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By Kai Strunz , Ying Chen , and Yue Xia

Bridging Scales
With the Shift
Frequency-adaptive simulation
of multiscale transients
in power systems.


features of power and energy sys-
tems pertains to their extremely
far-reaching scales, which are
unique in the field of engineering.
In continental Europe, for example, the synchro-
nous ac power system integrates capitals from
Lisbon to Warsaw and from Athens to Copenha-
gen. Reaching farther out to the north, high-
voltage dc (HVdc) links connect to Sweden and
the United Kingdom. And as in other regions of
the world, those grids are being further developed
to integrate more renewables. This only adds to
the diversity of technologies in the power grids
and contributes to the wide range of timescales
involved. Those range from electrothermal inter-
actions in the range of minutes over electrome-
chanical transients within seconds, down to
microseconds or even faster for the electromag-
netic transients of traveling waves.

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Date of current version: 28 November 2023 ©SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/LUMPPINI

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Although the coverage of all those
FAST merges the modeling methodology? The answer
scales in an efficient and accurate is “yes,” and the key to the solution
manner would be very desirable for modeling of a multiscale simulation is the
power system analysis, two distinct introduction of the shift frequency.
types of tools have emerged to approaches based In the frequency-adaptive simulation
address distinct timescales. There on phasors and of transients (FAST) method, the
are tools based on phasors, which shift frequency sets the reference for
are complex functions to represent instantaneous other frequencies to relate to. Wave-
amplitude, frequency, and phase. forms are then dealt with at the
Such tools treat the natural sinusoidal signals. resulting frequency differences.
ac voltages and currents by tracking Thus, for a zero shift, a 50-Hz sinu-
their envelopes. From Figure 1, it can soid oscillates at 50 Hz. But the sinu-
be appreciated that tracking the red-lined envelope soid appears at standstill for a shift frequency of 50 Hz,
requires significantly fewer sampling points compared and this is because 50 Hz - 50 Hz = 0 Hz. As such, FAST
with those that would be needed to accurately track the merges the modeling approaches based on phasors and
naturally occurring blue-lined sinusoidal waveform of car- instantaneous signals.
rier frequency fc . Reducing the number of sampling
points leads to a reduced computational effort in the dis- Evolving Methods and Needs
crete time domain. This makes phasors popular for study- The value of multiscale simulation is best understood in
ing phenomena such as electromechanical transients, the context of emerging, existing tools and needs. In the
where observation of the envelopes is illustrative. 1960s, the development of the EMT-type program began
With ac waveforms missing, phasors are not applicable with the purpose of finding time responses of electromag-
to the modeling of dc power systems. Thus, in tools for the netic transients in arbitrary single- or multiphase net-
accurate representation of the natural waveforms occur- works with lumped and distributed parameters (as
ring in dc systems, instantaneous signals are the basis. described in Dommel 1969 and Woodford et al. 1983). Key
The same applies when tracking the natural waveforms in to the success of EMT-type programs has been the
ac systems. This approach is followed in programs of type arrangement of the difference equations obtained through
EMT (electromagnetic transients). Those tools were, as the numerical integration of the differential equations that
name readily suggests, developed with a focus on electro- describe lumped inductive and capacitive network ele-
magnetic transients. ments. The difference equations are arranged in such a
For users looking for a holistic viewpoint, it is desir- way that lumped inductive and capacitive network ele-
able to have the opportunity to analyze diverse tran- ments are modeled through so-called companion models
sients without the need to switch among different tools. that involve only resistive elements and current sources.
However, is it possible to unify and integrate the estab- Connecting the companion models then gives the overall
lished and distinctly different approaches, based on network model of the discrete time domain. A nodal anal-
phasors versus instantaneous signals, within one ysis is performed to obtain the nodal conductance matrix
and affiliated vectors, with the purpose of representing
the overall network at discrete time steps.
As opposed to the nodal analysis used in EMT-type
programs, modeling through dynamic-state equations
leading to the state-space form has been the most popu-
lar method when it comes to the use of phasors that
represent voltages and currents. The state-space form
lends itself to stability analysis as a main application of
such phasor-based models (as explained in Kundur 1994
and Maksimovic et al. 2001). In this context, it is impor-
1 tant to distinguish between quasi-static and dynamic
2fc phasor calculus. In the quasi-static formulation, the
behavior of network lines, cables, and transformers is
described by a set of algebraic equations. As differential
equations are omitted, the electromagnetic transients of
the network itself are neglected. Such tools are some-
1 2 3 4 5
times referred to as transient stability (TS) simulators.
fc fc fc fc fc Experience has shown (as discussed in Vega-Herrera
et al. 2021) that neglecting electromagnetic transients in
Figure 1. Envelope versus natural waveform tracking. the network is not appropriate when considering the

