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(L): Good morning, Doctor Brandon

(B): Good morning, lisset. How can I help you?

(L): I have neck muscle pains, headaches and muscle contractures.
(B): How long have you had these pains?
(L): I have always had these pains, but lately my head and neck hurt a lot.
K: Doctor Brandon I have back pain.
(B): From what I understand, you are studying at the university and have
virtual classes. How many hours a day do you have classes?
(L): Some days I have 5 hours and other days I have 7 hours of classes. I
usually stay a few hours longer because I have homework and other
activities to do.
K: In my case I have classes 6 hours a day but I have homework and it takes
2 or 3 hours more.
(B): Muscle pain in the neck and back, head and muscle contractures are
very common in university students.
(L): I think these are caused by incorrect postures while sitting at the
computer. I'm glad you came, if these aches and pains are not treated in
(B): You have to do stretching and muscle relaxation exercises during
breaks in your study days. I'm going to give you some pills for headaches,
You have to take care of your alimentation for a better academic
(L): Ok Doctor Brandon. Thank you very much. Have a good day.
K: Thank for your recommendation, see you
B: until next time guys.

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