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Dear Ivana Raise,

I have complied with your request by researching the code of ethics for the industry, evaluating

several papers, and responding to the case studies and questionnaires that have been supplied.

Based on my findings, I will provide an exhaustive list of the ethical behaviors required of every

employee, which may be included in a "Code of Ethical Conduct" for our organization.

Code of Ethics for Professionals in the Industry The code of ethics for professionals in the

industry consists of a collection of ethical norms and principles that guide the conduct of

professionals working in the industry. Even though there is not one single code of ethics that

applies to all fields, the majority of industries adhere to a consistent set of principles. These

qualities include honesty, integrity, professionalism, and responsibility. In addition, the code of

ethics for the industry emphasizes the significance of treating all parties, including customers,

coworkers, and stakeholders, with respect and decency.

I evaluated several papers that discussed ethical conduct in the workplace. One of the most

important lessons I learned from the articles was the necessity of openness and responsibility in

fostering ethical conduct. In addition, the articles underlined how important it is to establish a

culture of ethics inside a business and how the leadership of that firm should serve as a model for
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the rest of the workforce to follow. The articles also addressed the need to have clear regulations

and procedures relating to ethical conduct and provide continuing education and training for


Case Studies and questionnaires: Both the case studies and the questionnaires that were supplied

were useful in better understanding the difficulties that businesses experience when attempting to

encourage ethical conduct among their employees. Having well-defined rules and processes and

providing staff with quality education and training were among the most important things to

learn from the case studies. The polls underscored the necessity for firms to build a culture of

ethics in which workers feel comfortable reporting ethical infractions and are rewarded. This

culture allows employees to feel comfortable reporting ethical violations.

List of Ethical actions; The following, which I have compiled based on my study, is an

exhaustive list of the ethical actions that are required of all employees:

Sincerity and moral rectitude


Regard for one's fellow man





Observance of all applicable laws and regulations

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Avoidance of situations involving competing interests

safeguarding the organization's property

To summarize, our company must implement a code of ethical conduct to guarantee that all our

workers comprehend and abide by the ethical norms and values that direct our actions. The list of

ethical actions that I have supplied is intended to serve as a good starting point for building our

company's code of ethics, which is based on the study that I have conducted. I am looking

forward to going to the conference and presenting the results of my research.


Ali Alghlani Said

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