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8 Special Report S UND AY, JULY 1 6 , 2 0 2 3

A vertically-
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that is way
above the
The challenges to a Star-PBS merger
Raymond Tombung sentiments for the sake of political

HE overture by Star president and mileage.
first deputy chief minister Datuk So can the two biggest Momogun
Seri Panglima Dr Jeffrey Kitingan parties agree on a merger now? Can old
for a merger between the Sabah Tana- wounds, or to borrow Henrynus’ word,
hairku (Star) party and Parti Bersatu deep hatred and distrust, be healed and
Sabah (PBS) reflects one of Star’s slogan, set aside?
“Unity is Duty”, a demonstration of his The response from PBS leaders on the
ultraistic motive for a larger and proposal ranged from none to luke-
stronger Momogun-based political en- warm. PBS’ supremo, Tan Sri Pairin and
tity. president Datuk Maximus Ongkili are
An Knowing Dr Jeffrey’s farsightedness keeping mum, while his deputy Datuk
upcoming in- through decades of association (since Joachim Gunsalam, who is also a deputy Jeffrey Maximus Joachim Joniston Henrynus
florescence our struggle in the now-defunct chief minister, said there is no rush to go
that is Angkatan Keadilan Rakyat or Akar), I be- into it as it is “only a proposal” and “the

A large star-shaped inflorescence in white and pink.

by hairy
lieve his proposal for a merger comes
with a willingness to compromise, pos-
sibly even with the unstated openness to
party is prepared to continue working
with Sabah Star under the Gabungan
Rakyat Sabah (GRS) coalition umbrella
Ghapur known for speaking out
negotiation on his position as party led by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Datuk Teddy Chin