30 I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / DECEMBER 2023

opportunities brought about by fast Thanks to the natural waveforms at the carrier fre-
power-electronic controls in inverter- quency, for which 50 and 60 Hz are
dominated grids. As a remedy, differ- addition of the shift the typical values in power systems.
ential equations are considered for To overcome the constraints regard-
the modeling of network elements in
frequency, a 2D ing the desirable increase of the time-
dynamic phasor calculus. This leads setting of simulation step size in the presence of an ac
to more accurate results and was carrier waveform, the shift frequency
shown to be appropriate for the study parameters is made was introduced.
of controls of inverter-dominated
grids. However, an efficient solution
possible. 2D Setting of the Shift Frequency
for the description of the propagation and Time-Step Size
of electromagnetic waves along trans- The shift frequency complements
mission lines has not been available in simulators based time-step size and constitutes a novel simulation parame-
on dynamic phasors. Obviously, it is possible to approxi- ter. Thanks to the addition of the shift frequency, a 2D set-
mate the distributed parameters of a transmission line by ting of simulation parameters is made possible, as
a sequence of connected r- sections of lumped elements indicated in Figure 2.
to capture essential characteristics, such as the inductanc- The shift frequency fs serves as the reference from
es and capacitances per-unit length. The accurate and effi- which other frequencies are measured. In general, it is
cient implementation of the solution to the wave equation now the frequency difference with respect to the shift fre-
first proposed by d’Alembert has, however, been available quency, i.e., f - fs, that is applicable when considering
through companion models in EMT-type programs. Shannon’s sampling theorem. In this sense, there is no
aliasing up to fmax - fs = fNy . For fs = 50 Hz, a 50-Hz carrier
The Shift Frequency as a Simulation Parameter may thus be sampled at a theoretically infinite time-step
The high accuracy of EMT-type programs is achieved size without any aliasing appearing. This is because the
thanks to a combination of the application of proper 50-Hz carrier appears to be at a standstill for this setting.
numerical integration in the development of companion
models and the use of algorithms that allow for an exact Realizing Frequency Shifting
capturing of switching events. As integration methods, the In a continuous time domain, the ac sinusoidal carrier may
trapezoidal method or a weight-averaged method com- be represented by a signal of A cos ^2rfc t + U h . Using the
bining trapezoidal and backward-Euler methods have complex exponential function, an alternative representation
been popular. Despite not originally developed for cover- is given by A /2 exp ^ j ^2rfc t + U hh + A /2 exp ^- j ^2rfc t + U hh .
ing electromechanical transients, EMT-type programs do As this alternative readily illustrates, the real oscillatory
allow for the description of such slower transients too. In waveform is obtained by the superposition of a phasor
general, a larger time-step size may be used for numerical rotating counterclockwise at a positive frequency fc and a
integration when studying waveforms that change at a phasor rotating clockwise at a negative frequency - fc .
lower rate. However, shifting by fs toward decreasing frequencies
Although a practical upper bound of the time-step size can be meaningful only if the signal to be shifted contains
is given by the need to maintain a satisfactory accuracy of just positive frequencies. For the ac sinusoidal carrier, this
the numerical integration, it is also insightful to consider would imply a complex extension of the carrier through
the time-step size limits given by Shannon’s sampling an imaginary quadrature part to yield A cos ^2rfc t + Uh +
theorem. According to this theorem, a waveform is sam- j A sin ^2rfc t + U h, i.e., A exp ^ j ^2rfc t + Uhh . The resulting
pled without distortion due to aliasing as long as the complex exponential function describes a phasor rotating
waveform bandwidth fmax is lower or equal to the Nyquist
frequency fNy . The Nyquist frequency is defined as half
the sampling rate, i.e., one over twice the time-step size, fs
where the time-step size coincides with the interval
between two sampling points, as indicated in Figure 1.
Thus, the natural waveform of a sinusoid of 50 Hz may be
sampled without aliasing at a time-step size of up to
10 ms, i.e., at a minimum sampling frequency of 100 Hz.
In EMT simulation practice, the time-step size used to
track the 50-Hz ac sinusoid will generally need to be 0
much smaller than that, however, due to requirements of 0 τ 0 τ
accuracy of the numerical integration involved. Even if a EMT-Type FAST-Type
steady state is simulated, a sufficiently small time-step
size must be chosen to allow for representation of the Figure 2. Toward 2D parameters in time and frequency domains.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D EC EM BE R 2 0 2 3 31

