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Recipient/s Name : Eman Saez School Name : Batangas State University

Recipient/s Location : Lucsuhin, Ibaan, Batangas School Address : Alingalan Campus, Batangas City


Title: Development of an Automatic Oyster Mushroom Harvesting System using Image Recognition
The thesis project aims to revolutionize the oyster mushroom harvesting process through the implemen-
tation of advanced image recognition technology. Oyster mushroom cultivation has gained popularity due to
its nutritional value and sustainable production, but the manual harvesting process is labor-intensive and time-
consuming. This project seeks to address these challenges by designing an efficient and automated harvesting
system that can accurately identify ripe oyster mushrooms and perform precise harvesting actions.
The main objectives of the project include:
1. Image Dataset Collection and Labelling
2. Image Recognition Algorithm Development using machine learning
3. Robotic Harvesting Mechanism Design
4. Harvesting Decision System
5. Performance Evaluation
The successful completion of this thesis project holds significant potential in transforming the oyster
mushroom farming industry, streamlining the harvesting process, and contributing to the sustainability of agri-
culture. By combining cutting-edge image recognition technology and automation, the proposed system aims
to improve productivity, reduce labor dependency, and foster a more environmentally friendly approach to
mushroom cultivation.

Write4me by Jay Four C. Javier

Hi there,

I am your one-stop-shop for thesis/capstone projects. I can provide you free & reliable consultation, high-quality
documentation/paper writing services, and fabricate prototypes for your projects or help you make your projects yourself
as well.

Previously I don’t offer free title proposals, but now I offer free consultation for title proposal in hopes to be able to
contribute to your academic success as I am aware that financial difficulties might cause additional hurdles to your
studies. However, you may consider supporting me by sending any amount of donation which will be highly appreciated.
Together we can help our fellow youth finish their studies. You may send it to my Gcash/Maya Acct.
(0963-214-6348 – Jay Four Custodio Javier).

I hope these titles would be approved for your project and pray for your academic success.

Feel free to contact me using my contact information provided below.

Facebook/Messenger : Jayfour Custodio Javier (@jcj4vier)
Viber/WhatsApp : 0963-214-6348
Email address :,

Your go-to-guy in engineering projects,

Jay Four

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