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Module 1: In Depth Training Inside PPC Dashboard & Understanding The Algorithm

Lecture: Why Your Product Listing Can Influence The Buyers’ Decision
➢ You must have all the keywords that you are trying to run Manual PPC
for in your product listing. The title carries the most “weight”. You
should have your best keywords in your title. “Weight” refers to the
increase in rank you will be awarded whenever you make a sale.
Keywords in the title will get a larger boost in organic rank than
keywords in the bullet points. If you’re selling a Jade Roller, then you
obviously, and most definitely need the keywords, “Jade Roller” in your
title. This will tell Amazon, yes, it is a Jade Roller.
➢ Ensure all your keywords that are relevant to your product are in your
product listing in general. This is good for running Automatic PPC, so
Amazon knows what your product is and will automatically place your
ad toward the right customers searching for your product.
➢ Keywords for Manual PPC must be in your bullets, product description,
and back end search terms: subject matter and/or search terms.
Repeating your keywords in your title, bullets, description and back end
will bring up the relevancy of your keywords and should lower your CPC
(Cost-Per-Click) when you are running PPC ads. This may not be
immediate but if your ad converts through these keywords, it will
eventually bring down the CPC because Amazon deems it relevant. It
takes time for the algorithm to learn your relevancy so don’t get
discouraged if your CPC is initially a lot higher than the suggest bid

➢ Double check that your keywords are indexed. Use Helium 10, 5k
checker to see if your keywords are indexed. If your keywords are not
indexed, try repeating it in the bullets, description, and/or backend.
You can also check manually on amazon by searching the keyword +

➢ Bullets should be within the 100 character limit or what ever limit that
Amazon says is allowed for your category. Check the “I” in your bullet
points in Amazon Seller Central to double check your character limit.

➢ Use Cerebro, Reverse ASIN look up to reverse search your top

competitors’ keywords. You can even see their keywords for their
sponsored ads. Ideally, you want your competitors’ top keywords in
your own product listing as well because you want to be ranked high,
on page 1. These are keywords that you can use to run PPC.

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