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Optimizing Your Product Listing To Fully Maximize Sales Potential Using PPC
Lecture: Choosing The Best Keywords To Convert Sales

➢ Create an automatic campaign. Run it straight from day 1 when your inventory hits the warehouse. Eventually, you
will pick out the best converting keywords with ideally, low ACOS % to put into a manual PPC campaign.
➢ Always run your campaigns on a full day budget. Manually check your campaigns morning and night time to figure
out what your daily budget is.
➢ Run your automatic campaign until you gather enough winning keywords to build out your manual campaigns. This
can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. There is no specific timeline. Once you have more than 2
sales per keyword, it’s time to build manual campaigns.

➢ Manual Campaigns: Broad keywords are used to look for longer tail keywords with your main keywords in any order.
Phrase keywords are used to look for longer tail keywords with your main keywords in that exact order any phrases
with your main keyword. Exact keywords are used to ranking up to page 1 (At launch, ACOS % should not matter
here. Your goal is to rank onto page 1 and it costs money to go aggressive on PPC for this). Do not focus too much
on ACOS in your Exact campaign unless it’s crazy high (greater than 100%).
➢ Put keywords into your Negative Keywords/Negative Targeting (if you have Ad Groups) in your Automatic campaign
and put keywords in manual broad or phrase campaigns you are running. These are keywords you do not want to
run. You can manually toggle off keywords in Exact match campaigns.

➢ You may test keywords that you find in Helium 10 but the problem is testing this takes up too much time and
experiment, leading to a higher ACOS. I suggest you gather organic keywords from an automatic campaign, build
manual campaigns, then finally launch your product by bidding higher for an exact match campaign.


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