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Chapter 3 Cells

1. Cell membrane-the semipermeable membrane surrounding

the cytoplasm of a cell.

Nucleus-the membrane-enclosed organelle within a cell that

contains the chromosome.

Cytoplasm-provides a platform upon which other organelles can

operate within the cell.

Cytosol-the "soup" within which all of the cell's organelles reside

Fluid portion in the cytoplasm.

Organelles- Any of the Structures in cells that has a specialized


2. regulates the transport of materials entering and exiting the cell

3. The selectively permeable outer boundary of a cell consisting of a
phospholipid bilayer embedded with proteins.
1. Ribosome-(ri′bo-sōm) Organelle composed of RNA and protein that
provides structural support and enzymatic activity for protein
2. Smooth E R (SER)- is associated with the production and
metabolism of fats and steroid hormones. It is 'smooth' because
it is not studded with ribosomes and is associated with smooth
slippery fats.
3. The rough endoplasmic reticulum or rER is vital for protein
synthesis that the cell uses for proper functioning. The rER is a
stack of membranous organelle that is embedded with
ribosomes. It functions in protein folding, sorting, and
transporting the proteins outside the cell to their proper
4. Golgi apparatus
(gol′jē ap″ah-ra′tus) Organelle that prepares and modifies cellular
products for secretion.

Mitochondria- Mitochondria are tiny organelles inside cells that are

involved in releasing energy from food. This process is known as
cellular respiration. It is for this reason that mitochondria are often
referred to as the powerhouses of the cell

Lysosome- (li′so-sōm) Organelle that contains digestive enzymes.

Peroxisomes- (pĕ-roks′ĭ-sōm) Membranous cytoplasmic vesicle that

contains enzymes that catalyze reactions that produce and decompose
hydrogen peroxide.

Centrosome- Cellular organelle consisting of two centrioles.

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