counterclockwise at positive frequency fc . Now, frequen- frequency being available. This is indicative of the efficien-
cy shifting of the carrier by fs = fc yields fc - fs = 0 Hz and cy gains made possible through the application of fre-
so eliminates the oscillation. In general, to support fre- quency shifting.
quency shifting in multiscale simulation of ac power sys-
tems, all waveforms are modeled through analytic Network Modeling
signals, which are composed of the original real signals As the size of the power grid to be modeled can vary
and imaginary quadrature components. The imaginary greatly, the capability to efficiently and accurately rep-
part of an analytic signal relates to the real part through resent both lumped and distributed parameters is
the Hilbert transform the application of which is illustrat- important. As such, a variety of local phenomena, from
ed in Figure 3. Shifting of the analytic signal is then possi- slow-changing transients to electromagnetic waves travel-
ble, as shown in Figure 4. ing along transmission lines, are of interest in the consid-
Just as with the time-step size, the shift frequency may eration of diverse scales. Because companion models used
be constant or kept variable during a simulation. A shift in EMT-type programs have been shown to be effective in
frequency of 0 Hz is recommended when dc transients are representing lumped elements and in offering solutions to
observed. For slow transients visibly modulating the ac the wave equation, this approach is also compatible with
carrier as well as for electromagnetic transients above the FAST-type multiscale simulation.
ac carrier frequency, a shift-frequency setting of fc is rec-
ommended. Depending on the situation observed, loca- Lumped Parameters
tional and temporal modifications of the shift frequency In EMT-type programs, the difference equations derived
are possible. The observation of events, such as contingen- from differential equations describing inductive and
cies or the monitoring of spectra, could be used as input of capacitive elements are arranged to describe resistive ele-
methods aimed at setting the shift frequency in an adap- ments in parallel with current sources. As mentioned in
tive manner. the previous section, it has been a success factor of the
Recent research on power-electronic dominated ac EMT-type simulation that, at each time step, the solution
microgrids has shown a time-step size of 50 ms at fs = fc process is only concerned with resistive networks and
to be practical during transients such as those triggered by sources. With the introduction of FAST, the same general
typical load changes. Instead, a time-step size of about principle of using companion models is followed. Instead
50 ns is commonly needed for corresponding studies of just resistances, the lumped elements are now
when using instantaneous signals. As such, the number of described by impedances, and the sources involve com-
time-steps is 1,000 times more than it is without the shift plex instead of real signals (as documented in Strunz et al.
2006 and Zhang et al. 2010).
The emergence of a companion model for an inductor
is illustrated in Figure 5. The FAST-type companion model
Amplitude Amplitude
shows a complex admittance G L and a complex history
Addition of the Imaginary
current source h L, which refers to the past time step. The
Quadrature Part
in the Time Domain EMT-type companion model is a special case of the
more generic FAST-type formulation and is obtained for a
shift-frequency setting of 0 Hz. In this special case, the
–fc fc f –fc fc f
Real Signal Analytic Signal
Figure 3. The modification of the frequency spectrum by including
the imaginary quadrature part. EMT- ν(t)
Type Type

