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l1 t/-
3 r~serve fuel supply
for a domestic air carrier flight is ........ ..
- o min_utes plus percent at normal fuel consumption in addition to the
,,fue1 req:iired to the alternate airport.
l'Ja., minutes at normal ~uel consumption in addition to the fuel required to
fly and _land at the most distance alternate airport.
c- minutes ':"t normal fuel consumption in addition to the fuel required to
th~ alternate airport.

2. What is the maximum indicated airspeed

operated below 10, 000 feet MSL t may be
~2 88 knot s
~J2 50knot s
c-2 30knot s

At what minimum altitude is a turbin,~frengine
allow t o e nte r class d airspace ........ 1, '" • ·•.
a -2000ft agl ~1:-· ·

~~;ggg:: ,,. ,Pl~~~;, '~~

4. Un~ess otherwise au~)£!~~t d, wh~n:~~1&t},1i:-, \·r,\, pie required to hold a type
r a tmg?. ......... ' ·. , -. · .-
a- When operating an aircrafLf.<~j.~t is certificated for more than one pilot
b- When operating a multi engi~~t~rcraft having a gross weight of more than
6 0 0 0 pmJn_cl s "'-':...ll<.,,...~--:-,,_,,_
,...~Y.<,o. ~,.. ,,,...
1 9,- When opera\~,~ craft h¾~g gross weight of more than 12500ibs
(570 0 kg) \t~ ·
5. Wha.,~~fl£!~t~the .. check *requirement for the pie for a domestic air
,;?;," ? ~
C~.t.:~r.. .. ...... . ... 'J:i
.,&ii~~E\*,\ ,. 12 calendar\f);hths in .one of the typ_es of airpl~es to be flown
..;)"fj-. O n ·.,. ~)hen the pilq'ff'' is schedule to operat e m to a special area
.< 'c- Every.,-~;,,· , alendar months in all the types of a irplanes to be flown
- ~

6. A pilot in co,:;;\:,: m~nd most complete a proficiency check or simulator training

with the proceeding ... ..... .... ... .. . .
a-12 calendar months
b-24 calendar months
-~6 calenda r m o n th s

7. Below which altitude, except in cruising flight are non-safety related cockpit
activities by crcwmem ber is prohibited.. ................ ·
A- 14, 5 00ft
B- FL 180
, _,r

8. With respect to flight crewmember duties, which of the following ope, at wns
are in the "critical phase of flight"?
a-Ta.."Ll, takeoff, landing and all other operations arc conducted below 10 ,000
feet MSL, including cruise flight
b-Descent, approach and all other operations, irrespective of altitudes M SL,
(0Taxi, takeoff, landing and all other operations are conducted below 10, 000
~et MSL, excluding cruise flight.

9. Which docum ents are required to be carried aboard each domestic air carrier
flight .... ?
a- Load man ifest and flight release /fl;~,;.r.'1
,4i<f?-X ,.
b- Dispatch release, weigh~ and balance release /J,1;¥
,fl"' ... '
{§; Dispatch release, load manifest and flight plan . #1)!:•ff ~A

f,lt "t~
10. The document that specifically authorize the k_indsf toperation tha·f -
certificate holder will conduct i 11 a gcographJcal,A:'·: .•;
i;<j:t :»:-x,,
called ... .. ... -d.Y-:
. --
a-Air operator· cer·ti· fie ate .f;•'•·:,i,;.
~ :,,.,
\::: :l@t»"
" :?.~it:'-'"•
~- ;r

b-AOC holders manual ..,, "'it ;:;Ji[*[Wf~J?:iift';