T Striking leafy star calatheas

HERE are many flowers that are natu- president. Noor.” SABAH recently lost one of her most illus-
rally gifted with the shape of a star.
In this case, however, a noble offer Datuk Joniston Bangkuai, the PBS in- trious sons – the late Datuk Seri Panglima
Some may have pointed tips at the
end of the petals, while others may have
will be met with various challenges, formation chief was more positive, say- Abdul Ghapur Salleh, former Deputy
rounded or slightly rounded shapes. And some of which may be insurmountable. ing “fusion of PBS and STAR could Chief Minister/Member of
yet there are flower petals that are elon- It will not be an easy process like the symbolise a strategic transformation. Parliament/State Assemblyman. He was
gated and slim in shape, with others having merger of Pasok Momogun and the The key consideration is unity and 80. Almost half-a-century ago, the then
even the large towns around Sabah. This mally expect to derive benefits from the Although the leaves of star calathea are
wavy, curvy or undulating petals which add United National Kadazan Organisation that it can potentially reinforce the GRS young Ghapur was an Assistant District
view may be proven wrong but as at today, plants. At the end of the day, the cultivation less colourful, nevertheless, its rich green
value in the form of attractive and alluring nothing of the sort is visible anywhere of commercial crops, and its subsequent ac- with lightly coloured midribs constitute
(Unko) into the United Pasok Kadazan state coalition” but cautioned the Officer (ADO) in Tawau, I think. He was
features to draw attention and action. within the city, with a lot more areas still re- tivity chain, means to enrich life. positive attractive values to the plant. But Organisation (Upko) in 1964, which was process to merger will face many diffi- roped in by the late Tun Fuad Stephens
All these are geared towards creating maining in wait mode. Similarly, the cultivation of ornamental the most striking botanical segment of the agreed to by GS Sundang with condi- culties, citing seat distribution and can- and Tan Sri Harris Salleh as the Berjaya
mechanisms of survival of the species, Perhaps DBKK, with its large entourage plants also enriches life by value-adding to plant lies in the long inflorescences that are tions, eventhough it was bitterly op- didate selection will be key for any candidate for Merotai in Tawau in the
where flower shapes, forms and colours of very hardworking and extremely skilful and uplifting the monotony of daily living. often of appreciable sizes, height and posed to by his brother Sedomon political merger to work but stressed 1976 State general election. He lost to an
play a vital role in ensuring that they attract and knowledgeable experts that handle the Plants like bonsais, fragrant, colourful or at- colour. It is normal for such inflorescences Gunsanad (later Datuk Seri Panglima, any move that could promote unity and Usno candidate.
sufficient pollinating or dispersal agents. landscaping of the city, should seriously tractive flowers, graceful leafy palms and to stand head and shoulders above the fo- awarded posthumously in 2016). strengthen GRS deserved support. Soon after the election, Harris made
These represent good tidings for those who consider adding more variations to the stale shapely ornamentals, make for waking up liage by a margin of 10-20cm which is why This merger was achieved by an In fact the whole idea of merging two Ghapur Berjaya’s executive secretary at its
cultivate them as well as for those who don’t and same-old-same-old façade. This is not very early in the morning a worthwhile they are always visible even from afar. arrangement for a co-presidency by political parties is a complex process headquarters, then housed at the Sin-
such as looters and wild life including mon- terms. The latter sounds familiar as local to say that new varieties must be added daily effort which is made no more a daily These inflorescences are borne on tall Donald Stephens and Sundang. and replete with various challenges and suran Complex. Harris had by then taken
keys, birds, baboons, bees and a long list of pronunciations may push out equivalents every six months or even yearly, but suffice struggle to wobble out of bed. vertical spikes each bearing numerous long, We can take lessons from failed at- issues. over from Tun Fuad who died in an air
other insects and four and two-leggeds. such as capati which is a popular snack all it to say that a couple of new varieties added In its natural form, calatheas prefer a slim pink-coloured bracts that overlap and Hajiji paying his last respects at Ghapur’s grave. Inset: Ghapur
tempts at mergers between parties after The two parties have similar ideolo- crash barely two months after Berjaya’s
The real shapes of flower petals are quite over Malaysia. This is helpful as it makes re- to the picture every few years should make lightly shaded to low light conditions. It is wrap around each other in the early stages that. gies, the name of the merged entity can victory. out against Najib’s statement. Another
limited, that is, they are either long or short, calling the name of the plant an easy job. for a very much more lively and colourful also tolerant of indoor conditions especially of formation. Hidden between the bracts
round or thin, wavy or undulating, frilled or Star calatheas belong to the family
The Upko and PBRS very serious effort be Star Bersatu, and both have logos It was an open secret that Harris liked Sabah Umno leader who also made noise
rejuvenation. And rejuvenation and reinvig- when the application of water is at a mini- can be found the small flowers which are in- to merge in 2004 almost succeeded but with the handshake which can be easily Ghapur, so much so that the latter was over Najib’s statement was Datuk Seri
without frills at the edges, and so on. This is Marantaceae with the Calathea genus hav- oration are what the landscape of KK City mal to sustain the plant without rotting significant and not prominent. This is simi-

almost the same as human beings since ing about 300 species of evergreen peren- ultimately failed for several reasons. combined into one. dubbed the former’s “Blue-Eyed Boy”. Panglima Masidi Manjun.
need. away the rhizomes. Regular rotation of the lar in some ways to the inflorescences found For one, a senior leader in Upko was But the real challenge will be the Anybody who hoped to be a Berjaya can- Never mind their exact words, but
there are also people who are long or short, nial plants with some bearing high

Benefits of cultivating star calatheas plant especially if it is placed near a light on flowering Costus speciosus plants.