Amplitude Amplitude Special Case:

(k ) fs = 0 Hz GL(k)

Shifting i(k) i(k)


–fc fc f –fc fc f
k ηL(k)
Original Shifted
Analytic Signal Analytic Signal ν(k)
k ν(k)

Figure 4. The effect on the frequency spectrum when the shift fre- Figure 5. Companion models of inductive lumped element in
quency equals carrier frequency. EMT- and FAST-type simulators.

32 I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / DECEMBER 2023

imaginary parts in the FAST-type
companion models disappear. Thus,
EMT-type companion The FAST-type multiscale model is
valid for any time-step size. If the trav-
the complex admittance G L becomes model is a special eling time Twp becomes lower or equal
a real-valued conductance G L . to the time-step size, then a r-section
case of the more model is seamlessly inserted to estab-
Distributed Parameters generic FAST-type lish the topological coupling during the
The parameters of transmission sys- time-step interval. The EMT-type
tems are given in per-unit length formulation and is model is a special case of the FAST-
because the distributed effects of the type model for a shift frequency of
medium are noticeable. For the pur- obtained for a shift- fs = 0 Hz and Twp exceeding the time-
pose of illustrating basic principles,
frequency setting step size. Thus, as for the modeling of
the modeling of a lossless single- lumped parameters, FAST offers a gen-
phase transmission line with con- of 0 Hz. eralization of the EMT-type companion
stant parameters is considered. As model. The shift frequency, as a novel
indicated in Figure 6, the line is simulation parameter, enables the flex-
assumed to be of length l, and the ibility to cover multiscale transients,
inductance and capacitance per-unit length are given by L’ which includes the EMT-type solution as a special case.
and C’, respectively. For such a line, wave equations can be
readily formulated. Application
The solution to the wave equations describes propaga- Multiscale modeling and simulation integrates the virtues
tions of traveling waves along the transmission line. The of dynamic phasor calculus and EMT-type programs with-
EMT-type solution is achieved using the companion model in one unified framework and also becomes available
shown on the left. The companion model is applicable as through tools such as CloudPSS or when combined with
long as the time-step size is smaller than the time interval simulator PSCAD (with a further description given in
Twp which the waves need to travel between both line Rupasinghe et al. 2023). As such, multiscale modeling also
ends. At both line ends, the currents are calculated by the bridges the scopes. This becomes evident from studies
division through the wave impedance plus a current elaborated upon in the following.
source component that considers the traveling wave com-
ing from the other side. Because Twp exceeds the time-step Wind Energy Conversion System
size, both line ends of the companion model are not topo- According to the Global Wind Energy Council, 2023 was
logically coupled for the length of the time-step size. the first year for which the addition of global wind power

i l1(t) i l2(t)
ν l1(t) ν l2(t)

x = 0 km x=l

Type Type

Special Case:
fs = 0 Hz and τ < Twp
Switches Closed When τ ≥ Twp
i l1(k) i l2(k) i l1(k) YCser i l2(k)

1 1 1 1
ν l1(k) ν l2(k) ν l1(k) YCsh ν l2(k)
Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0
η l1(k) η l2(k) η l1(k) η l2(k)