(~~Certificate holder's operation s spcsidi:~tions. "<'!;;ii'. ..
. ·.,,-~It~~~:.-. i:Jt
11. Prior to listing an airport as c\P. alten1?~ ·. · _ of in the dispatch or flight
release, weather reports and J~i!;¥:f,~sts m '.\. 1 :f~,I I
that weather conditions
will lw C, t o r n ho,•c 8l l tho 1i;,cd' rni'n'i'ffi,.'· .. s a1tthat a~6rt
a- For a period o ne h our ~efore or aft ·, -~'\:3-

b- DLnng the ,:ntit·c flight{)>.. i,<

(§.Jwhen the fli gh l arrives \;r,j:, :;J'

12. ~hat is the h?r_iz?\1lal and vertl"~l}\~-!llance from a clo1:1-d ~nd visibility that a
pilot must m~11~~a11J ,?:}i~t}_evel belowj1;-®000 ~h_e1: _operating m vmc
(§2 300m vertical,~y, hor1.t,8!1$§bt.-_ 15?0tn, and vis1b1hty 5km
B- 150,,9/:et vert!ca_ll~,\fV:S0~0n£!~~r'izontal and visi?i~it:Y_ 5km
C- 20,9,Qfee,t verl1ca1Jy, honzol]i.tal 1500feet, and vis1b1hty 5km
13-,J N':il;.,~he righl lo •~l~le an aerodrome?

FMN ":;.- --~-;;;
~-- Air TraTfi.12\C o11 l rn 11 c r


14. During a n e:rri'e rpc1 le'\' 1he a erodrome available 1s declare close what should
the pi ,· d o?
a-He C'fmnot lan I cv( 11 if it is considered safe for him

~,He can land if il corl'>iders safe for him

c-He should go IJ:wk to an alternate

15. T?ree ere:" \pie, sic and ~he flight engineer) are scheduled to operate an
aircraft w1thm the next mne months who among them most have a valid
medical certificate?
a-Pie and sic
p.~~ic and the engineer
(<:;;,all of them

8. With respect to flight crewmcm ber duties, which of the following op<'ual ionc.;
are in the "critical phase of flight"?
a-Taxi, takeoff, landing and a ll other operation s arc conducte d below J 0,00 0
feet MSL, includin g cruise flight
b -D escent, approach and all other operation s, irrespecti ve of altitudes MSL,
a=.>Taxi, takeoff, landing a nd a ll other operation s are conducte d below 10, 000
'feet MSL, excluding cruise flight.

9. Which docu ments are requir ed to be carried aboard each domestic air carrier
flight.. .. ?
a- Load m an ifest and fl igh t release ,,~~~f¼,
b- Dispa tch releas e, weigh ~ and lm lancc release /,#' --·--,.s~~m,
[c) Dispatch relea s e , loa d m anifes t and flight plan. ;J!/ ·-,~,~
'74 "1$':'f

10. The do cumen t tha t specifi cally au lh orizc the ~indsft, operation thal
certificate h older will co n du c t in 8 gcogra phjca1 ardtk!{\ called ........,:-~ •.:,'.t · ..
. , .i1·';. •'.
,.:;.,,• :,~~-
·•J·{\-il~, • /
a- A ir op erator certificate ~&£i~*=<w.,, ..,... •,;•::;::;'Jl'
b-AOC holders manual


~gCertific ate h older's operation s sp c5J[g_ation s ..{\;;: · <'<·.<-,A.:,>.,·~"·