round or pole-like, undulating and shapely, ornamental and landscape value. A few vari- peeved at the idea of being relegated to arrangement of the new leadership didate or receive other benefits would not something like “Ya, Fixed Deposit, but if
Every plant, irrespective of whether they source may allow it to maintain its leaf The pink bracts of star calathea are the
and so on. Such physical variations in life eties have food value where the larger rhi- a junior position in the proposed lineup. want to offend Ghapur. we can find higher interest somewhere

are the cultivated and domesticated ones, or stalks in an erect position thus enhancing structures that contribute to the beauty of

forms allow for a more interesting and zomes are extracted and a starch obtained merged entity. As Dr Jeffrey had mentioned, who will In the 1981 State election, Ghapur was else?” in an obvious reference to Anwar
those still in the jungles out there, confers and maintaining its attractiveness. the inflorescence and thus its demand. As
lively world without the same, boring mo- from them. So after months of negotiations with be the president? fielded again in Merotai. This time he Ibrahim’s PH (Pakatan Harapan) which

benefits to the grower and the environ- Within the genus of Calathea, there are the inflorescence advances in growth, more
notony. Native to Central and tropical and sub- ment. It is well known that plants comprise numerous varieties of leafy herbaceous bracts open up with the mature ones nearly the late Tan Sri Herman Luping chairing The identity of the personality at the won. I am not sure if he held any govern- did well in the 2008 election.
While many star-shaped flowers are tropical South America, including countries a layer of green cover that protects the earth perennials whose foliage are the outstand- levelling out to form the characteristic star- the negotiation committee, the effort top will be critical in the maximization ment post after that but whatever it is he as I can recall, Ghapur never offered any In fact, PH did so well that it forced Pak
small in size that usually measure 2-5cm in such as Brazil, Ecuador, Columbia and Peru, from desertification and other ravages of ing feature that attracts attention. These in- shaped inflorescence. With several large was abandoned. of the new party’s influence. was somebody not to be messed around explanation. Lah to abolish the post of Parliamentary
diameter, some ornamental plants are able the plant has since spread all over the world nature. clude various kinds of shades and colours, clusters planted in a bed, the sight of large Then in 2017 there was a “Tataba Ini- Pairin will still be the presidential ad- with in Berjaya. Ghapur was one of the When Ghapur died, Pairin was gra- Secretary (Setiausaha Parliamen) which is
to bear truly large star flowers that often because of its beautiful evergreen foliage In fact, in some countries, there are stripes and blotches and sizes and shapes of numbers of inflorescences that stand up tiative” effort by Parti Kerjasama Anak visor, but who will be the president and only six Berjaya candidates who survived cious enough to place a quarter-page junior to the Deputy Minister.
reach 8-10 cm in diameter. and strikingly eye-catching inflorescences. desert greening projects that successfully the leaves. above the foliage to form a layer of pink is Negeri (Anak Negeri) to merge his party from which party? the PBS onslaught in the 1985 election. Condolence message in the Daily Express. Opposition MPs had expressed unhap-
One such variety is known as Calathea And, coupled with its hardiness, the plant is cover up millions of hectares of dry arid Even the midribs and veins that are simply too good to miss. with Upko and PBRS. Consideration between Dr Jeffrey and Soon after that, he and two other Berjaya Ghapur sat out the 1986 State snap polls, piness in the past that some of their ques-
loeseneri. This is an evergreen, shrubby rhi- worthy of its categorisation as a tough lands with trees and shrubs, which consti- spread out over the laminae, often have The thickened underground roots of the The failure of this attempt was ex- Dr Maximus Ongkili would give an ad- YBs threw their weight behind PBS led by making way for an Usno candidate. He tions in Parliament were answered only
zomatous perennial herbaceous ornamen- perennial evergreen. These are the assets tute a sort of record in human history. Such variations in colour such as pink, white, plant are made up of rhizomes that are use- plained by Anak Negeri’s president, vantage to the former for being a parlia- Tan Sri Joseph Pairin. did the same in 1991. by SU Parliament, not even Deputy Minis-
tal that can achieve heights of 100-150cm that attract plant lovers who are in the recovered lands may be used for some eco- purple, dark or light green etc. All the leaves ful propagative materials. Rhizomes of In late October of 1985, there was a However, in 1994 Ghapur made a ter, let alone Minister.
Datuk Henrynus Amin, who claimed mentarian, an assemblyman, the first
when grown on enriched planting beds know to own and cultivate them. nomic purposes on a balanced basis to en- are borne on tall, long and stiff hairy peti- some varieties are edible where they are State Legislative Assembly sitting. The PBS comeback in Merotai. Partly because the For the record, after Najib became PM
that “a small group of powerful Parti deputy chief minister – and also the
under partially shaded conditins. But, as much as the relevance of the plant sure not only productivity, but also oles which allow the plants to maximise on used as raw materials for the extraction of government tabled a Bill to make it com- former Usno rep was now contesting in 2009, Anifah was made a full Cabinet
