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Narrative Essay: Grit

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Department of Psychology, Houston Community College

PSYC 2301: General Psychology

Professor: Dr. Matt Webster

Month Day, Year

PSYC 2301 – General Psychology Dr. Matt Webster



My buddy Mike, whom I met on campus, is one example of a gritty person that springs to mind.

Powerlifting competitor Mike has always astounded me with his commitment to and tenacity in the

sport. Although Mike has had setbacks and injuries, he has never given up powerlifting. He works

tirelessly, taking long training sessions and pushing himself to carry ever-heavier loads. He also has a

strong sense of discipline in healing and nutrition, constantly making sure to refuel his body and attend

to any ailments fully. In his career, Mike has shown grit in addition to powerlifting. He is a software

developer who has encountered several difficulties in a mostly complex field. However, he has not let

this deter him; instead, he has used it as inspiration to push himself even harder and prove his potential.

Mike is naturally grizzled because of his unrelenting tenacity and dedication to his interests.

Gritty Characteristics

Mike’s progressive transformation into a tenacious person has been influenced by his

involvement in athletics and his work in the IT sector. As a youngster, he participated in various sports

and activities and was constantly active. However, he did not learn about powerlifting until he was a

college student. He was attracted to the activity right once because he enjoyed the challenge and sense

of fulfillment that came with lifting large objects. Nevertheless, Mike soon saw that powerlifting was not

straightforward and required much effort and commitment. Early in his powerlifting career, Mike

sustained a devastating injury that tested his tenacity. Doctors warned him that he might never lift again

after he tore his rotator cuff during a competition. Mike, though, resisted giving up. He had surgery and

endured months of physical therapy to recover more powerfully than ever. He put much effort into

building his strength before rejoining the sport.

PSYC 2301 – General Psychology Dr. Matt Webster


Mike’s tenacity was put to the test in his career as well. He experienced several difficulties and

hurdles since he was a woman working in a most complex sector. He often felt disregarded and

undervalued, yet the challenge did not deter him. Instead, he used his determination to push himself

further and succeed. He spent many hours honing new abilities and taking on complex tasks, finally

winning the respect and admiration of his coworkers. Mike is now a professional software engineer and

a competitive powerlifter. He keeps working hard to grow and accomplish new objectives in both

aspects of his life. Mike has developed into a genuinely seasoned person through his tenacity and

fortitude, encouraging others to never give up on their aspirations.

Key Terms / Major Points About Grit

Mike's life supports the definition of grit in the TED Talk and the essay. Mike has displayed grit,

described as tenacity and desire for long-term objectives, in his athletic and professional endeavors.

Deliberate practice, or establishing clear objectives and working relentlessly to attain them, is one of the

essential elements of grit. Mike has used purposeful practice throughout his powerlifting career to lift

more weight and refine his form. Each week, he devotes hours to working out at the gym, meticulously

arranging his routines, and assessing his results to pinpoint areas requiring development.

Resilience, or the capacity to overcome obstacles and failure, is a critical component of grit.

Mike has encountered several challenges in his sports and professional career, including prejudice and

injuries. However, he has not allowed these obstacles to stop him from succeeding. Instead, he has

embraced them as chances for growth and learning, working harder than ever to conquer the


Angela Duckworth highlights the value of having a growth mindset in her TED Talk, which is the

conviction that aptitudes can be developed with commitment and effort. Mike exemplifies this thinking

style by always looking for fresh obstacles to overcome and chances to grow. He has a strong

enthusiasm for software engineering and powerlifting, always trying to improve his knowledge and

PSYC 2301 – General Psychology Dr. Matt Webster


abilities in both fields. Mike's story serves as proof of the effectiveness of grit. He has excelled in his

professional and athletic endeavors thanks to careful practice, perseverance, and a development

attitude. His life is an example for others, demonstrating that everything is feasible when you are

committed and persistent.

Application of Grit

I could use the Grit Scale Survey to gauge how much grit I possess. Thanks to the poll, I may

better understand my strengths and shortcomings when it comes to tenacity and enthusiasm for long-

term objectives. I can see where I might use grit, like being more explicit with my objectives or finding

better ways to deal with challenges.

The TED Talk and essay on grit provide insightful perspectives on the significance of tenacity and

enthusiasm in attaining long-term objectives. I may take inspiration from the examples of resilient

people and use the ideas in my own life. For instance, I may adopt a growth mindset and think that by

working hard and being committed, I might improve my skills. I may accept difficulties and failures as

chances to advance rather than failure indicators.

Individuals may establish clear objectives and create plans for reaching them to apply the

understanding of grit to their own life. I may work diligently to develop my abilities by purposeful

practice, breaking down my objectives into miniature, attainable stages. I may also look for mentors and

role models that personify the virtues of grit, and I can absorb their knowledge and wisdom from their

experiences. Grit may be a valuable tool for those who want to accomplish their long-term objectives.

People may increase their grit levels and succeed more fully in every aspect of their life by evaluating

their current degree of grit, learning from the examples of others, and implementing tactics for tenacity

and enthusiasm.

Paying it Forward

PSYC 2301 – General Psychology Dr. Matt Webster


I may start by thinking about others in my life, such as friends, family members, or coworkers,

who may be having difficulty accomplishing their long-term objectives and might benefit from an

education on grit. After that, I can start talks with them and share my stories about how grit helped me

overcome challenges and succeed. In addition, I suggest resources for you, such as books, articles, and

TED Talks, which cover the topic of grit and provide suggestions for how you might cultivate it. I can

inspire and encourage people to adopt a mentality of grit and perseverance in the face of adversity by

sharing the information and experiences I have gained throughout my life with others.

PSYC 2301 – General Psychology Dr. Matt Webster

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