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The amount of electricity (which was) produced from

nuclear energy rose gradually to 2 million Kwh.

1. The number of students in the academy increased

by about 1000 students every year

2. The percentage of electricity which was produced

from nuclear energy increased by 10% in 2010

8. The percentage of the boys who attended math

class were 10% higher than that of girls

5. The figure for visitors to Vietnam was 20 million in


6. The figure for unemployment in Vietnam was over

15 thousand people in 2010.

People who go to the movies = movie-goer

People who commute
= commuters

The chart  the given chart/ the chart below

Show  illustrate/ provide an illustration of/ Depict/
describe/ indicate/ demonstrate/ give information
(data) on (about)/compare

C1: how many people commuted daily by three

different means of transport (sVO)

C2: the mean figure for daily commuters by three

different means of transport

In the UK = in Britain

Between 1970 and 2000 = from 1970 to 2000

Over a period of 30 years, starting from 1970 =
during a 30-year period.

the given chart provides an illustration of how many

people commuted daily by three different means of
transport in Britain from 1970 to 2000

the chart below illustrates the mean figure for daily

commuters by three different means of transport in
Britain Over a period of 30 years, starting from 1970.

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