The plant is also called Star Calathea, is to gardens and landscapes, unfortunately, Bersatu Sabah (PBS) leaders conspired brother of Pairin.
sustainability. dim light situations such as along bal- starch. These are used in some indigenous to sabotage the Tataba initiative to unite But selection of a president in such a pulsory for the Governor to appoint as under the PBS banner. Usno under the Minister (Foreign). The KL boys finally got
Brazilian Calathea or Capathea in common it is not used in the city landscapes of KK, or With cultivated varieties, growers nor- conies, or under tall trees or palms, etc. communities in smoothening dishes or leadership of Datu Amir Kahar Tun
and merge the party with Upko and case is most often resolved by politics, Chief Minister the leader of the party with the message and stopped taking East
thickening of soups and gravy. PBRS prior to GE13. the most seats. It was to amend the State Mustapha had formed a coalition with Malaysian MPs for granted.
not by logic.
As propagative materials, the rhizomes Constitution and required a two-thirds PBS and its candidates contested under By the way, in both the 2004 and 2008
The initiative which was originally in- What is reasonable to the top leader-
are dug from established clumps and then majority. PBS had done its homework. To- the PBS banner. Ghapur won. Two MP election in Kalabakan, Ghapur won
divided into several portions. Each of these
tended to strengthen the Momogun ship may likely be seen unacceptable to
voice within Barisan Nasional fell the lower rank leaders, who at their gether with the three YBs who jumped months after the 1994 election, the PBS uncontested. That was a record of sorts
may be used to start new spot planting or from Berjaya, they would have the re- government collapsed due to defections. and it proved his popularity so that his
cluster development. Pulling out plantlets through as a result of the conspiracy by level, would also have their own rivalries
these PBS leaders with deep hatred and and clashes. quired two-thirds. Ghapur was made Communication and would-be challengers would think twice.
from mature clumps is not advisable as the Works Minister or commonly known as
distrust of Upko and PBRS.” Power struggles would arise as mem- However, when the Assembly met and However in 2018, Ghapur failed to de-
roots are very well developed and firmly set.
The Star-PBS merger proposal is not bers of both parties seek to maintain or the Bill was about to be tabled, there was the JKR Minister. fend Kalabakan, losing to a Warisan can-
Applying force in this way may only result
new; it first came into discussion in gain influence within the merged entity, one Berjaya absentee. In other words, one After Datuk Seri Panglima Salleh Said didate. But this was the year that the tide
in breaking the rhizomes and their shoots.
The easiest and most practical way to 2020, but not much of a serious negoti- with some worried about being com- short of the required two-thirds. That ab- Keruak became Chief Minister early 1995, was against BN all over Malaysia.
propagate star calatheas is by dividing or ation because the initial outcome was promised or have fear of losing their in- sentee was Ghapur. That caused the Bill to Ghapur became Deputy Chief Minister as BN even lost the federal government
splitting up a mature clump of plants into dissatisfaction on the Star’s side due to fluence. be withdrawn at the last minute, a slap in well while holding on to his portfolio. for the first time in 60 years. So what do
four to six portions and them planting what it claims to be an unfair list of de- Balancing the power dynamics and the face. When Salleh relinquished his Finance you expect?
them in separate locations or suitable pots. mands by PBS who then possibly saw it- ensuring fair representation can be Chief Minister Pairin said he had not portfolio after becoming CM for some In the latest MP election in 2022, Gha-
This is also the most rewarding method self as having a superior political complex and would lead to internal received word on why Ghapur was absent. time, Ghapur became the new Finance pur finally called it a day and passed the
to have good results in the garden. The position. strifes. Neither was Ghapur in contact with the Minister. baton to his daughter, Noraini who con-
pieces of leftovers or broken-off rhizomes And in 2021, the two parties’ cold war These any a myriad of questions will State leadership prior to the Assembly sit- When Salleh stepped down as CM tested under the PH/PKR ticket.
may be picked up and then nurtured into continued to put them at odds when arise in the merger negotiations to make ting. mid-1996, he was replaced by Datuk Seri PKR president Anwar was in
beautiful adult plants that are set in nice PBS’ expressed willingness to collabo- Ghapur’s absence immediately gave Panglima Yong Teck Lee. It was while serv- Tawau/Kalabakan to campaign for her.
the whole process vexatious and painful.
pots for display either indoors or along the
rate with opposition Warisan. rise to all sorts of speculations. One was ing in Yong’s Cabinet that Ghapur re- Ghapur was of course present, alongside
Other related sub-issues not currently
balcony. If there are extras to spare, it may that he was not satisfied with what he was signed as Finance Minister, in 1997 I think. Datuk Christina Liew, PKR’s candidate for
be a good idea to give a pot or two to
The president of PBS, Dr Maximus, anticipated are likely to surface.
A potted star calathea with plenty of getting from PBS, if any. Again, Ghapur’s resignation sparked all Tawau.
friends, relatives or neighbours. This is sure had also criticized Dr Jeffrey for the lat- Certainly, the overriding motivation
broad leaves that bear whitish to pale Another version had it that his de- sorts of speculations which I would rather Although the Chinese-educated No-