• •- •:*Jti~~t~• I tr?.••
11. Prior to listing an airport a s al) alter& · '·jfp 6& in the d ispat ch or •flight
..:..•~:•;~,_ ,.,_;~•.~ •
r~lea se, w eath er report.s c:: n cl /P~ 5 j£l~~ts m '•:,;:,. tifa: ; ~,~ that weather condition s
will be rc1 or ~"t l ovc D uth o1 1 ✓,cLl rn lh-1:~ rp;J. ,:µis
. ~::<',~,y~,?)i~--~
i t~Jhat
a f1fi, ort
a - F or a µenod one hou ,· ~e fore or aft-e'.~/-..: ·:·t,:3-
b- Dt::·rng th(; ,:nt irc Dight !J% ' .
1f]Wh en th e fl ighL arrives ·"-:t;•l·.
~-~ <;;{{{~,:~
12. "":hat is the h?r,,iz?r;,i La J a nd vertfo·\ )±~.!.i tance from a cloud and visib ility tha t a
p~lot must m':11~t.a 1~ 5-'Jit.
l. e·.· v·.·. el. belo;J -® 000 '-:~en operating in vrnc
(P 300m vertica lly, h or1tPn:!%~. 150Qin, and Visibility 5km
B- 1509 ,f;et vert~ cally,.,,JfSo:o~jt;g_f izontal and visibility 5km
C- 29.9Qfee.J ve r tically, h on zo:g_'tal 1500feet, and visibility 5km
$/t:.t~ · .
13:.~"· ~:,:· -.r.•.'f.,.s·· .t he rig ht t O ·C!~fre an aerodrom e?
·i,:t{)- NCAA . .
·\!;>- FAA.ff< . .
~6-- Air Traifi.t;':t~~J.:;: C, ,;o. 11 tro l l c- r
14. Durin g ctn err?erp1·1wv I hr aerodrom e availabl e 1s declare close what s hould
the p i1. do?
a-He ccm n ot lan 1 ! cv, 11 ir it is con sidered safe for him
( b\He crm la nd if i t con -; iders safe for him
'c-He s hou ld go b:l("k tu n n alternate

15. T?ree ere:' ~p ie , sic nnd _th e flight engineer) are schedule d to operate an
aircraft w1thm t h e nex t mne months who among them m os t h ave a vard i
medical certifica te?
a-Pie a nd sic
P.::lic a n d the en gi n ee r
(<;.;,all of them

. Whi ch disp atch .
se l requ irem ent ap li
vera hou rs on IFR fligh t? .
P es to an air carri er t hat is sch edul e for a
a-No alte rnat e airp ort . . .
d estin atio n airp ort is
b-A n alte rnat e .
requ ired if the forec ast wea ther for the eta at
a . east 1500 feet and 5km the
abov e the lowe tair;Portlinis not requ ired if the ceili
,,. s crrc g MDA ng will be a t leas t 1500 feet
~- An alte mat e airp ort is requ ired
17 Whe n the fore cast th . .
. Wea er cond ition s for a dest . . .
are_ cons ider ed mar gina l for a dom estic air carr inati on and alter nate airp ort
iers' oper ation , wha t spec ific
acti~ n shou ld the disp atch er or pilot in com man
d take ?
a- LiS t an airpo rt_ ~he re the forec ast weat her is
not mar~ _m~ >.4,} £~ alter nate
b: Add ~ne addi tion al hou r of fuel base d on
airp lane 1n cru is,,. ;fpo ~Jw :gs for th e
;{/'" ~~~<,
c- List at leas t one addi tion al alter nate airpo rt.
1f'i1 .
18 Wha t rece nt expe rien ce is requ ired to be er ~~le
£ e prac tical ,· st for the
orig inal issu e of a cate gory auth oriza tion?
a-W ith in the prev ious 6 mon ths, six LS ap . ~
cate gory lDH . ,~6-
b- With in the prev ious 12 calen d • .. ) , <t~ s~{~ S appr oach es flow n usin g

