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Level 5 – Unit 5: We’ve got English!

monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday

What have we got on Monday? : We’ve got English :

our : của chúng tôi
Chúng ta học môn gì vào thứ 2? Chúng ta học môn Tiếng Anh.
their : của họ
When have we got PE? : We’ve got PE on Thursday :
Chúng ta học thể dục vào khi nào? Chúng ta học môn Thể dục vào thứ 5.

1. What have we got on Monday? (2/ maths)

- We’ve got maths.
2. What have we got on _________________? (4/ art)
- We’ve got _______________.
3. What have we got on _________________? (6/ science)
- __________________________.
4. What have we got on _________________? (5/ music)

- __________________________.
5. What have we got on __________________? (7/ PE)
- __________________________.
6. When have we got English? (5)
- We’ve got English on Thursday.
7. When have we got maths? (2)
- We’ve got maths on _______________.
8. When have we got science? (4)

- ________________________________________.
9. When have we got art? (3)
- ________________________________________.
10. When have we got music? (6)
- ________________________________________.

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