Turning our homes into space of joy

to result in broad smiling faces and other ter’s proposal for a new Federal Consti- among party leaders will be self-interest
green midribs. The plants in this pot Star calathea flowers that are carried mand of being made a Minister was not not go into here. raini didn’t win, she didn’t lose her de-
A young plant that has been freshly Star flowers are not prominent as warm friendly gestures, back slapping and tution to resolve the status of Sabah and and not so much for the general good of
can be split into at least six divisions between the pink bracts at fulfilled by Pairin. Nevertheless, Ghapur served his full posit. She got close to 10,000 votes. For a
transplanted into a polybag. they are hidden between the bracts. sound bonding. Sarawak in the Malaysian federation, the Momogun future in the political
for separate planting. the lower level. Yet another speculation was that he term as Assemblyman until 1999. In 1999, newcomer, I would say this was not bad.
chiding Dr Jeffrey to not stir the people’s chessboard of Sabah and Malaysia.
was somehow still loyal to Berjaya. As far Ghapur won in the then Kalabakan State Another thing to remember is that No-
seat, still on an Umno ticket. Kalabakan is raini was up against the might of GRS+
now the name of the MP seat. which is the ruling party in Sabah.
Expect more promises, betrayals of trust In the 2004 nationwide election, Gha-
pur switched to federal politics by con-
GRS+ was represented by Umno’s Andi
Suryady who is already an Assemblyman
Dr T. Selva have meals together due to work daily, en-
Selvarajah Somiah starting from zero”. testing the Kalabakan MP seat which he and an Assistant Minister and therefore
HOME is where we find protection, comfort, sure you have at least a meal later in the day won, also on an Umno ticket. He became had an edge over Noraini.
with your spouse and family. ALL politicians make promises. How does the Malaysian He was saying in his campaign that he had shown as
peace and happiness. Our dwelling space a BN government backbencher in Parlia- Also, at that time PH/PKR was in the
can be a supreme source of joy if we occupy It allows everyone to come together, en- voter decide who to trust? For anyone, selling trust is the Malaysia’s Prime Minister for 22 years the ability to deliver
ment. Opposite and the PM at that time (Ismail)
them and treat them respectfully. gage in meaningful conversations, and hardest thing to do. development and governance minus corruption.
After the 2008 MP election in which came from Umno.
Vasthu Sastra stresses that the quality of strengthen the emotional ties within the Brands and companies go to a great extent to sell us trust: This helped him win trust. He had been working on this
Ghapur also won and BN lost its two- Recently, PM Anwar rewarded Anifah
our surroundings directly influences our family unit. easy return policy, 5 years warranty, on-site service, and so on. for 22 years, creating the image of having achieved some- thirds majority, PM Pak Lah made Ghapur substantially by giving him a Senatorship
well-being, energy levels, and overall suc- Weekends should be devoted to family Across the world, the people who find it hardest to sell thing extraordinary for Malaysia. a Deputy Minister. Ghapur initially ac- plus Tan Sriship and Chairman of Labuan
cess in life. togetherness and activities that involve the trust are politicians. Dr Mahathir had carefully crafted his CV to show voters cepted the appointment although I am Corporation.
A well-organised and clutter-free living whole family. In developing countries like Malaysia struggling hard to his qualifications for the Prime Minister’s job a second time. not sure if he actually took his Oath-of- That is on top of Anifah already being
space promotes the smooth flow of energy, l Family bonding: To strengthen fam- escape the middle-income trap, the aspirations of voters He made it, although only 22 months. Office at the Istana. a Special Adviser on Investments to the
