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NO.2013/Wl/Spec. ofGC/RNY-MZS New Delhi dtd. 1-7-2013

~eral Managers,
All Zonal Railways
r ~~
Sub: Specification for Gauge Conversion Projects.

~1 Ref: (I) RaHwaySoard's letter 2006/£~-I\I/LX/WP/ldated9/11201t. .....•

t {2}.RailwaYSQard'sletterNo.20Q.7/CE-,I.l/TS/6/
! (3lRanWaY.Board'~tette~ii~~~9s/w.l/GenI/Q/~9+Rt.• ··dated;1.3.8. .Q~
i . :(4) Ra Hway~~ar~ts·iI~ttet'No.29~t.l~ty1.(Bl\}l:3/S>fJ~~ed1..~,~p~.U.2r·~~

nserved that the, cost ,of. the projects have increased manifold as
'\\\"'t-n:rnn:::Ir9,rf'1:'"Tn'D abstraetcost at Whi(.h.the projects were san~ioned. This'ispritnarilyon
iUDleralinterpretation of various instructions which have been issued by Railway
frarnti(ne to time. DUring 1992, .when the uniga.uge policy was uriveiled,Gauge
<t..;(mVE~rSI(m Was-primarily consi(iere(iastrack. renewal wqrkbut with wider. gauge with notrUls.
;" r"'/~QVfevetsituation has nOVl{reachedanotherextremeendwhere Gauge Conversions are costing
!;i)aSI11~~ CJ:~~ewlines. Given the precarious financial ;staw~ of [ndran has·become
" .'.'.imper(:\tivetogjveprimacyto econom'yofcost of cons~ructjqn. .

ttlview"f the aba~e, foUQwing guidelines are to be followed for gauge conversion
projects:'- '

1. BLANKEtINGMATERIAl;- Blanketing material should be provided only on diversions and

on Jocationshaving past history of breaches and subsidence. .
lEVELXING:- Elimination of level crossings should not be the sole guiding criteria tn-
finalizih~the l section. In the norma'l course of finalization of L-section, if adequate
--:----~--------k..rr.""""" bank (say' 1.5 to 2 M.) is available or is obtained by minor raising of the
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formation level without significant increase in the area of land and quantity of
earthwork, l-Xing can be planned for elimination by LHS. Other level crossings can be
planned for elimination by getting separate works sanctioned under relevant Plan Head
as per extant instruction in vogue.
(a) RAil SECTION- Rails section shall be as per provision of Railway Board's letter under ~
reference-(2) i.e. 60 kg rail are to be provided on Gauge, Conversion projects ~
connected to main line at both ends and with projected traffic more than 5 GMT. On
other projects 52 Kg (SH) rail shall be provided.
(b) LOOP LINES-On loop lines 52 Kg(SH)shall be provided.
(c) SLEEPER DENSITY - Sleeper density shall be 1660 nos per KM on all Gauge
Conversion projects. On loop line sleeper density shall be 154;0 nos per Km.
(d) BALLASTCUSHJON - Depth of ballas~ below the bottom of the sleeper at the rail
seat shall be 300mm on Gauge Conversion projects not ending in a dead end and
with projected traffic more than 5 GMT. On other projects depth of ballast shall be
4. PASSENGERAMENITlES:- Extant of passenger amenities shalf be Minimum Essential
Amenities (MEA) and othe~provjsions as prescribed in RaHway Boards letter under ref.;
(4) as per the class of thestatlcns based on its earning at the time ..of santtionof the
work and notonfutu'ristic\PfQjection. length .of Platform to be provide(fshall be.based
on length oflong¢St stoppingtrajn.~t the station, however~On fines provjd~nga'te(nate
routeminirn umJetfgth OfP/FShOUfdpe$uffi~jent teaccomin()~ate3.8 •. c()a.(t~tf~.inS:
5. Area QfserviCtablljhii9~s~hould .~e '$trictlya$'p~r .Joint"Epgin~eri!lg .s,rS8tTclrculat
'- .. -; .- ., : - -- .. "c. "0- ,".- -_ •. :. c.

This issues with the approval ofBoard{ME)

I ti..pi. ·'l<··
Anjum Pervez

Cc.jpyto/- 11CAQ/qollstr:uction, All Indian Railways.

2J peE, AU Indian RaIlways.

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