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M ~ S T R YOF ~ W W A Y S



Printed OCTOBER 1968

Reprinted August 1984
This report is based on a stud$ conkiucted by the Bridges and Floods
Wing of Research Directorate of RDSO. Although every care has been taken in
recording data accurately and ill analysing it objectively, the views expressed in this
report are'subject to lnodifications from time to time in light of fresh data. They
do not necessarily represent the views of the Ministry of Railways (Rai!way
Board), Government of India.
This report is the property of RDSO and is meant essentially for official
use. It may notbe loaned, reproduced in part or in full or quoted as an authority
without the pe~.rnissionof Director General; RDSO.

N. N. Setty 5. R. Vachha
Joint Director Researcl~ ( B & F ) Director Re:euwIz
SI. No. Description Page No.
1 Introduction. 1
2 Review of available methods . 1
3 Data used in the present study . . 3
Design features of Ganga Pul 4
.. .
5 .Regime of the river 5
6 Approach adopted in the present study • 6 .
7 Results 6
8 Discussion . 8
9 Summary . . I . 9
10 References . 10

Description Notation
Depth of flow calculated from Lacey formula and equal to 0.473
Observed depth of scour measured below water level .
Total discharge passing through bridge . Q
Silt factor . f
1. 'l'itroductioa
1.1 Depth of .scour-around piers i n alluvial rivers in India is generally estimated
by the Lacey's fonnulae: The Lacey's formulae are applicable to alluvial rivers
only and even for such rivers, the empirical coefficients adopted for different
locations have hot been verified by many. field obsewations. In Chapter XXVIII
of the Technical Paper No. 335, titled 'River training and control for bridges',
H. K . L. Sethil recommended that fuither investigations should be made regarding
scour in different locations and with different bed materials including gravel and
boulders. The Railway Board have accepted the recommendation and vide their
letter No. 63/WJ/DMF/14 dated 10-9-63 (Annexure) desired that the railways
should record maximum depth of scour in,different locations such as around piers
at nose of guide bunds, at nose of spurs, etc, and with different bed materials in
as many represe~tativestreams as possible. The Bridges and Floods Wing .of
RDSO is required to study the data furnished by the railways and submit a report
to the Railway Board.

1.2 Collection of field data started in 1964. Data collected by the Central
Railway at eight streams in Central India during 1964 and 1965 has been studied
by the Brldges and Floods Wing of RDSO and Report No. RBF. 32has been
~ssued.The rivers to which the recommendations of Report No. RBF 3 apply,
have film banks but erodible bed material of coarse sand and 'bajri (sllt factor
varying from 1.8 to 2.9). Such streams are often termed semi-alluvial. This study
was probably the first of its kind fox such rivers.

1.3 While analysing the data collected by the railways at the representative
bridges, it came to the notice of RDSO that Eastern Railway on its own, had
been making scour observations around the bridge piers of Ganga Pul at Moka-
meh. The data collected by Eastern Railway at Ganga Pul was, therefore,
analysed by RDSO to study scour around bridge piers in major alluvial rivers.
This data could not be expected to completely fulfil'the requirements of research
on ihe subject but best possible use has been made of it in this repqrt. Further
. data collection at this bridge is being research oriented. This bridge broadly
represents conditions met at important bridges in alluvial plains. This report is
the second progress report on scour around bridge piers.

2. Review of available methods

2.1 The practice followed till recently for determining maximum probable depth
of scour at bridge crossings'was to ascertain greatest depth of scour found on the
outside of curves in sandy stretches and to add 33 %to account for the maximum
scour expected against a hard bank. Gales recommended a further addition of
25% to account for local eddy scour at bridge piers and abutments.
2.2 Based on studies of alluvial channels in regime, Gerald Lacey (1930) classified
maximum depth of flow, D,,,, i i ~an alluvial i_egime chanuel into the following
four categories :
Class (A) Straight reach Dm$*= 1.27 R
" ,
(B) Moderate bend Dma;=1.50 R
,, (C) Severe bend Dmax=1.75 R
,, (D) Right angle bend Drnm=2.00R . .
., . . .
. .
. . .
where R is hydraulic mean-.depth;
. ~
.- .
. .
. . :.-;.
. - -
. ...
- :--
-. -
. ..
: .: ;..-i - .--.'
... -...
Lacey further gave the following general relations for alluvial channels
in regime:
V,=1.17 '(% Qf2=3.8 VO6 .
where V, is the mean velocity in ft per second
Q is discharge in cusecs
f is the silt factor equal to 8d;i-or 1.76 d1Gi11which (d) and (m) being
the mean particlc size in inch and millimetre respectively.
From these relations, the following more commonly used formula has been deri-
ved :

