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Barbie Movie

In my opinión new Barbie movie was entertaining, funny and iconic. It really
capture my attention and made me laugh, sometimes it was a little be too
boring but then it became interesting again, I like the idea the producers want
to transmit, that you have to be yourself no matter stereotypes, standards or
other people, you have been created to be yourself and do what you want also
that it is ok to change your way of thinking or being if it makes you happy.

The new Barbie movie talks about an enchanting and entertaining adventure
that celebrates the power of self-discovery, friendship and the acceptance of
the true self, we can see this at the end when Barbie discovers that what she
really wants to do is become an ordinary person, with imperfections, emotions
of all kinds and without a perfect life.

The movie shows you different lessons like that you need to know how to
work in team like the Barbies when they agreed to stop the patriarchy that Ken
stablish, team work is important, also that you don’t depend in someone else
to be yourself, you can create your own life and reputation by your own we
can see this at the end of the movie when Ken realize that he can continue
being someone without Barbie.

What I most like about the movie is that they tried to show many kind of
different persons, to demonstrate that there’s not only one standard of person
and that everyone is perfect by their own way, also that it portrayed women
like strong, independent, intelligent and capable individuals that can do
whatever they purpose to themselves.

In conclusion the new Barbie movie was excellent it shows you many lessons
and situations that are realistic and it can happen in daily life. Maybe yes
Barbie is a toxic standard that have been surging overtime but she also have
help many persons by showing diversity, inclusivity and different kind of
standards, it depends on how you want to look at it. In my personal opinion I
really liked the movie.

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