an appr oach coup ler to categ ory ,_.:1- or ca ~g., ~ ·

c- With in the 6 mon ~hs, six_.J 6gp roa c,~s , ..
~:. · 6/ r

the cate gory 1 DH usm g- ..appr-0 t

i ~l,¥;. / whic h may be flow n to - <,:-'-·
up . ~.;,.,"
19 At wha t max imu m i , -.a airsp eed recip roca ting- engi ne airp lane
oper ate in the airsp ace un · g class b air pace ?
a-18 0kno ts.
'q}2 00kn ots -- ~~ :i\-,
c- 230 knot s ~" -;;i¾<I;-•" ·~\i;f~,.
20 Duri ng an eme rg~ ~~,-- e~ ,_:·;\l>'~s not devi~t~ fr~m
_an IFR 1:1-le but is give n
P riori . .Y-ft'~TC to f6m or t:q;teler wha t cond1t10n 1s time
• .%'!#'' """<! requ ired to subm it a
' .
wntt 'en repo rt? ."".
af'.fff-the man ager o 1_5~ ral avia tion distr ict offic .
-,,f~T ~~e ;,ma nage r of ~~"'! acili ty in cont rol at the
time of the devi ation .
¼-lu po~1 ffq.- µest by A'FC, subm it a writ ten repo rt
\.:~,, '"i'#~~ to the ATC man ager .
21 .. Whe n m:~,e~ re9u est a deta iled repo rt on an eme rgen cy even
rule has nqJo een viola ted? thou gh a
t~?When prio rity has been give n
b-An ytim e an eme rgen cy occu rs.
c-W hen the eme rgen cy occu rs in cont rolle d airsp
22 The func tion of the mini mum equi pme nt list
item s whic h (mel) 1s to indi cate requ ired
a-Ar e acqu ired to be oper ative for over wate r, pass
enge r air carr ier fligh ts.
b-Ma y be inop erati ve for a one- time ferry fligh
--~a inten ance base . t of a large airp lane to a
.c-.May be inop erati ve prio r to begi nnin g of a fligh
t in an ~ircr aft,

W 1ch operational requirement must be observed by a commercial operator
when ferrying a large, three engine, turbojet airplane from the facility to
another to repair an inoperative engine?
a-The computed takeoff dis:a..-rice ~o reach vl must not exceed 70 percent of
the effective run ,.,;ay lengrJl.
b-Thc existi::g and forecast \veat.'1er fur departure, enroute, and approach
must be V?R
c-I ~o passenge::-s ::iay be carried.

eng~ne-powered airplane from the facility to another
engine, which :s an operational requirement for the,&.J:1tee-en~~ght?_
A com::1e:-cial operator plans to ferry a large, four-engine, reciprocating-

a-Then gross ·.veight at takeoff may not exceed 75t;percent of tn~)'J.Ilaximum


>ertificated gross weight - :~ ;;¾

E,-We, thcr cr,nditions at takeoff and destination ain>0rts must be VFR
c-The computed takeoff distance to reach vi mus(-p._ot exceed 70 ;percent of
the effoct1ve runway length. -~---~
:l-tt, ~ _ •' ·
.'tt' ,,, . . ~-.....
' ~. .~~. . ,. ,:,s,,"

25 Th c person v-.rho is responsible for Lli:e initiation, continuation, diversion, and

tcnninati011 c,f a domestic f1i ht.
a-P .o .1., cu.. n.and
b 1.
I p01 t di5y1•ch 'r

26. The age 60 n1lc of p rt 2 pphes to

~ Any 1eq1..1i1 cd pi!ot cre\·nner L r
b-Any flight c:-cwmembe1
c. the PIC only

27 the .1irplane
An minimum n,1m'·c· n1· pa·ssengers an d eight crewmembers. what is
l .as ~l. t~ . .forc,f 14
u ' ht attendants required with 97
aboard? passengers


