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lysosome-Lysosomes serve as the cell's digestive system, breaking down substances taken in from

the outside and breaking down unused parts of the cell.

Peroxisome-Peroxisomes are organelles that regulate metabolism, reactive oxygen species

detoxification, and signaling by sequestering various oxidative processes.

Ribosomes-The mechanism used to generate proteins in a cell takes place at an intercellular structure
called a ribosome, which is formed of RNA as well as protein.

Nucleus- Known as the control center of the cell. Nucleus controls and regulates the activities of the
cell. Its function is to store the cell’s DNA and to maintain its integrity

Chromatin- refers to a mixture of DNA and proteins that form the chromosomes found in the cells of
organisms. Chromatin makes it possible for a number of cell processes to occur including DNA
replication, transeription, DNA repair, and many more.

Nucleolus- An area inside the nucleus of a cell that is made up of RNA. Its function is to provide
And assembles the cell’s ribosomes.

Ribosomes- An intercellular structure made of both RNA and is the site of protein synthesis
in the cell.

Golgi apparatus- A stack of small flat sacs formed by membranes inside the cell’s cytoplasm
A factory on which proteins received from the ER .

Vacuole-are fluid filled organelles enclosed by a membrane. They can store materials/ acts as storage

Mitochondria- the “powerhouse of the cell” for it releases food energy from food molecules to be
used by the cell in the process called cellular respiration.
RER-It is a cellular organelle composed of many folds of tissues and channels. It produces proteins
for the rest of the cell to function.

SER- It is a tube-like structure located near the cell periplery. It synthesizes lipids,phospholipids, as
in plasma membranes, and steroids.

Cell membrane- as lipid bilayer/fluid mosaic layer that guards the entrance and exit of materials in
and out of the cell

Cytoplasm- the fluid inside a cell but outside the cell’s nucleus. It is responsible for holding the
components of the cell and protects them from damage.

Microtubules- are major components of the cytoskeleton. Microtubules are involved in different
functions including the assembly of mitotic spindle, in dividing cells, or axon extension, in

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