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We believe that the world has already struck a balance. In Gender equality for women and men
and the unnecessary hype given to it is becoming a prevailing factor for another imbalance the
world will soon face .

Yes !!!, there was a time women could not vote in USA , yes there was a time in Sierra Leone
when women could not be owners of land , but however before 1920 women could now vote in
USA , the 2007 devolution of estate act now allowed women to be owners of land , it is these like
many other gradual and drastic changes that have led to us safely the world lacked gender parity
but that was 50 to 100 years ago , but now it’s no longer the gospel truth that men are treated
better than women , we are Jesus Christ but we are here to preach a different gospel .
Let us start by making an address on the very root cause of gender imbalances in the world
before now . It was believed that men are stronger than women,men are more acute in
reasoning and more stable in emotional intelligence. So this information served as grounds for
women to be segregated in certain sections of society.
However in recent times and happenings we see a clearly update in scientific research, proven to
be physically stronger than men in terms of bone structure and cardiovascular physic
, a woman endures pain better than men owing to the reputation of having menstrual cramps.
This new set of information has been a groundbreaking era is history that has allowed women
join the military, women to be hired as engineers etc.
Another issue to address is educational growth in education, we believe women now stand in
compatibility with men when it’s come to education, yes the numbers may not match , but the
rapid growth cannot be ignored , the university of Makeni mass communication class final year
has more female than male , the registry records a rapid and faster growth in female student as
compared to men . Today we see on CNN and BBC the presence of female journalists just as male
journalist , female Barristers not just male Barristers .

Let us now quickly consider the individual factor in issues of gender parity . It is said that women
are allowed less spaces in government, but the question is how many women avail themselves
for political leadership? , the world today has several countries with gender empowerment laws
in favour of women but none in favour of men . Still yet women who were willing in the past
made themselves sucess stories , like Margret thatcher .
Today at the university of Makeni the President of some of the most prestigious departments are
female, the law department, the political science department, the computer science department
and the marvel is that they have done extremely well as they have manifested the individual
factor of willingness focus and determination.
There are women parliamentarians who are only in parliament to be paid and have never spoken
in their yes same as there are men but the undisputed truth is that the number out-ways .
The social factors that influenced gender parity have themselves being influenced by civilization,
that is culture , religion and politics. Our culture has experienced civilization to great heights that
we see more of marriages with both the men and the woman working together rather than just
the man being the head of the home .
For religion we now see female religious leaders just as in the case of make religious sisters at
unimak we see reverend father and sisters as well . Even though certain religions are still stiff ,
what we must not ignore is the growth and the hope it gives .

Politics has been greatly influenced by gender parity we see manifesto promises of the
percentage of women that will be appointed in cabinets as in the case of the SRC president of the
university of Makeni.

Conclusively theirs a key constructions of the society and we see how they are positively
influenced ,why else should we less believe in the gender equality present in the world today.

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