28 The t-r.:11nint. ...g. ~: c~e\vmem~ers who have not qualified and
serve\.. :r~ ~he s, . . a.,other airplane of the same category eg.,
turb , _ :Jowe :·'- .
a- U_:"grade trni. n
9--Tr~tnsition tramu r

c- In:t1al trainmP

29 A crewmembcr wl > has served ss second .

an-pl ne eg b7 _ 7_ 100 may serve as pilot
i1;; c~m:anandd upon
(sic) on a type

k or sim ul at or tra in in
A il · e a pr of ici en cy ch ec
an d m us t co mp let
p. _o t in co m med
~t hi n th e pr ec in g
~., 6 ca len da r m on th s .
b 12 ca le nd ar m on th s
c -2 4 ca le nd ar m on th s.
ve rec e~ ve d
38 r, ot he r th an pi lo t in co m m an d, m us t ha
A pi lo t fli gh t cr ew m em
be e pr oc ee di ng
k or lin e -o rie nt ed sim ul at or tra in in g wi th in th
a pr of ici en cy ch ec th s.
a- 6 ca le nd a r m on
~ 12 ca le nd ar m on th s
@ 24 ca ie nd ar m on th s.
~;,~':~~ ,..-- ~Ja dd 1t ' .
r, a ~s0ri' m u s tti 1~ io n to
39 rre nt as an air cr af l d isp at ch e pe
To re m ai n cu
;..;_ ' .
oth e:r re qu i re m en ts s, ~p e n d 2. Sh lo u r ~\ ~ bs er vi ng
p ; ::! ·,t lc nt br m on th of
a- \V ith :r. th '. pr ec cd jn o a dd iti on al tak eo ff~ a n d ln nd in g~1!,~.,..~n on e
pl u s tw
fligl it de ck c..pcr a tio ns ' gr ou p hc / sl w Js
l,j'. •
to m\ ,h n tc h. b.~}
ea ch s
th e typ e~ of ai r pl an es
da r m o.n t h.s , S~ Cl l(] n l 1~~1:,sl 5 ho ur
in g 1: ca len es in ea ch
~; W it l 1i11 ~h . p r <'ccd
-1 l'1 o ne o: th e· typ c:4 of ni rp ln n
k opr
obr.1· r··1 11~ fli ~h , d r•c sp al ·h
;i • , .~

rw I sh ,· ,', tc , d,
nd a t lea .s t 5 ho ur s
!(r o \ i I

t - ".' , Li! . :h p:- ,·c cd .nr , i1,·ndn1 m on th , sp e th at

i:, ~ f1i rb 1 d, , k, i, :. •.
,·:1 di t,Y .pc o f ai rp Ja n c.: , in <.;n c h gr ou p.
o b :.• 1 \ 1 1
)w is l o <h :.p atr h \.
he· /
h ,. , 11.,:ny)i~l fo r no m or e th an
40 No1 rn:iJJy, n di sp n
t ch c-r
~c• r v~ cc 1n Uh } :>-~ n · cn 1 •iv e h ou rs .
n l .1 ho ur s of
,:? -: n.s ecU llVt.: h ot irs
b l O ho t.r s ofd11 1y in an co ns ec ut iv e h ou r pe rio d
of lt\ \\•t h1 11 ., .N
(c :\[ l, ,., se t .i: h, · 1.<>urs

er ct rrv · I or
41 Th e' · .tif ~< n _\: Ii~ h~·t ( n ;1 1• J.i:- . i:1 ,1• (., • · .; in g a irp an c m us t be ar m ed
~ .t
tu n· ,·d 0n c!t: : -:n_r•J
a,~w ,:.~ .·:' ta:~( ::. . : i.1:~ .<· ;"t nd.J'
b -t.•.!.X:Il1 g. ~k c• of : .uH . Ll: . . 1
"h :: i:n ;,'- i . ; ,: :.1·
d •. ,

,he ; i 1 n ud e al l pe rs on s fro m
.g n: cy au th 0r 1t y to ex cl

ad n~ ,. r , ,, · ' · ·
~A r : .. ~:1 -i1 .)· ' ,-r.~·<, !t:. : ch ec ks
b- j n 1r · .:1'te 1:<·J • i ••

c-Ex~ ..·1 t ;">(?r<-v,:) , \\ ! •

:•· er an d th e
. ,. a ~1 ::1or iza tio n fro m th e ce rti fic at e ho ld
nc aa :1 "r th e :-;;~n:· ..
ad he rin u to t· h,c, W.lng.., (). ~in
:-,r:r- r : ~; ta ke of f if sn ow , ,..,

' ·.r.,,,_ .., ;,,;; po ss ib le an d re si du e f'(il• -.h eel

:..:: j f) .. m us t lw
!..;- /\t . , ..
51. An aircraft ct·ispat c h er shall receive at least 24 consecutive hours of rest
~- every 7 c onsecutive days
(b). every 7 consecutive days or the equivalent thereof within any calendar
mo n th .
c-each calendar week.

