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An Electrodynamics Solver for Moving Sources

Sameh Y. Elnaggar and Yahia M. M. Antar

The Royal Military College of Canada,
Email: S.Y.E (, Y. M. M. A (
arXiv:2212.05997v1 [physics.comp-ph] 12 Dec 2022

Abstract—An Electrodynamics solver for moving sources is II. C HALLENGES AND S OLVER MAIN COMPONENTS
introduced. The main challenges and formulation are highlighted.
The solver enables the simulation of fields for sources undergoing The solver leverages many of the already developed CEM
arbitrary motion. Two examples of uniformly moving current techniques. However to taken into account the continuous
sources are provided to correlate the numerical solver computa- movement of current sources, adaptations and extensions are
tions with theory, based on the solution of Maxwell’s equations
and the relativistic transformation of the electromagnetic fields. inevitable. The following two subsections present a brief
description of two main challenges and how they are handled.
A. Capturing continuous motion
Computational Electromagnetic (CEM) tools have been
growing over the last three decades. They are routinely used The reported solver exploits the well developed machinery
by engineers and scientists to simulate complex systems such of the finite difference frequence domain (FDFD) [6] and finite
as antenna arrays, radars, multi-layer printed circuit boards, difference time domain (FDTD) [7]. Nevertheless to correctly
and plasmas. Free available and commerical tools provide model the continuous motion of sources, some modifcations
platforms that enable the rapid setting of such complex systems and re-interpretation of the different terms in the FDTD update
[1]–[4]. From a pedagogical perspective, instructors leverage equations are necessary.
CEM tools to make the theory of electromagnetism more Figure 1 shows a current sheet that is moving with a velocity
tangible and accessible to students. Although some of these v in the plane. From an FDFD (or similarly FDTD) point
tools take into account the effect of moving objects, their scope of view, the current is defined at the grid points. Hence a
is usually limited to specific cases or certain operating regimes. finite difference paradigm represents a source by its discretized
For instance magneto-statics is usually coupled with Lorentz samples in space as the figure highlights. To accurately rep-
force to enable the simulation of motors in the sub-wavelength resent the current distribution at a given instant, the spatial
regime. Additionally, the full Maxwell’s equations are coupled sampling frequency must be high enough (at least double the
with Newton’s second law to study the behaviour of plasma highest distribution spatial frequency). For distributions with
gaseous, where the charged particles are usually considered to a large gradient a dense grid becomes essential. Furthermore
be point-wise [5]. when the source moves, the sampling points will change.
In the current article, we provide a general overview of Consider for example, the situation in Fig. 1 at t + dt. At this
a CEM solver that exploits the global form interpretation of instant, the highlighted blue point sees a current value. Ones
Maxwell’s equations to intuitively and rigorously compute the the object slightly moves to the left, the current at the same
fields of an aribitrary number of moving sources. Sources are point drops to zero. This switching on and off effect results
consideredPto be macroscopic harmonic current distributions of in a jittered and noisy performance and is equivalent to non-
the form Jk (r) exp(−iωk t). So far, we only consider non- physical creation and annhilation of charges. To capture the
relativistic sources, i.e, current distributions are not functions continuous movement of sources without excessively increas-
of the moving speed v. ing the grid size, we take a step back and consider the three
In seciton II, the challenges and general theme of the equivalent forms of Maxwell’s equations shown in table I. The
solver are highlighted. The global form of Maxwell’s equa- differential and integral forms are widely used. The third form
tions in freespace is presented. The form readily suggests a is derived from the integral representation by integrating over
convienent framework to describe the continuous motion of a time interval t2 − t1 and representing flux quantities by their
sources. Additionally, the steady state and transient solvers average flux density counterparts. Such form is not new of
are introduced. It will be shown that the transition from the course and has been widely used in CEM formalisms [8], [9].
stationary to the transient fields necessitates the generalization Since the form relates average quantities to one another, it is
of the Perfectly Matching Layer (PML) formalism. Section III also very convenient when correlating results to measurements.
gives two canonical examples of 2D uniformly moving sources. Measured quantities are macroscopic by nature and represent
The numerical calculations are compared to an exact analytical average values [8]. Using Algebraic Topology, it was shown
model, where a closed form of the fields are derived in the that most of the physical theories including electromagnetism
proper frame of reference and then transformed using Lorentz can be formulated in a discrete form that associate variables
transformation to the observed frame. with points, lines, surfaces and volumes [8].
TABLE I: Summary of Main Equations of Electromagnetism in the time domain. ρ charge density, J current density, Qf total charge flow
in t2 − t1 , Q(ti ) charge inside volume at t = ti , D electric flux density, Φ electric flux across surface, H magnetic field intensity, hmmfi
average magnetomotive force from t1 to t2 , E electric field intensity, B magnetic flux density, hemfi average electromotive force from t1 to
t2 , and Ψ magnetic flux across surface.
Law Differential Integral Global
∇ · J = − ∂ρ · dS = − ∂Q
Cont. of Q ∂t S
˜ J ∂t
QfP = Q(t1 ) − Q(t2 )
Gauss E ∇·D= ρ D · dS = Q all faces Φ = Q
∇ × H = J + ∂D hmmfi = Qf + Φ(t2t )−Φ(t 1)
¸ ˜ ∂D
Ampere’s ∂t
H · dl = S J · dS + S ∂t · dS
−t 1
Ψ(t2 )−Ψ(t1 )
∇ × E = − ∂B E · dl = − S ∂B
¸ ˜
Faraday’s · dS hemfi = −
∂t ˜ ∂t P t2 −t1
Gauss B ∇·B= 0 S B · dS = 0 all faces Ψ=0