For large rivers, hydraulic meall depth very nearly equals regime depth
of flow D, which is, therefore, given by the relation:

Lacey had further suggested that the type of scour at bridge sites would
be Class C i.e. I .75 R.
2.3 Sir Claude lnglis"l949) observed that the maximum depth of scour around
bridge piers in alluvial rivers is on an average 2.09 times D (Lacey). Maximum scour
downstream of bridge was observed to be or the order of 4 D (Lacey). The data
studied consisted of depths of scour varying from 25 t o 117 feet (6.5 to 35.7m)
and discharges varying from 29,000 to 2,200,000 cusecs 18.00 to 62,00Om3/sec).
Accuracy of these measurements is however not known.
2.4 The Khosla Co~llmitteeof Engineers vide Pala 3.19 of their reportz have
classified scour quantitatively as follows:
Class (A) Straight reach 1.25 D
9, (B) Moderate bend 1.50 D
$9 (c) Severe bend 1.75 D
9, (D) Right angle bend 2.00 D
,, (E) Severe swirls 2.50 D
Scours D and E above are likely to occur at nose of piers and guide banks

2.5 H. K . L. Sethi1 recommends that maximum scour around piers may be

taken as 2.00 D. From a study of scour discharge data collected at Mokaneh
bridge during the monsoons of 1958 and 1959, Sethi also observed that:
(i) Maximum scour takes place at upstream end of pier.
(ii) Maximum scour does not take place in rising floods but in falling floods.
(iii) Scour is comparatively deeper with less silt in water i.e. during the dry
2.6 Emmett Laursen and Arthur Toch6 of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic
Research adopted an experimental approach for devising techniques for deter-
mining scour depth. The important conclusions arrived at are:
(i) Depth of scour is closely .related to the degree of disturbance of
(ii) Together with the length-width ratio, the angle between p i e r and
the Aow is the most important geometrical characteristic of pier.
(iii) For aligned with direction of flow, maximum scour occurs B t
the upstream nose of pier. With increase in obliquity of current,
location of lnaximu~nscour changes from nose to the pier side facing
the current.
(iv) Velocity of flow or sedilnent size could not be found to affect equi-
libriunv depth of scour;
They have further evolved a set of two curves for deternitling depth of
scour around piers. The procedure is applicable to subcritical flow only i.e. when
Froude number V/-\/gTis less than 1. Thc procedure has not been recommended
by the investigators for very fiae bed niate~i.alwhich niay niove as suspended load.
2.1 Data of eight semi-alluvial streams in Ceutral India analysed by the RDS02
indicated that :
(i) Maximum scour at nose of pier.whe11 ccurrcnt is parallel to pier is :
D, = 1.71 D Lacey.
(ii) Whcn current is inclined to pier from 0" to 35O, the maximum scour
occurs along side of pier and is Ds=1.99 D Lacey
Where D is observed maximum scour.
Regression analysis of data gave the following-correlation :
(i) Scour at nose of pier when current is parallel to pier :
(ii) 'scour along. side of pier when current is inclined to pier :
D,=l .I2 Q0.28
The last equation suggests that scour along side of pier is independent of (or very
little affected by) bed material size.
3. Data used in thc present study
3.1 The Ganga P u l at Mokameh consists of 14 spans of 403'-4&" 1122.9 m]
and 2 land spans of 104 ft[31.7111]. Scour observations have been made around piers
of this bridge sincc 1958 with an echo sounder attached ta a spec;ally built remov-
able cantilever swinging arm mounted on top of piers. The swinging arm is L-
shaped and car]-ies a trausducer at its end. The transducer remains at a constant
depth below the top of pier and depths of water are measured below the level of
transducer which is RL 120 (36.57 m). The arrangement enables measurement of
scour being taken at 16 points around the pier shown in Fig. 1. Scours are generally
observed once a month at each pier and more frequeatiy around piers in deep
waters. For water levels lower thall RL 120 (36.57m) velocities are small and
scour observations are taken by lead sounding weights. Range of the instruments
(echo sounder) extends fiom 2' to 120' (0.6 m to 36m) and error claimed is 3 % or
6" (0.15)m whichever is greater.
3.2 Discharges have been measured since 1958 at a site 1,000 feet (304in) upstream
of the bridge by means of a current meter taken on a motor launch. Discharges
are measured at every 2' to 3' (0.6 to 0.9m) rise in water level or once a month
whichever is earlier. In viiw of the close proximity of the bridge f r c ~ nthe dis-
charge site, the stage discharge curve can be assumed to be applicable to the
. bridge site also. Discharges expected to.have passed at the bridge were obtained
from the rating curve whenever observed figures were not available. The rating
curve (1958 to 1966) has shown consistency and discharges obtained therefrom
are, therefore,. reliable.
4. Design features of Ganga Pul : Important design features of Ganga Pul at
Mokameh are given below, since they will be useful in understanding the liydraulic
conditions and scour discharge relations:
(a) Waterway : Catchment area=293 000 milev759 000km2) '
Design discharge=2 750 000 cusecs (77 900 m3/sec)
(HFL 1918) =RL 141.5 (43.13m)
Linear waterway required according to Lacey formula:
. L=2.67Qk =4423 ft (1348m)