52 ., who is responsible by regulation for briefing a pie of a _c_omme r cial air

operator on all available weather information and irregularities of facilities
i.\_11d services?
(9)- the aircraft dispatcher.
b - air route traffic control center ,,.,,..-,,:,•.;;<-ii<Ji!..i:<x,,·,
. .•·:WJ~~~r~~~t~t~~: 0
c -director of operations. ..,{$:11' ' "<f1J tff.~,
1W iff/ f.:i ~
/1' t¼
53. what are some characteristics of an airplane loa,f} d with the e ?°&¾& ft the aft
limit? flt~ L ij L.
(§)lowest stall speed, highest cruise speed. §ifcl leat t-~ tability. - :Jf
b-highest stall speed, highest cruise speetf-~!~d lea ... · ·, bility. ,;J!Jf/J
c-lowest stall speed, lowest cruise sp~~d, andl:ighes · ···,.-!_;flt~W,1.,"'
_. ;1(. \{~;
54 what a pilot need on a VFR fli ght a> i,. ~!if.,,,.
a-navigation light, chart, indic.&:ted airs ~~ "· tJ:,d' 1 SI
_t>-navigation light, chart, in~¼~it.i ~ airs ;f~,. ·,.gnetic compass ..
( 2-navigation
light, chart 1
·\ d
n' f&:, •
•·· ed · pilot heated magnetic
compass. .AS:
A" - . .

55 at winch altitude ex;:~tf~in.. in cruise flight are non-safely related cockpit

activities by flight crew memfu'.#J~_prohibited

1I~~~o:·.:~~-;:) ef'
use.6.\~-., . --~ic k hst 'in;
0f~¢.:h;,e.; :a rt emerg'e·h cy
~ ~ .:-'

~per- and lowe!} case texts may confuse the dispatcher

,~li;;i~e checklist J,~, ~,f,sponded to automatically rather than diligently.
t 4f-c-tlfe,.cl.1S,Patchcr m ay;,?-°be confused .
'.;'.:' , 1"' h- . .
57 :, load s heets: -: :1s ea
:~.;;,m:,,•, •.,.
rn ed on
a-all aircra£tJ¢ategory except private
~all aircrat;ff-fategory
<f.1 all air transport category.
58 ·
~or aeroplane having ·a crew of more than 2 pilots , the minrm'u m fl ymg ti'
m 7 consecu d ay 1s
(a ~32hrs

wilth0i8n what frequency range does the localizer transmitter of the ils oper" t
~- .1 0 to 118. l0mhz n es

( ~ 108 .10 to lll .95mhz

c~l08 . J0 to 11 7. 75rnhz
I bO w he n is D M E .
~/ a- ~ b ov e 12 ,5 00
b- 1n te ·
I eq ui re d fo
ft IF
r •R fli gh t? ,
nn 1n al ra da r sl m

