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Self-Reflection Make-up Assignment

My time at FDU has been filled with personal and professional development

opportunities. My time spent here has been molded by various events, some of which have been

good, some of which have been bad, and some have surprised me. It is well known that FDU

provides great help to international students, especially those enrolled in EPS. The institution is

aware of the difficulties that overseas students encounter while adapting to the educational

system of a new country and provides various services and initiatives designed specifically to

assist these students in achieving academic success.

The encouragement and support I got from members of the FDU professors and staff was

undoubtedly one of the most rewarding elements of my time at FDU. Everyone on campus, from

my teachers to the members of the student services staff, has been dedicated to ensuring that I am

successful. Students at the institution have access to various services, including academic

advising, tutoring, and counseling, to provide them with the help they need to achieve their

objectives. My academic success can be directly attributed to the high amount of assistance I

have received, which has been a game-changer. For instance, the Office of Global Learning at

FDU offers academic and personal support to overseas students and assists them with matters

about visas and immigration. In addition, the institution provides EPS students with a unique

orientation program tailored to assist them in acclimating to American universities' academic and

cultural norms. In addition, FDU offers an extensive network of student clubs and organizations
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that cater to international students. These clubs and organizations allow students to engage with

people from their home countries or regions. These clubs put on cultural events, social

gatherings, and opportunities to volunteer, all of which can make it easier for international

students to adjust to their new environment on campus.

On the other hand, the exorbitant expense of tuition was one of the bad parts of my stay

at FDU. As a student in the EPS, I am immediately confronted with numerous difficulties as I

attempt to adapt to a new nation and educational system. The stress and strain that I already

endure have been amplified due to the financial weight of my tuition and other costs associated

with my education. Although I know that a high-quality education comes at a price, the

institution might be doing more to assist its students, particularly those having trouble making

ends meet.

The wide range of backgrounds represented among the student population was one aspect

of my time at FDU that surprised me. Because people come from all over the world to study at

this university, it has been really interesting to learn about the various cultures and points of view

that people have. The breadth of extracurricular opportunities and groups that are made

accessible to students is another aspect that has left an impression on me. At FDU, students may

participate in various activities, ranging from sports teams to community service organizations.

For the duration of their studies at the university, international students will be supported

by FDU, which is dedicated to giving them a welcoming environment. My time at FDU has been

a combination of surprise, unfavorable, and great events. Even though I like the assistance and

tools I can access, the institution could do more to lessen the financial load on its students. I

appreciate the chance to attend FDU and participate in a lively and varied community.

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