Figure 6. Companion models of lossless line in EMT- and FAST-type simulators.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D EC EM BE R 2 0 2 3 33

capacity exceeded 100 GW. Even higher annual numbers Due to the ability of the back-to-back VSCs to control
of installation are predicted over the coming years. Contri- the rotor-side voltages and currents at frequencies other
butions from wind energy conversion systems (WECSs) than the grid frequency, the DFIG-based WECS is suitable
are essential when it comes to enhancing the share of for variable-speed wind turbine application. Also, thanks
renewable sources in electric power generation. WECS to the back-to-back VSCs, controlled reactive power
technology has become ever more sophisticated. exchanges over the point of common coupling (PCC) with
The development of WECSs relies on the integration of the grid are possible.
diverse and complementary technologies. The corre- The objective of the rotor-side control scheme is to
sponding subsystems are exemplarily illustrated in Fig- regulate both the active power and the reactive power
ure 7 for a WECS where electric power generation is on the stator side. In this context, the vector control
facilitated via a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). As approach is widely used for the rotor-side converter. It is
a part of the function of the mechanical subsystem, the performed in a stator flux dq-reference frame, leading
translational kinetic energy associated with the wind is to a decoupled consideration of active power and reac-
partially converted into rotational kinetic energy through tive power via the rotor current i abcr . The stator flux vec-
the action of the turbine, thus resulting in a mechanical tor may be calculated using stator current i abcs and
torque on the drivetrain. The latter consists of a low-speed stator voltage v abcs . The active power on the stator side
shaft, high-speed shaft, and gearbox in between. is controlled by adjusting the rotor speed ~ r, for exam-
Via the high-speed shaft, a mechanical torque is ple, by following an optimal value so that the wind tur-
applied to the rotor of the DFIG, which serves to convert bine operates around a maximum power point. The
rotational kinetic energy into electric energy to be pro- reactive power on the stator side is controlled by means
cessed in the electrical subsystem. In this configuration, of rotor current regulation. The grid-side control scheme
the DFIG is a wound-rotor induction machine where the maintains the dc bus voltage v dc and adjusts the reac-
stator windings are directly connected to the grid via a tive power flowing through the filter toward the grid.
transformer, while the rotor windings are connected to The grid-side converter current i abcg is measured for this
the grid via two back-to-back voltage-sourced converters purpose. Outputs of the rotor- and grid-side controls
(VSCs) with a dc link capacitor in between, a filter, and the are the pulsewidth modulation signals for the respec-
transformer. The crowbar circuit involves resistors that tive VSCs.
may be inserted by controlling thyristors in situations To avoid disconnection of the DFIG during grid faults,
where it is necessary to limit rotor currents for the pur- crowbar protection is widely used. When the dc bus volt-
pose of protection. age or the rotor current exceeds threshold values, the

Low-Speed Shaft
Electrical System
Transformer PCC Grid
Turbine Filter
Mechanical ac + dc
System νdc
dc – ac

iabcr iabcg
ωr Rotor-Side Grid-Side νabcs
νabcs Control Control νdc System

Figure 7. A WECS based on doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) technology. PCC: point of common coupling; PWM: pulsewidth modulation;
VSC: voltage-sourced converter.