. p·-._
_51'at or ab ov e 24 se rv ic e
. 00 0f t .
61 ' m sl if vo r na vi ga tio
m w ha n eq ui pm en t is re qu
co nt ro lltedalai ti tu de st ru
ir ed
I a- a b ov e 12 ,5 00pa
rs ct
ce ... ... ur e ls a tr an sp on de r re qu ir ed w
he n op er at m .
® ab ov e ft 1 g in
OOOf m s' ex cl ud .
c- ab ov e 10 ' in g th e ai rs pa ce at
14 ' 50 t m sl , ex cl ud in g th e ai rs pa ce at and be lo w 25 00 ft ag l
Oft m sl , ex cl ud in g d
th e ai rs pa ce at an be lo w 25 00 ft ag l
62 PA,.. PI co ns is t of d be lo w 25 00 ft ag l
a- ro w ~f fo ur li gh , ~~~
,.J;j,fj -~'*<lo~·~;;;;;,~""·,'«··
ts pa ra lle l to th e ru nw ay
( b~
.. _ on e li gh t p ro ~e · c t or · , re d, w 11{i'W' an d gr
ee n
w ith t': o co lo rs , re
,G ro w of fo ur lig
ht pe rp en di cu la r to d an d w hi·tfi P
th e ru nw ay ; .
63 · an d w hi te .
w ha t ac ti on sh ou ./.

. b ld be ta ki ng by ~
a ir ?
or ne . w ea th er ra th e p: ' ,f tr >,f .
da r be co m es it? ,o -:1.-i il"J ca te g5 ,>.W ai rc ra
~ ;~ th er re po rt ir: pe ra tt~ en ro u1 :. zilr-BW ?1}!'-h. · r.f.11~t fo f~ if
1- ~ (t/J.#g n , r w hi ch
1;_~-fhght ca n co nt dicates po s_si bl e ~ ,'} ~~ rs to r, t?
m ue ac co rd in g to ~
b- re qu es t ra da r ve ~ -- - on tR-· ~a nu
ct or s ho rn A'.EC al .
c- re tu rn to th e ·
dc pc 1r tu .~:i ~i ~J :J?,or t
en co un te re d i. '1t-'. . , . .;~-l i ie rs to
if ' ·-,;.;~if{i\>·· rm s ha s no t be
64 w hi ch ai rc ra ft is
,t__ '', ;· en
req1.,J;-iff.@~,; o be eq
ui pp . :t.4'¥i:t.h gl id e
. ... ... ... . ' ~f•-'it~
sy st em (gp w s ).. .. :. sl op e de vi at io n al
a- pa ss en ge r -c ar ry :<#,i;J:,· ,~ t'? · er ti ng
in g tu rb in :'ef pp w er
b- la rg e tu rb iq ~ ed ai rp la ne s
pw er ed ai rp laff~~!t
c- al l tu rb in e ~~~"'~'" :: - .J·.
'1~$~,Q,. ~r pl an es ~ \\f
.. ~$ 1~ '-' ;;,,. j;; 'r
65 w hi ch re qu ir el l\ en t .iJ}f' _
<J '.if1 p11iif&MJf' ~m er ge nc y eq ui pm en
m e& ~J'!'~ :tr, Q ije s, fi rs~ t~~ t (f ire ex ti ng ui sh
cl ki• ts , §}.~$t-iu ~r as h ax )
a-.a1f em er ge nc y et ' 11· er s,
li- 1p m en t m us t be ? 1n st a 1~ an ai. r ea. rn er . 1
ar rp an ?
.:'b l~~. tr ge nc y ~q re ad ily ac ce ss ib le to e.
:1 ip \_~~,t ~a nn ot be th e pa ss en ge rs .
~::',·~;::·i !Il rn lli f.1 .te ly v1 in a ~o m pa rt m en
S1ble ~$/a fli gh t at t or ar ea w he re it
:tj .Cc-emer~iU,.CY eq te nd an t 1n th e pa is no t
u~ pt if en t m us t be ss en ge r co m pa rt
cl ea rl y m ar ke d an m en t.
t)'- m et ho d i~
,@ ~ t1 0 n d id en ti fi ed to in
di ca te it s
66 . for w ha t hJih.
ab ov e m us t ca bi n
al ti tu de m us t ox yg
,.,p ~s se ng er s du ri en to pr ov id e for
ng U1c e nt ir e fl ig al l
'( il l 50 00 fe et ht al l th os e al ti tu
de s.
-b -1 60 00 fe et
c- 14 00 0 fe et