Total waterway provided= 14 x 403'-49'' (excluding land spans)

~ e waterway
t provided=14 x 403.4-2 M 14 x 32
=4751ft (1448m)
Wells are 32 ft (9.75111) wide and twice the width o i wells has been deducted
according to railway practice. Taking into consideration some obstruction due to
guide bank slopes, the waterway provided conforms to the Laceys regime width.
(b) Muxin2unt scour : Scour depth around piers estimated by Gales method is
117 feet (36ni) below HFL. Maximuln scour depth by Lacey's formula comes to:

A maximum scour of 126 ft (38.4m) below HFL has pee11 adopted [or design pur-
poses. The silt factor has been taken as 1.15. The basis for this value is indi-
cated at p. 79 of Tcchiiical paper No. 336' by H. K. L. SethiGand the same is re-
produced below: . .
"Silt factor is taken as 1 for sand with mean particle size, 0.32 mm, such sand bcing classified as
fine. For lncdium sand, value is 1.35. At depths approaching aoli.cipated levels cfmaximunlscour
bclow bed of river, sand is a mixture of finc, medium and coarre. It is considered that silt factor
is unlikely to be less than 1.15".
(c) Guide batzlc : No guide bank has peen provided on the south bank because of
the existing firm clay bank. The North guide bank is 5 000 feet (1 524m) long.
Fig. 2 shows the general hydraulic details of the bridge.
kv. . pxs
"" 24mIJU)6 AND bE7WL5 OF GA&'A f& ~f em.
.. , .
. .
5. ~ k ~ i r nofe the river : A short history of the regime of the Ganga river near
Mokameh extracted from Chapters .IV and X of Technical Paper No. 336 is given
' below:
'The Ganga river in the neighbourhood of Mokameh has a well defined
kbadir on both the banks. On the south bank the khadir is lined by trees.ln
the rieighbourhood of Mokameh the khadir is exposed on south bank for a dis-
tance of about a mile shortly downstream of Mokameh ghat, 'and both upstream
and downstream of this place, the river flows for a considerable distance freely in
alluvium. The exposed khadir is of firm red clay. On the north or left bank, the
khadir follows the course of Rayauadi for a considerable distance before it enters
the parent stream opposite Mokameh ghat.
The width of khadlr varies considerably. Shortly downstream of Barh it
is about 6 miles (9.6 km), pcreasnig to nearly 8 ~niles(12.8 ltm) opposite Pandrak
railway station from which point i t reduccs to 5 miles (8.0 km) opposi e Moka-
meh ghat. Here the left bank khadir approaches the right rapidly so that for a
further distance of almost 3 miles (4.8 km) the width of khadir reduces to a
little over 24 miles (4 km)-see Fig.3. Subsequently the edges of the khadir divert
considerably and a t a distance of 10 miles (16 km) further downstream the khadir
becomes 10 miles (16 km). The river has been flownig generally in-two channels
north and south of varying size although in certain periods one of the channels
becomes practically dry. In the EIR survey of 1909, the main channel, some 3 000
feet (910 m) wide, is shown against the left bank. Tnthe 1935 survey of the Survey '

