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假期 词汇必备 40-50 个+句式必备 20-30 个



1. beach 海滩
2. wave 海浪
3. sunshine 阳光
4. sea gull 海鸥
5. playground 操场
6. peaceful 平静的
7. modern city 现代都市
8. clean air 空气清新
9. gentle breeze 微风
10. a scenic town 风光美丽的小镇
11. peace and quiet 清静、宁静
12. special activities 特别活动
13. holiday resort 度假胜地

14. happy memories 愉快的记忆
15. relaxed 放松的
16. pleasure 高兴,愉快
17. miss 想念
18. recharge one’s batteries 放松、休整
19. be under a great amount of stress 有很大的压力
20. tired 劳累的
21. relax 放松的
22. joyful experience 欢快的体验


23. go on holiday/vacation 去度假

24. tourist attraction 景点
25. flock to ... 涌到某个地方
26. cook delicious food 做美味食品
27. play badminton 打羽毛球
28. take a walk 散步
29. admire the beauty of flowers 赏花
30. go to a theme park 主题公园
31. travel abroad 出国旅行
32. do some sightseeing 观光
33. relax at the beach 沙滩上放松
34. go surfing 冲浪
35. lie on a deckchair 躺在沙滩椅上
36. local festivals 地方性节日
37. travel 旅行
38. go to a history museum 历史博物馆



1. They enjoy all the cheerful things .

2. Hope you have a good time
希望你们玩的高兴 。
3. I will go through the day full of energy .
4. It is relax to stay here .
5. The long walk tires me .
长途步行让我非常疲惫 。

6. My friends and I like to go traveling during summer vacation.
7. I can't wait to set up my summer vacation plan.
8. We traveled to Germany by plane last summer vacation.
9. The students visited the History Museum last summer holiday
10. Did you do any summer jobs while you were a college student?
11. This summer vacation I got a part-time job in a fast-food restaurant.
12. I travel abroad with my family .
我和我的家人一起出国旅行 。
13. I'll just stay home.
我将只待在家里 。
14. I usually go to the grocery store to buy snacks.
我通常去杂货店买零食 。


15. This place is peace and quiet . 这个地方和平,宁静。

16. We bought some local crafts .我们买了一些当地工艺品。
17. There are special activities . 这里有特别的活动 。
18. This is a holiday resort .这里是一个度假胜地。
19. There is a pavilion at the centre of the lake . 湖中心有一个亭子。

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