34 I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / DECEMBER 2023

rotor-side converter is blocked and the crowbar circuit is and the crowbar circuit is activated so that the DFIG rotor
activated. The DFIG rotor currents flow through the crow- currents flow through the crowbar instead of the rotor-
bar instead of the rotor-side converter. When the grid fault side VSC.
is cleared and the rotor current decays to a safe value, the To focus on those details, natural waveforms are
crowbar is removed. The rotor-side converter resumes its tracked at x = 10 ns and fs = 0 Hz. The fault is assumed to
operation. The key to this protection technique is limiting be cleared at t = 0.4 s. With the rotor currents quickly
the high currents and providing a bypass in the rotor cir- returning to tolerable values thereafter, the crowbar resis-
cuit via the crowbar. tors are disconnected and the rotor-side VSC resumes
Along with the growth of wind power capacity avail- control of active and reactive power flows. After approxi-
able in the grid, WECSs are known to influence power mately t = 0.8 s, electromechanical transients become
system transients over a wide range of frequencies. Both increasingly dominant. As such, FAST returns to envelope
low-frequency transients, such as subsynchronous oscil- tracking at fs = 60 Hz in the ac parts of the circuit, and the
lations, and high-frequency transients, e.g., those caused time-step size x is set to 8 ms again.
by short circuits, can appear. EMT-type programs are Figures 8 and 9 show the curves from EMT- and FAST-
well suited for studying the behavior of high-frequency type simulation results. No differences can be seen during
electromagnetic transients related to WECSs. If it is of periods of tracking natural waveforms. Only when FAST
interest to study both low- and high-frequency tran- employs envelope tracking at large time-step sizes are
sients within the same study of WECSs, FAST offers an there obvious differences in how the information is repre-
efficient and accurate solution, as discussed hereafter sented because the EMT-type simulation always follows
(with simulation data taken from Xia et al. 2020). natural waveforms.
Initially, a WECS is assumed to operate close to steady
state with a generated active power of roughly 1.5 MW. Wide-Area Energy System
The time-step size x is set to 8 ms, and the shift frequency Beyond WECSs, it is important to understand multiscale
fs is at 60 Hz in the ac parts of the circuit. The envelope of transients of other power and energy resources as well as
the ac current is used to represent the steady state. The their systemic interactions through the power grid. The
phase-a current flowing through the rotor-side converter is following case study illustrates the value of such model-
shown in Figure 8, while the active and reactive power flows ing and simulation for a situation in China with regard to
into the grid are given in Figure 9. grid development for increasing the share of renewable
At t = 0.25 s, a three-phase-to-ground fault occurs at power. In this context, the CloudPSS program makes use
the PCC. Electromagnetic transients are triggered. As a of the FAST method, and it is widely used for such pur-
consequence of the fault, the rotor-side VSC is blocked, poses and beyond.

(MW, MVAr)
Current (kA)


0 0
–5 –1.5
0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 Time (s)
Time (s)
EMT-Type Model Active Power
EMT-Type Model
EMT-Type Model Reactive Power
Current (kA)

(MW, MVAr)


0 1.5

–5 0
0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 –1.5
0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (s)
Time (s)
FAST-Type Model Natural
FAST-Type Model Active Power
FAST-Type Model Envelope
FAST-Type Model Reactive Power

Figure 8. The phase-a current of the rotor-side converter. (a) EMT- Figure 9. The active power and reactive power at the PCC. (a) EMT-
type model. (b) Natural and envelope waveforms in FAST-type model. type model. The solid lines represent active power, while the dashed
The nonbold line depicts a natural waveform, while the bold lines rep- lines depict reactive power. (b) FAST-type model. The solid lines repre-
resent envelope waveforms. sent active power, while the dashed lines depict reactive power.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D EC EM BE R 2 0 2 3 35