of Ind~a,two channels 11av1ngalmost equal width, one running along each bank
are shown. In 1945 the south channel was active and the north channel dwindled
very much as the'right bank channel was in 1909. It would appear that the prog-
ress of the channel from bank to bank takes a peribd of 35 years or twice as
longfor comptete cycle. Keeping the past history of flow in view, it was decided
to bridge south channel and block the north channel.
While preliminary arrangements were still under way unusually heavy
floods were witnessed in 1948 and there were again two channels, one main
channel along the south bank and another along north bank. Recent ,surveys
show that the north channel appears to be developing again.
6. Approach adopted in the present study
6.1 Out of the two approaches a t present available viz (i) correlation to Lacey's
regime depth and (ii) Laursen and Toch type curvcs, the second approach had to
be ruled out in view of the fine bed illaterial and high velocities occurring at the
bridge. The bed malerial is very likely to move as suspended load,,a condition
for which the procedure has not been recommended by the invest~gators.The
conventional approach of correlating maximum scour depth to Lacey's regime
depth had, therefore , to be followed in this case.
6.2 The scour data collected at the bridge from 1958 to '67 was initially screened
to select maximum scour caused by each flood. Lesser scours at other piers in
the sanie flood were not considered. It was also necessary to delete such floods -
where presence of unfilled or partly filled scour holes made by previous heavier
floods could give wrong results. Details of the data selected and finally used
in the study are given in Tables 1 and 2. Lacey's regime depth and ratio of maxi-
mum.observed scour. to Lacey's regime depth are also given in the tables.
The pier number at which maximum scour occurred has also 'been indicated in
the remarks column. As indimted earlier, values of corresponding discharges
were, wherzver necessary, obtained from the average stage discharge curve.
7. Results . .

7.1 Study of the scour observations indicates that deepest scours occur either a t
the nose of pier or on the side. This can be expected on the basis of the finding
of the previous study, and that of Laursen and Toch viz maximum scout' occurs at
[ 7
the nose of pier when current is parallel to pier and a t the side of the pier facing
the current when current is inclined to pier. No field observations had been
made for illeasuring obliquity or otherwise of current, but on the basis of the
earlier finding it can be said with confidence that the deeper scour on the sides
may have been caused by oblique currents. On the basis of location of deepest .
observed scour, the data' has, therefore, been divided into two categories, viz.
(i) maximum scour at nose of piers when current is parallel to the pier, and
(ii) maximum scour a t the side of piers wlien the current is probably inclined to pier.
7.2 Scmr during mor.soon floods : For floods in monsoon period data listed in
Table 1 shows-that maximurn scour at the nose of pier when current is parallel to
the pier is up to 2.28D and is on the average:
D,= 1.77D with a standard error of F 15%.
When current is probably inclined to the pier, inaximum scour at the side
of pier is up to 2.78D and is on an average:
D,=2.15D with a standard error of & 18 %.
7.3 Scour daring non-monsoon floods : An important finding which has been
b r o u a t out by the study of the data is the confilmation of H. K . L. Sethi's
observation that 'scour is comparatively deeper with less silt in water i.e. during
the dry scason'. Table 2 lists details of your observations between 31 Oct and 30
June which can be regarded as a non-monsoon period. Though no suspended
silt observations have been made, yet it is common knowledge that suspended silt
during this period is very much lcss. Maxinlum scour occurring a t the side of
pier during non-monsoon flood for current probably inclined to piers is up to
3.57D and on-the average has been found to be:
D,=2.70D with a standard error of 19 %.
Maximum scour at nose of the pier for current parallel to pier during thc non-
moilsoon flood is up to 3.63 D arid is on the average observed to be:
D,=2.94D with a standard error of $- 16 %.
The available data also suggests that with less silt in water, maximum
scour occurs a t the nose of pier when current is parallel to the pier. Scours above
3D Lacey have been frequently observed thus suggesting that less the silt content,
greater the scour.
7.4 Another important finding is the confirmation of the observation of Laursen
and Tach that "depth of scour is closely related to the degree of disturbance of
It has generally been accepted that maximum scour is likely to occur
where velocily is maximurn. Till 1962, the river had essentially a single channel at
the site. Subsequently both the north and south channels have been functicning.
The cross section and the surface velocity distribution curve of 14.9'. 65 at the gaug-
ing site 1,000 feet (304m) upstream of the bridge have been plotted on Fig. 4. The
velocity distribution curye has two distinct peals and clearly 'defines the two
chanllels of flow. On the same iigure the localion of piers has been superimposed
along with the maximuin scour depths observed on 15.10.'65 (earliest scour obser-
vation after 14.9.'65). It will be observed that maximum scour has occurred at
pier No. 7 where thr velocity is alnlost the least bctween the two peaks but where
the turbulence is p~obablythe maxitnuin becausr: of the confluence of the two .
channels. Fig. 5 similarly shows that maximum Scoul. on 19.8.'67 occurred at pier
No. 8 which is again very closc to the confluence of the two channels indicated -
by the velocity distribution curve of 6.9. '67. If scours and cross sections on same
dates had been available, it would, perhaps, have been possible to investigate furthcr
whether turbulence does play a more importa~itpart in the scour phenomena
rather than velocity. The data no doubt indicates probability of it being so.
7.5 With the available data it is not"possible:to know,:whether$he inaxi~nurn
scout. occurs during falling flood because-:only 101ie set of observat1ons:~had2been
taken for a flood. L!

