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BretonicGamer mattybrem v1.

Antike II
• Aim: Develop civilisation, earn personages.

• Win: First nation to X personages win.

6 Players 5 Players 4 Players 3 Players
7 Personages 8 Personages 9 Personages 10 Personages

• Personages: Awarded at the end of a turn. Cannot be lost.

o While a nation only has 0, 1 or 2 personages its cities have +1 defence.
10 Kings Earned for every 5 cities owned (e.g. 5, 10, 15, etc.)
7 Generals Earned for every temple destroyed (including neutral ones).
A temple is destroyed when a city is conquered.
If a nation is short of winning by only 1 personage, it may win the game by
destroying a temple even if the bank has no more general on offer.
6 Citizens Earned for every 3 temples owned (e.g. 3, 6, 9, etc.)
9 Scholars Earned for every NEW technology advance.
9th Scholar: Awarded to first nation that owns all 8 technologies.
5 Navigators Earned by controlling 7 sea areas.
Sea Region with Galley: Counts for 2 regions for purpose of gaining

• Set up: Set up varies according to player count and board selected. See page 3 of rules.
o Last player receives the Bellona card. When this player selects Militia (Arming), gain
on extra military unit for free, then pass card to right.

• Turn:
o 1. Action Selection
First turn – select position on rondel freely.
All other turns – move clockwise, can freely choose any of the next 3 spaces.
Any further than 3 spaces costs one resource (your choice) per space.

o 2. Founding Cities
May found one or more new cities.
Must have at least one military unit in the region.
Foreign units do not prevent founding.
Neutral temples must be destroyed before founding.
Cost per city – 1 marble, 1 iron, 1 gold. (Coins can substitute)
Place a city that matches the resource shown on the board, if all 3 shown,
player may choose.

o 3. Winning Personages: End of turn you may collect personages – if requirements

are met and they are still available (exception General).

• Exceptions/Other Rules:
o Banks supply is limited; Only resource chips are unlimited.
o Coins are wild. Can replace other resources.
o If a nation only has 1 city left, that city cannot be conquered.
o If a nation is short of winning by only 1 personage, it may win the game by
destroying a temple even if the bank has no more general on offer.

Bretonic Gamer Rules Summary mattybrem v 1.1

BretonicGamer mattybrem v1.1

• Production: Marmor (marble), Ferrum (iron), Aurum (gold).
o 1 per city; 3 per city with temple. And 1 coin.

• Utilisation: Militia (arming), Templum (temple), Scientia (know-how)

o Militia: Place military units at your cities.
Cost – 2 iron per unit.
Limit – 1 new unit at each city without a temple, 3 new units at each city
with a temple.
Units (friendly or enemy) already there do not affect the limit.
No limit to units in a region.
While arming – there is no fight.
o Templum: Build one or more new temples.
Cost – 5 marble per temple.
Limit – 1 temple per city.
Temples triple production, arming and defence.
o Scientia: Develop one or more technologies.
First nation to develop pays higher cost; Awards scholar personage.
Technologies “owned” at end of turn – cannot be used on turn bought.
Mercatura (market) Trade resources with bank at 2:1 rate. Cannot trade for coins.
Commercium (commerce) Trade resources with bank at 3:2 rate. Cannot trade for coins.
Metallum (metal) 1 extra resource when producing.
Moneta (currency) 2 extra resources when producing.
Regnum (kingdom) City defences +1.
Res Publica (republic) City defences +2.
Strata (streets) Legions move up to 2 regions.
Navigatio (navigation) Galleys move up to 2 regions.

• Movere (Maneuver): 2 phases in order:

o 1. Movement and battles
All of a nation’s military units may move.
1 region per unit unless researched Strata or Navigatio.
If moving into/across region with enemy units, battle may occur if either
side demands it.
Legions v legions, galleys v galleys only. Destroy each other 1 to 1.
Cities with enemy units can continue to produce and create units.

o 2. Conquest
After moving and battles resolved, may conquer hostile cities.
Number of military units must equal or exceed defence of the city.
City Defence:
1 without temple 3 with temple
+1 for each defending legion and galley of that nation in +1 if own <=2 personages
the region.
+1 if researched Regnum +2 if researched Res Publica
Conqueror removes units = to city’s defence from the board.
Defenders legions and galleys removed from board.
If city had temple, it is destroyed (conqueror gains General personage).
City token is replaced.
If a nation only has 1 city left, that city cannot be conquered.
Neutral temples have a defence of 3.

Bretonic Gamer Rules Summary mattybrem v 1.1

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