The layout of a power system With the availability that both the tracking of envelope and
model describing a fictitious extend- of natural waveforms is supported.
ed West–East China regional intercon- of FAST, an efficient During stages of low-frequency elec-
nected system is depicted in tromechanical transients or at close to
Figure 10. The test system consists of
and accurate the steady state, the time-step size is
12,609 buses with 248 synchronous multiscale transients chosen commensurate with envelope
generators, 1,864 transmission lines, tracking. During stages of expected
778 transformers, and 571 loads. The simulation of a fast electromagnetic transients fol-
connection of the Western and East- lowing faults and during the initial
ern 50-Hz ac subsystems relies on the
wide-area system stage of the recovery, natural wave-
! 320-kV HVdc system shown in the is possible. form tracking is pursued with a time-
center. The HVdc converter stations step size as in EMT-type programs.
are based on VSC technology. The simulation results are com-
The three large-scale renewable pared in Figures 11 and 12. There are
power stations, denoted by G1, G2, and G3, involve multi- no differences observed in accuracy between the multi-
ple wind and solar parks. In steady state, those three sta- scale simulation and the corresponding EMT-type simula-
tions, G1, G2, and G3, are able to provide a real power of tion for both currents and voltages. With the availability
the order of 1200, 800, and 600 MW, respectively. In the of FAST, an efficient and accurate multiscale transients
observed scenario, a three-phase-to-ground fault hap- simulation of a wide-area system is possible. The system
pens at bus NJ at time point t = 0.5 s, following an initial scales may no longer be considered as a limitation to
stage of steady state. Such a fault triggers electromagnetic practical application.
transients. The fault is cleared after five cycles, followed
by a recovery process. At roughly t = 1 s, fast electromag- Conclusions
netic transients have largely damped out, making it prac- The past decades have seen the transformation of power
tical to track envelope waveforms thereafter. and energy systems into a heterogeneous entity involving
An EMT-type program may be used for analyzing the increasingly diverse technologies. This process is largely
fault and the recovery. Because envelope waveforms are driven by the objective of moving toward a zero-carbon
not available, the time-step size to be used in the EMT- society and by the need for energy security. The transfor-
type program would need to be rather small. This is neces- mation is still very much ongoing and is set to continue
sary even throughout periods of transients of low for decades to come, further increasing the multiscale
frequencies; for example, in an advanced stage of recov- character of power and energy systems. With FAST, there
ery. The resulting computational effort reduces the scope is a method at hand for bridging those scales in modeling
of practical application in a wide-area energy system anal- and simulation. As the term FAST suggests, additional
ysis. The issue is addressed by the flexibility of FAST in flexibility is attained by a complementary focus on the



220-kV Substation 220-kV Transmission Line Power Plant
500-kV Substation 500-kV Transmission Line VSC-HVdc Energy

Figure 10. West–East China regional interconnected ac/dc system.

36 I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / DECEMBER 2023

Current (kA) multiscale character, with all its benefits in modeling and
2 simulation, is only achieved by the simultaneous consid-
0 eration of parameter settings in the time and frequency
domains. It is this opportunity of 2D parameter setting
that is at the heart of FAST, and that is effective and prac-
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Time (s) tical in the analysis of heterogeneous resources and wide-
area power and energy systems. As such, the ability of
EMT-Type Model
bridging the scales also supports the ability of supporting
the ongoing process of analyzing and enhancing the
capabilities of power and energy systems.
Current (kA)

–2 Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 under Grant 410829522.
Time (s)
FAST-Type Model Natural For Further Reading
FAST-Type Model Envelope H. W. Dommel, “Digital computer solution of electromagnetic
(b) transients in single-and multiphase networks,” IEEE Trans.
Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-88, no. 4, pp. 388–399, Apr. 1969, doi:
Figure 11. The phase-a current of ST-NJ transmission line. (a) EMT- 10.1109/TPAS.1969.292459.
type model. (b) Natural and envelope waveforms of FAST-type model. D. A. Woodford, A. M. Gole, and R. W. Menzies, “Digital
The nonbold lines depict a natural waveform, while the bold lines rep- simulation of DC links and AC machines,” IEEE Trans. Power
resent an envelope waveform. App. Syst., vol. PAS-102, no. 6, pp. 1616–1623, Jun. 1983, doi:
P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control. New York, NY,
500 USA: McGraw-Hill, 1994.
Voltage (kA)

D. Maksimovic, A. M. Stankovic, V. J. Thottuvelil, and G. C.

0 Verghese, “Modeling and simulation of power electronic
­converters,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 89, no. 6, pp. 898–912, Jun. 2001, doi:
–500 10.1109/5.931486.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 J. Vega-Herrera, C. Rahmann, F. Valencia, and K. Strunz,
Time (s) “Analysis and application of quasi-static and dynamic pha-
EMT-Type Model sor calculus for stability assessment of integrated power
electric and electronic system,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 36,
(a) no. 3, pp. 1750–1760, May 2021, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.
Voltage (kA)

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setting of the time-step size regarding the sampling University, Beijing 100083, China.
of waveforms in the time domain. However, a true 

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