7.6 Sixteen scour observations had been made around a pier during each , flood
and it has been found that the average scour depth arou~ida pier is about 7 % less
than the maximum scour depth.
8. Discussion
8.1 Maximum scour around the bridge pier has been found out to be on an
average 2.15 times D Lacey while average scour alound the pier is not more than
2D Lacey. A change of the design practice is, therefore, not warranted a t t h ~ s
stage though it should be realised a t the tirne of desim that scours greater than 2D
will occur a t the side of pier. Design of some of the piers which are likely to be
under constant attack and have greater chances of maximum scour for a scour
deeper than 2D will, however, provide extra safety.
8.2 Suficient data is not available to define scour holes around piers. The
observed data however gives an idea of the pattern of the scour around bridge
piers. Two tLpical patterns are shown in Fig. 6


. . ..
so2ms A R O ~ DP I E R S .
8.3 Scours during non-mon;oon floods i.e. when suspended load is less have been
observed to be definitely more than 2D and are of the order of 3D Lacey. This
also brings out the necessity of further research to investigate the effect of sus-
pended silt load on scour.
8.4 With the available observations at this bridge it is not possible to say whe-
ther maximuin scour occurs at the time of receding floods. More detailed obser-
vations will be required to detect this.
8.5 it has been observed that scours in tenns of D Lacey are more for lower
discharges. A high &ischarge has rarely caused deep scour in terms of D Lacey.
This probably is because of insufficient time being available for-the larger floods
to produce full scour. Further research is required to study the time element in
scour phenomena.
8.6 Scour observations over -10-year period at this bridge indicate that during
monsoons maximum scours occurred at piers No. 5,6 and 7 except on two occasions.
It is likely that under conditions encountered at this bridge, only these three piers
will be under greater attack than the remaining piers.
8.7 Scour observations have been made a t this bridge over a wide range of dis-
charges varying from 43 000 to 1 200 000 cusecs (1 200 to 34 000m3/second).Results
obtained here can, therefore, be applied with confidence ro-alluvial streams within
this range of dicharges.
#9. Summary
9.1 Maximum scour around bridge piers in alluviaistreams is generally obtained
by the formula:
0,=2x 0.17 '(.-TQ )4 =2D Lacey