positively affecting our physical, mental, task; get it right, or your day can kick off ily unity and grounding, families are urged don’t match how much money is going around in the econ- And then came the 15th General Election (GE15) last No- Ghapur resigned from his Deputy Min- Sabah CM cum Chairman of Invest Sabah.
and emotional state. badly. to perform spiritual practice jointly and at omy. vember, Dr Mahathir’s party was wiped out and even he lost ister post barely eight days later, again Both Anifah and Ghapur campaigned for
By arranging furniture, decorations, and Your bedroom is regarded as the crown the start of the day. Make your bedroom before you leave or your day can kick off badly. As Malaysia missed the manufacturing bus in the 1980s, his election deposit as well, in the Langkawi constituency, his sparking all sorts of speculations. I am PH/PKR in the 2020 nationwide election.
the five elements (ether, earth, fire, water of the property and must be well-kept and Besides participating in the ritual, family politicians have no choice but to sell dreams and promise first electoral defeat in 53 years. not sure why he resigned only after a
good times, can erase misunderstandings each other’s lives. I would imagine that had it not been
and air) in a balanced way, we can optimise fit for the king and queen of the abode. Per- members play a role by cleaning the altar or welfare benefits to alleviate the economic stress on families. He lost the people’s trust. Now, Dr Mahathir’s new mantra week.
and ease any difficulties in a relationship. For change to take place, it requires dis- for Ghapur’s health, he too would have
the energy flow and create a harmonious fecting your space can improve relation- improving their sacred space as a family unit. Question is, if all election candidates are promising free- is, “Malays have lost power.”
l Chillax: Create a cosy space in your cipline, commitment and time. Also, it must There were rumours that he was not been equally rewarded by Anwar.
environment. ships, sleep quality, and happiness. This allows all family members to recon- bies, jobs, cash transfers, and free education up to university, The race to promise the moon to voters is getting heated
house, and it can be your living room, patio, be done consistently to achieve the desired happy that Pak Lah only saw him fit to be Now that Ghapur has left us, I expect
Each element represents a different in- Compromising your private enclosure nect deeply and satisfactorily because the how does the voter decide whom to trust? One way to sell up in the coming six state elections in Malaya. And in Sabah’s
garden, or a designated ground that attracts results. a Deputy Minister and not full Minister, Anwar to reward his daughter Noraini in-
fluence on life. When they are balanced, can have adverse effects like ill health, dis- power of devotion unifies and rejuvenates trust is to make the promises tangible and finite. case, the next state election is not due until 2025, but elec-
all family members to gather and relax. Don’t expect miracles to surface the next considering that he was Sabah DCM. stead. After all, Noraini was the PH/PKR
they support a sense of equilibrium and turbed moods, growth and an unappealing them with hope.
Such an area allows family members to day when you make changes because every- We often hear politicians sell trust by insisting this will be tions could happen as early as next year. But Ghapur was not the only Sabah MP candidate for Kalabakan.
harmony in our living environment, con- place to rest. l Joint activities: Family members are
have small talks, which may be unimpor- thing necessary in life consumes time. the first decision of their Cabinet, as soon as they come into The Parti Gagasan Rakyat Sabah (Gagasan Rakyat) has al- who turned down Pak Lah’s offer to be The question of her qualification does
