CL7;
salt crystals, damage 1d4, Reflex Craft Wondrous Item; undetectable
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 40 ft. (aver- DC 13 half. Living creatures that alignment, creator must have 10 ranks
age) fail their saves are tormented by in Bluff; Price 700gp.
Melee 2 claws +17 (1d3+5) and bite +14 itching skin and burning eyes. This
(1d4 +2); Multiattack effect imposes a –4 penalty to AC Salt Tears, Greater
Base Atk +10; Grp +11 and a –2 penalty on attack rolls for As improved salt tears except the
Atk Options sneak attack +4d6 3 rounds. user is also warded with a screen spell
Special Atk breath weapon (1/1d4 and the competence bonus to Bluff is
rounds), smite good, summon Fast Healing (Ex): Jhermali heals only
increased to +15.
mephit if in an arid environment.
Strong Illusion: CL18; Craft
Spells (CL 5, +16 melee touch, +13
Wondrous Item; screen, undetectable
ranged touch): Smite Good (Su): Once per day,
alignment, creator must have 15 ranks
2nd (5/day)– blur, invisibility Jhermali can make a normal melee
in Bluff; Price 3,600gp.
1st (7/day)– chill touch (DC13), mage attack to deal extra +15 damage
armor (already cast), magic missile, against a good foe.
ray of enfeeblement (DC13) Designer’s Notes
0 (6/day)– detect magic, light, mend- Summon Mephit (Sp): Once per day, When running this encounter, try
ing, open/close, read magic, touch of Jhermali can attempt to summon as best you can to stress the drying
fatigue (DC12) another salt mephit, much as effect. I suggest describing how the
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15): though casting a summon monster PC’s skin grows slowly ashy and flakes


room 10

1st level
Pillars of Salt
as it dries, make their eyes sting (you THE
Personal Notes
may even want impose a Spot penalty
though the room is small enough that Write here your personal notes
it shouldn’t matter), and make their
lips chapped and split. Don’t be afraid
to slightly excessive, because unlike
a desert encounter, once the players
leave the room they should have am-
ple time to recover from any desiccat-
ing effects.

Author’s Bio
This is Tim’s fourth room for
the Dungeon Under the Mountain.
Recently however, he’s discovered that
there are further levels to the dungeon
and is therefore beginning to think he
might never find his way out.


room 10

1st level


5 4

THE to the Great City

one square = 5 ft.



Pillars of Salt (battlemap 1 of 1)

© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only




tem l
ksownedbyW i

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