Similarly, scour depths a t other locations such as molehead of guide bund, nose of
pur, etc., are determined by multiplying Lacey regime depth by an empirical
coefficient. In view of lack of verification of the coefficients by fleld observations,
Railway Board daided that further research on the subject should be taken up by
9.2 Scour observations have been made aroundpiers of Ganga Pul at Mokameh
since 1958 and this data has now beell analysed. This bridge can be considered
typical of bridges in alluvial plain and recommendations made in rhis report can
be applied to alluvial. streams in general. The present study was confined to
finding a value of coefficient or ~ a t i oof observed maximum scour around pier to
Lacey's regime depth. A nelv approach will require data at anumber of such
bridges with different silt factors, pier width-depth ratio, etc, and will, therefore,
have to await further collection of scour data.
9.3 Analysis-of data collected at this bridge has revealed that maximum scour
during monsoon floods occurs a't side of pier, probably when current is inclined:
I t is up to 2.781) and on an average is D s =2.15D Lacey.
Maximum scour at nose of piers, when current is probably parallel to pier,
is co~nparativelyless. It is up to 2.28D and on an average is Ds=l .75 D Lacey.
9.4 An important finding is that scours caused by non-monsoon floods i.e. with
less suspended silt load are ~liuchgreater. Though nlonsoon floods produce maxi-
mum scour at side of pier, non-lnonsoon scours appear to be maximum at nose of
pier. Non-monsoon scour at nose of pier is up to 3.63D and on a n average is
D, =2.94D Lacey.
9.5 Further research is recommended t o study (i) effect of suspended silt load,
(ii) effect of duration of flood, (iii) whether maximum scour is caused by failing
floods, and (iv) whether with guide bank control only certain piers are likely to be
under attack under all conditions of flow. Though niaxiniurn scour around a pier is
2.15D Lacey, yet no change in design practice is at present suggested since average
scour depth around apier is less than 2D Lacey. It may however, be desi~ableto
cater for scours deeper than 2D at piers more likely to be under severe attack. It is
also recommended that non-monsoon scours should be catered for when necessary.
Analysis of data being collected by railways at nnaller bridges is in pro-
gress in the Bridges and Floods Wing and is expected to give valuable confilma-
tions and a better understanding of the scour phenomena.
10. References
1 H. K . L. Sethi River training and control for bridges--~Tech~i-
cal Paper No. 335, Research Designs. and
Standards Organisation, Luck!iow.
2 RDSO Scour around bridge piers (Progress Report No.1)
--Bridges and Floods Report No. RBF. 3, August
3 Gerald Lacey Stable chailnels in alluvium--Procecdi~~gsof the
Institution of Engineers, Vol 229, January
4 Sir C . lnglis The behaviour and cont~olaf livers and canals
(with aid of models)-pa~t TI-Research Pub-
lication No. 13, Cent~al Water Power Irriga-
tion and Navigation Resca~ch Station, Poona,
5 E.M. Laursen and A. l o c h Scbur around bridge piers and ahutments-
Bulletin No. 4, Iowa Highway Research Board,
Iowa, May 1956.
6 H K.L. Sethi Ganga Pul at Mokameh--Technical Paper No. 336,
Research Designs and Standards Organiation,
Monsoo~iscour aror~ndpiersof Ganga Pul in terms of Lacey's regime depth
II Scour at nqse of piers Scour along sides of piers
Date of obse:-
Est imateti
regime Level of Max. scour
depth be-
Level of Max. scour
, dce!
Location o f
esi scour
CUS~CS depth deepest Ds!D deepest depth below
(D) scour low WL(D,) scour WL(D,) ft
ft ft
I ' 26.9.58 131.20 800 000 41 .7 36.2 95 .O 2.28 Pier No. 6
134 3 0
1200 000
530 000 '
36.3 . 43 5
37 0
.9191.00 1 .91
2 51
Pier No. 6
Pier No. 6
4 28.10.58 126.25 450 000 34.5 55.3 71 .O 2 -07 Pier No. 7
5 29.7.59 129.95 700 000 39.8 56 .O 74 0 1 .86 pier No. 6
7 .
133 .95
1175 000
1200 000
47 -7
. 65 0
61 - 5
69 -0
73 0
1 .46
Pier No. 6
Pier No. 5
8 21.9.60 132.10 980 000 - 44.6 60.1 72 .O 1.61 Pier No. 6
'9 20.10.60 129.70 670 000 39.2 67 -7 62 .O 1 .58 Pier No. 7
10 , 27.10.60 126. 75 . 475 000 35-0 68.8 58.0 . 1.66 Pier No. 7'
II 19.10.62 125 :60 400 000 33 .I 52 .G 73 .O 2.20 Pier No. 5
12 6.7.65 119.60 175 800 25.2 65 -6 54 0 2-14 Pier No. 7
13 31.8.65 . 130.70 750 000 40 7 70 -7 60 .O 1 -47 Pier No. 3
14 15.10.65 118.65 150 000 23 .8 52.7 66 .O 2.78 Pier No. 7
15 13.9.66 , 129 .SO 650 000 39 -0 46 -5 83 .O 2.14 Pier No. 7
16 7.10.66 ,121 .60 230 000 27.6 47.6 74 0 2.68 Pier No. 7
17 25.7.67 129.80 680 000 39.5 54 9 . 75 - 0 19 0 54 9 75 .O 1.90. Pier No. 7
(both at nose and
18 19.8.67 134.40 1190000 , 47.4 47.4 87 .O 1 .83 Pier No. 8
Average 1.77 2-15
Maxintunl annual discharges observed at Ganga Pul si~ice1958
Year Max. discharge
Year 1 Max. discharge