tributing to our overall goodness. l Tidy your bed: Do not leave your wet invited to participate in an act like decorat-
bath towels on your bed. Hang them, clear ing the wall or gardening so that the area tant, but they can have an impactful under- Remember, a pleasing environment pro- power. Some give deadlines and dates. ready started preparing for the 17th State Election (PRN17), Deputy Minister. Another was Datuk not arise. She is a graduate from Australia
During my recent visit to Chennai, India,
the rubbish basket, and organise the bed so symbolises togetherness. A supportive standing of what they experience daily motes a positive mindset, reduces stress, Sadly for them, none of this seems to have any guaranteed all 73 divisions of the party asked to prepare and activate (now Tan Sri) Anifah Aman who is equally apart from being fluent in Mandarin and
I was moved by how homes there strictly
you feel welcome to return to sleep again. teamwork culture can help you confidently when they leave home. and enhances focus and productivity. impact on winning over trust. polls machinery to ensure the victory of Gagasan Rakyat and as outspoken as Ghapur. therefore useful in dealing with Chinese
follow a daily regime to invite peaceful en-
ergies into their private space by doing sim- You may want to regularly change the bed align your goals and aspirations. Sitting together without distractions al- Yet the greatest act of trust is prior achievement. If you Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS). Until today, we don’t know the actual investors and tourists.
ple activities. sheet and pillowcase to infuse new energy. l Strengthen closeness: To rekindle lows family members to share their n Award-winning author Dr T. Selva is a have demonstrated some ability in the past, voters are willing We can expect to see a lot more PR campaigns, and many reasons but one theory had it that both We just wait for the good news. Lastly,
Here are several steps why they give ut- Your dressing table must be rearranged fond memories and reinforce the family thoughts, experiences, and daily happen- speaker and the author of the bestseller book to trust you for the next 5 years. new “models of development” emerge in the battle for the were pissed-off by the statement in Parlia- Ghapur’s wife, Datin Seri Norsuadah Hj
most importance to their living space which neatly before leaving the bedroom. connection, dwellers are inspired to hang ings. Vasthu Sastra Guide and Secrets of Happy This is why it is important for politicians to show a trajec- voter’s trust. Somewhere in this contest lies the greatness of ment by then DPM Najib that Sabah was Basah was a Nominated Assemblywoman
holds significant value in Vasthu Sastra. Although it may sound trivial, an untidy photographs of their happy moments on This quality time promotes active listen- Living. To get a copy, contact 019-2728464. tory of their work to voters, like the building of a CV. democracy. a “Fixed Deposit” for BN, referring to BN’s cum Assistant Minister at the height of
l Make your bedroom: When you bedroom can disturb sleep, cause uneasi- the walls and display or wear gifts by their ing, understanding, and empathy. It helps He can be reached The best example of this is Tun Dr Mahathir’s 2018 general strong showing in the State despite poor Berjaya’s power. I met Ghapur in his office
wake up, make your bed and do not leave ness and affect your harmony. loved ones. family members build better relationships, at Facebook: Vasthu election campaign and his chanted mantra, “new Malaysia n Selvarajah is a blogger and political watcher showing in West Malaysia. in JKR in the mid-1990s. He was approach-
your space in disorder. This is the day’s first l Meal together: Even if you cannot Such symbols, which bring to mind the resolve conflicts, and stay connected with Sastra and Website: Both Ghapur and Anifah had spoken able and helpful.

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