67 . w ha t is th e pa ss en
ge r ox yg en supply
po w er ed ai rc ra ft w requirement for a fli
ith a ca bi n pr es su ght, in a turbine-
oxygen for re in ex ce ss of 15
/"_' •""-.. 00 0 fe et ? en ou gh
·. _~,1 ea ch pa ss en ge r to
fo r th e en ti re fl ig
b -3 0 pe rc en t of th ht ab ov e 15 00 0 fe et
e pa ss en ge rs . ca bi n al ti tu de
c- 10 pe rc en t of th e
pa ss en ge rs for 30
m in ut es

/7 swep t back wing s w1·11 h
,,,,-:_-· ave
.__a-mo re drag at low mach n
b-les s drag at 1
ow much no and
a nd less drags at high m ach no
d . .
c-mo re drag at low d h' more rag at high mach , no
an 1gh mach no
78 whic h of these fl · .

/ a-sp 11t. fl aps

G wler flap s
B- krugg er flaps.
aps incre ases the wmg area and lift?

what does v~rte x _gene rator do? --~~
~\he lp the wing s in devel oping lift,
ON-e duce drag to delay boun dary layer separ ation f
,hr ·

c-cou nter acts the effect of the distu rbanc e of the, ing tip v ortice
Jr· th engin ~t
W->i?~ . "
. •
e powe r on aircra .
stall.. .. ~gJfil ;4;i~• ower o ff ; ~<J.·

ft will .A··
en5~f fif
/ !~ less
-..J..., ' ~p..~ ¾ff'~0,, ~~&-;~w:!$~
b-mo re ,[k, i.W$~y
c- equa l ~ -
81 as outsi de air press ure decre3:_§~S, th . ~ii
t ,. ·u
a-inc rease due to great er ef4:_ef(i,q£)' of je . . . , thin air
b-the seine since compre$S'10 ,!!,~.,.<""':v·~S:C<\'•~ 1 t ailf Will CO -pens ate
n-'ol:f~l':%l: . 'tt for any decre ase
;e~::,m ·J::L '"½l{;~~
([s}d ecrea se du e to highe r ·aqi,:~ altitu de '
82 · · ate 1§~~ a c01~~press·~~~;'~!~o?,,,
what m~ic ~'."4'' talLh
,.,r.,,· as devel ops and beco me stead y?
a-occ as10n al l~l,:t~ • ... g and flo~;, evers al . . .
b,.com plete losl~o:t · •·. 'th se¼e're reduc t10n in airsp eed
/ f
([<>,s trq~? , vibra ti~J
I . A
,·~ o . W
_i _ ,;.

8 3. : i,Jf~~:::,"
.m~ - range ·1 12erf
& ormat ce of turbo jet aircr aft is obtai ned by whic h
.,rii£;.}~~dure s as weig ·. r duce s ........ ........ ....... ..
($r' :z;::~'
i~~,. ·
1ng spee d t't d
1 u e
~&_ : h-inc ~isp_
t •i h \ ,..,,~,-,,"t~ s_peed
. o ecrea sing altitu de
't;lrc~m crea~ b:-. itµde or decre ase speed .
'-1.. / ',
84. wpat effec t1d'.t>es an uphil l runw ay slope have upon takeo ff
L[J incre asing takeo ff dista nce perfo rman ce?
b-dec rease s takeo ff speed
c-dec rease takeo ff dista nce

what is the best meth od of speed reduc tion if hydr oplan ing
landi ng . ..... ........ . . is expe rienc e on
a- apply nose whee l and main wheel brak ing alter nate and abru ptly
r~; apply full main whee l braki ng only
~ apply aerod ynam ics brak ing to the fulle st adva ntage .


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