1958 1 470 000 1963 1 664 000

1959 1 692 000 1964 1 853 000
1960 1 645 000 1965 1 346 000
1961; 1 766 000 1966 1 444 000
1962 1 763 000
Note : Therc were no s-our observations coinciding with the highest floods. .
Nbn-monsoon scoirr aroundpiers of Ganga Pu/in terms ofLacey's regime depth

1 I
Scour at nosc of piers Scour along sides of piers

SI. Date of obser- Water Estimated Lacey's Level of Max. scour Level of Max. scour Location of
vation level discharge reglme deepest depth D,/D deepest depth below D,/D deepest scour

CUS~CS depth scour below WL scour WL(DS)
(D.) (Ds) ft
- ft ft

Pier No. 6
Pier No. 6
Pier No. 2
Pier No. 2
Pier No. 5
Pier No. 7-
Pier No. 5
Pier No. 5
Pier No. 9
Pier No. 6
Pier No. 7
Pier No. 7
Pier No. 7

Average 2.91 2.70

No. 63/Wl/DMF/14 NewDelhi, 10 September 1963.

The Gcneral Managers,

All Indian ~ a ~ h a ~ s .
Sub ; Depth of scour i n rivers.

In the Technical Paver 'River training and control for bridges' by H. K. L., Sethi, it was
recommcndedln Ch3pler X X V I I I t h ; ~ tfurther ~ ~ ~ v c s t i ~ r r tshould
i o n s be made regirding scol,r in river
6cdz indifferent locations:ir,d with diErent bcd in;~tcri.~ls includ~ngg~a\~cl:lnd bu~~Idcr\.
The L3c~y.s
formulae arc n ~ r m a l l yapplicable to alluvial soil only and even for such soils thc en~piricalcoefficiCits
adopted for differcn'r lccations, such as around piers, at the nose orthe guide bunds, at the nose of
spurs, etc, have not been verified by many field observations. The Bcard have accepltd the above
recommendation and desire that the railways should I ecord the maxlmum depth of sccur in different
locations and with different bed materials in as many tcpresentatlve streams as possible and furnish
the fulldata to the Direcior, Bridges and Floods along wit6 the lnfcrmationgiving t hedischsrge oft he
river,thedetails ofthe bridge,a plan of the guide bunds and all other relevant pa~ticulars.The Dilec-
tor, Bridgesand Floods willstudythedata furnished by thcrail\vaysfcr a pericd o r 2 to 3 y e a s and
,ubmit areport to the Board.
Any other unusual features in the observed regime of the rivet s shculd aI?o be furnishrd
to the Director, Bridgcs and Flocds along with the above info~mation.
Sd/- V. Vcnkatalamayya
Director Civil Engineering,
Railway Board.

No. 63/WI/DMF/14 New Dellii, 10 September 1963.

Copy to Director, Bridges and Flocds, Alamb-gh, Lucknow for info1 ]nation and nccesc;;ry
action. He may please supplement the inslructions as consideled necec?Ery.
Copy to DG, RDSO, Simla for inffirmalion.

Sd/- V. Venka1arsn;aypa
Director Civil Engineering,
Railway Board.

b 1 ~ ~ - ~ 4 - 4il 7QSO
6 (Lqzk)/83-11-8-84-200,
This report is based on a study carried out by A. S. Bhatnagar, Deputy
Director ( B&F ) and his staff,
- &

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