The A, B, C and D matrices are sparse. Eigen, an open source

linear algebra, is exploited to efficiently calculate the system
of equations (1) [11].
To model the behaviour of unbounded space, where travel-
ling waves do not bounce back from the inevitable truncated
computational space, the stretched theory formalism of per-
v fectly matched layers is exploited [12], [13]. The spatial dimen-
sions are scaled by complex single pole transfer functions to
t + dt t assure that waves attenuate as they move into the layers. In the
time domain, the interaction between the waves and the layers
Fig. 1: The position of a current source in the plane at two is presented by a convolutional operator. Traditionally, initial
instants t and t + dt. The dot represents a grid point, where in fields values are assumed to be zero. In our case, however,
current is defined in a typical FDTD formalism. fields do exist and fill all space for t < 0. Therefore, the
The global formalism suggests the use of the total charge formalism is modified to include the effect of interaction of
flow Qf through the Yee cell surfaces during the interval t2 −t1 the fields at t ≤ 0 with the convolution operator. The effect of
instead of the discrete sampled current at the grid points and the steady state fields appears as an extra term in the update
time instant (t1 + t2 )/2. As a source moves through the grid, equations, which exponentially goes to zero over time and is
its intersection with the different surfaces (or edges in 2D) is recursively calculated. This means that no extra run time over
continuous; hence charge flow is continuously captured. head is incurred in the update loop.
The above discussion implies the necessity of calculating the The system of update equations is formulated in a matrix
intersection area between a moving source and a grid surface. form that can be written as
Such process can be quite involved for complex sources Xn = Xn−1 + LYn + In , (2)
geometries in 3D. In our solver, we use an open source efficient
computational geometry library (CGAL) [10] to perform such where Xn and Yn are the nth updated fields X and Y that are
geometrical operations. CGAL is a template C++ library that either E or H. The matrix L represents the ∇× operator, which
provides thousands of compuational geometry predicates and is sparse. Additionally, the vector I represents the source
subroutines. It also enables the use of exact numerical types term, appearing in Ampere’s law. The matrix form delegates
that are essential for the reliable operation of some critical the update computations to the linear algebra subroutines that
predicates (for example, point inclusion predicates). may exploit the vectorization capabilities of the underlying
hardware architecture.
B. Steady State and Transient Solvers
TABLE II: Global form for harmonic sources, m̃ (m0 ) is the
We consider sources to be stationary at t < 0. They may amplitude of the magnetomotive force at frequency ω (DC). Similarly,
move in the interval t ≥ 0. Hence for t < 0, the stationary form ẽ and e0 are amplitude of the electromotive force at ω and the
of Maxwell’s equations as represented by the global formalism electrostatic emf, respectively.
is used (table II), which is derived from the global form in
Law Form
table I after replacing the time dependency by exp(−iωt). P
Continuity I˜ = iω Q̃
Unlike the time dependent form, the stationary form is a P ∂V P
Electric Gauss Φ̃ = Q̃, ∂V Φ0 = Q0
system of algebraic equations that is formulated using the ∂V P
Magnetic Gauss Ψ̃ = 0
Finite Difference Frequency Domain (FDFD) technique as P ∂V P
Maxwell-Ampere Pm̃ = I˜ − iω Φ̃, m0 = I0
Maxwell-Faraday ẽ = iω Ψ̃, e0 = 0
A(ω) B(ω) E(ω) I(ω)
= . (1)
C(ω) D(ω) H(ω) 0
t t′ (x = vt, x′ = 0) PML

t′ = τ ′
t Jz Jz


Fig. 3: Computational domain of an out of plane current.
Fig. 2: Minkowski Diagram highlighting the grid (S) and
proper (S ′ ) reference frames. The green line represents the
6 6
x′ coordinate as observed in S ′ for proper time t′ = τ ′ . The 0.1 0.1

4 4
projections on the S x and t coordinates of the space-time 0.05 2
2 2 2
events represented by the solid green line. 2 -

0 0 0 0

-2 -2
-0.05 -0.05

-0.1 -0.1
In this section, we consider two examples of uniformly mov- -6 -6

ing sources in the x direction. The sources are homogeneous in -5 0 5 -5 0 5

the z direction (∂z = 0); hence reducing Maxwell’s equations (a) t = 0 (b) t = 7.9 m
to TE and TM independent sets of equations. The first example
presents the results of a singular delta source, where current Fig. 4: Ez as observed in S at two instants. (a) At t = 0 when
is flowing out of the plane. In the second example, we treat the source starts to move and (b) at 7.9 m normalized time
the case of a thin circular ring carrying a uniform current. units after the source moved.
Throughout this section, Maxwell’s equations are re-written in
normalized units such that ǫ0 = 1, µ0 = 1 and hence the speed A. Out of plane singular source
of light c = 1. Additionally, time instants t are represented in
From Maxwell’s equations, it can be shown that the fields
terms of the equivalent lengths ct. This means that t = 1 m
of a singular harmonic located at the origin with an angular
means that t is equivalent to the time in seconds a light ray
frequency ω can be written as
needs to travel a distance of 1 m.
In both examples, Maxwell’s equations are solved in the ω
Ez′ = − I0 H0 (ωr′ )e−iωt + c.c, (4)
proper frame of reference (S ′ ), where the sources are station- 4
ary. Lorentz transformation is then applied to calculate the i
Hφ′ = − I0 H1 (ωr′ )e−iωt + c.c, (5)
fields in the grid frame (S). The transformation is performed in 4
two stages. In the first stage, the events (x, y, t) that represent where I0 is the total current and r′ ,
x′ 2 + y ′ 2 is the
the computational domain as observed in S are transformed ′
distance from the origin as observed in S . Figure 3 shows
to the corresponding ones (x′ , y ′ , t′ ) in the S ′ frame. Figure 2 the computational domain used in the calculation. The radius
shows Minkowski’s diagram that gives a pictorial description of the current source R is much smaller than the wavelength
of Lorentz transformation. It is worth noting that the simultane- to approximate the singular source. However, it must be
ous events (x′ , t′ = τ ′ ), representing the wave-front at t′ = τ ′ larger than the grid size to continuously capture the effect
are not simultaneous in S; a direct consquence of the relative of movement on the fields. Additionally, the current density
simulatenity principle in Special relativity. Such behaviour Jz is chosen such that Jz πR2 = I0 . We have considered the
appears as a change in the observed frequency (Doppler effect). source to be rigid and hence neglecting Lorentz contraction.
Explicitly, the space-time coordinates in S ′ and S are related This implies that the solver operates in the non-relativistic
by the well-known relations: regime, where v ≪ 1. Nevertheless to highlight the effect of
x′ = γ(x − vt), y ′ = y, t′ = γ(t − vx), γ , (1 − v 2 )−1/2 . motion on the fields, we let v = 0.4. The source is stationary
for t < 0. At this instant, as Fig. 4(a) shows the fields are
The second step is to transform the fields observed in S ′ to circularly symmetric. Nevertheless as the source moves, the
the ones in S using the transformation of fields [14] fields change shape as shown in Fig. 4(b), where the observed
frequency increases to the right of the source and expands to
E⊥ = γ (E′⊥ − v × B′⊥ ) , B⊥ = γ (B′⊥ + v × E′⊥ ) (3) the left as a reflection of Doppler effect.
y Analytical 0.5
I I 0.5 Numerical
Source position

0 0

H z (a.u)
-0.5 0.2 0.2 -0.5
0 0.1
-1 -1
v 0

-1.5 -1.5 -0.2

-0.2 -0.2
Fig. 5: A unformly moving thin 2D circular ring. -2
-10 -8 -6 6 8 10
-10 -8 7 8 9 10 11
-10 -5 0 5 10 -2
-10 -5 0 5 10

B. 2D circular ring (a) t = 0 (b) t = 9.12 m

We consider the 2D thin ring shown in Fig. 5, which carries a Fig. 6: Hz at two different time instants.
uniform current I. In an inertial frame of reference co-moving
with the loop, one can find expressions for the fields by solving IV. C ONCLUSION
Maxwell’s equations where ∂z = 0 and after imposing the We introduced a general description of an electrodynamics
boundary conditions at r = r0 to show that solver to simulate moving harmonic sources. Using the global
( formalism and computational geometry algorithms, the solver
′ −iωt′ AJ0 (ωr′ ), r′ ≤ r0 enables the simulation of the fields for sources undergoing
Hz (r, t) = −ie (6)
CH0 (ωr′ ), r′ > r0 arbitrary motion. It was applied to two canonical examples
that have closed form expressions. Besides seeking answers
and ( to fundamental questions about reaction force and energy in
−iωt′ AJ1 (ωr′ ), r′ ≤ r0 near the near field, the solver is expected to be a vital tool
Eφ′ (r, t) =e , (7)
CH1 (ωr′ ), r′ > r0 in the analysis of moving antennas appearing in tomorrow’s
technologies such as internet of things and 5+ G networks.
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