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Republic of the Philippines

University of Southeastern Philippines

Tagum – Mabini Campus
College of Teacher Education and Technology

A. Five types of two–dimensional activities
B. Five types of three-dimensional activities

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Cover Page ….….….….……..….….………………………….….….………….……..…….. 1

Table of contents …….….….….….…………………...….……………….…………….... 2


• Sort the shapes by size …............................................................ 3-4

• Detective Shapes ....................................................................... 5-6
• Build A House …………..................................................................7-8
• Hop me …...................................................................................9-10
• What I eat ……...........................................................................11-12


• Sort with snacks ….….……….……………..….………….……….….….…… 13-14

• Shapes Nets ….….….…..….……………...………..….….….………………… 15-16
• Pop-up book ………………………………….….…….………….….………….. 17-18
• My petals is Cube ….……………..………….….…..….….….….….…..….. 19-20
• Cone Rocket ….….….……….….….…..….….….……………..…….………… 21-22

“2-D Activity”

I. Name of the activity:

II. Purpose of the activity:
Enables the child to identify the difference between big and small
III. Objectives
Students will be able to:
C- Analyze the difference between small and big shapes.
P- Arrange the shapes by it’s size.

A- Describe what size of the shapes he/she holding.

IV. Media/ Resources:
Colored paper, glue , scissor, black marker, stick glue, Oslo paper
V. Anticipatory set:
The teacher will introduce the lesson by telling them that today they will
begin to explore sorting shapes by size. Before doing the activities the
class will sing “ I am a big and small song”.
VI. Procedures:
1. Prepare all the materials that were going to use to make the activity.
2. Get the colored paper and cut it into big and small shapes also,
3. Get the Oslo paper and cut it into one big circle and paste here all the
shapes that you cut earlier.
4. Make a two stand for the separation of big and small shapes.
5. By getting the shapes in the circle ask the child what size he/she is

Sample pictures

“2-D Activity ”

I. Name of the activity:


II. Purpose of the activity:

Shapes is everywhere by the use of detective the child can easily recognize what
kind of object he/she see.

III. Objectives
Students will be able to:
C- Identify specific shapes.
P- To recognize shapes in the environment.
A- To describe what object is suit for the detective shapes.
IV. Media/ Resources:
Colored paper, glue , scissor, black marker, stick glue, bond paper,
transparent cover
V. Anticipatory set:
Select a couple of books about shapes to introduce the idea. Read them
to the student and encourage thinking about the concept of all objects
having shapes.
VI. Procedures:
a. Prepare all the materials that were going to use to make the activity.
b. Get the thick paper and cut the basic shapes and form it like a
telescope also cut a hole in the center the same shape.
c. Using the color paper cover the handle and each side of the shapes
d. Get the transparent cover and cover it in the middle of the basic
e. Let the child find the specific shapes of the surrounding.

Sample Pictures

“2-D Activity”

I. Name of the activity:


II. Purpose of the activity: This activity will help children to learn shapes,
colors and to use their creativity in making a house.

III. Objectives: Students will be able to;

C- Differentiate colors and shapes

P- Create a house using different shapes and colors

A- Give the importance of shapes and colors in everyday living.

IV. Media/ Resources:

Colored paper, glue , scissor, black marker, Oslo paper

V. Anticipatory set: Ask each student to describe what kind of house they are
living right now after asking the children they will going to create their dream

VI. Procedures:

1. Prepare all the materials that were going to use to make the activity.
2. Cut out the house shapes. Adult assistance may be needed.
3. Apply glue to the positioning guide, pasting larger pieces first.
4. Use the template to cut out the pieces needed for the shape house and
5. Glue the roof on the top of the house.

6. Glue the thin triangular shape over the oval to make the tree.
7. Glue the square on a sheet of white cardstock. Glue the door and window
on the square.
8. Use pens to add a little detail to the window and glue the small round
shape on the door as the door knob.
9. Finish off the craft by gluing the tree on one side of the house.
Sample Pictures

“2-D Activity”

I. Name of the activity:

HOP ME ( Using triangle Shapes )
II. Purpose of the activity:
This activity will help the child to develop gross motor skills through
III. Objectives:
Students will able to:
C- Identify the triangle shape
P- Develop gross motor skills through hopping
A- Express what he/she felt doing hopping
IV. Media/ Resources: Colored paper, scissor, glue , Oslo paper
V. Anticipatory set: The children will watch the story about the child

VI. Procedures:
1. Prepare all the materials that were going to use.
2. Cut the colored paper into triangle shape.
3. Get another color paper and Make a curve road and cut if after
4. Paste all the triangle in the curve road
5. Guide the child as he/she do hop in each triangle.

Sample Pictures

“2-D Activity”

I. Name of the activity:

WHAT I EAT? (Square Shapes)
II. Purpose of the activity:
This activity help the child to master the square shapes.
III. Objectives:
C- Identify the square shapes.
P- Collects all the square shapes

A- Determine the purpose of square shapes

IV. Media/ Resources: Color paper, black marker, scissor, glue, thick paper

V. Anticipatory set: The children will watch basic shapes and will also
sing the“ shapes song”.

VI. Procedures:

1. Prepare all the materials that were going to use.

2. Get the thick paper and cut it into square make at least 6 pieces.
3. For your safety you must do it with your mother or a person who is
older than you.
4. Get the stick glue and assemble the cube for container purposes.
5. Cut another square for the activity.
6. Instruct the how she’s going to put all the square.

Sample Picture

“3-D Activity”

I. Name of the activity:

II. Purpose of the activity:
This activity help the child learn the quantity of the snacks, color and shapes.
III. Objectives:
The student will be able to:
C- Categorize the quantity of the snacks
P- Classify and sort snacks based on 3-D shapes.

A- Identify the shape of the snacks

IV. Media/ Resources:

Color paper, black marker, scissor, glue, thick paper
V. Anticipatory set:
The teacher will do a story telling about the healthy and unhealthy foods.
VI. Procedures:
1. Prepare all the materials that were going to use.
2. Get the paper plate and use the marker to divide 4 area.
3. In the Oslo paper write cube, sphere, cylinder, and cone serve as the label of
each area.
4. Give the child a snack and let him/her to put the desired snacks to that area.

Sample Picture

“3-D Activity”

I. Name of the activity:


II. Purpose of the activity:

This activity help the child to know what object is the family of cube.

III. Objectives

Students will be able to:

C- To identify what object is cube

P- Illustrate the object in cube shapes

A- Present all the object that has cube shapes

IV. Media/ Resources:

Colored paper, glue , scissor, black marker, Oslo paper, printed cube

V. Anticipatory set:

The children will sing and dance “I am a Flower”

VI. Procedures:

1.Prepare all the materials that were going to use to make the activity.

2. Get the Oslo paper and draw a flower.

3. Double the line by using a marker to clearly see the edges.

4. Cut the printed object

5. Gibe the child the cut object and let him/her to paste the object in the petals.

Sample Picture

“3-D Activity”

I. Name of the activity:


II. Purpose of the activity:

This activity will help students learn about the three-dimensional properties of cubes

and learn the formula necessary to determine a cube's surface area and put it into

practice using real-life cube.

III. Objectives

Students will be able to:

C- Understand the basic properties of cubes

P- Measure the surface area of various cubes

A- Describe the cube in terms of faces, edges, and vertices

IV. Media/ Resources:

Colored paper, glue , scissor, black marker, stick glue, Oslo paper

V. Anticipatory set:

VI. Procedures:

1. Prepare all the materials that were going to use to make the activity.

2. Draw a cross on your paper, add an extra square at the bottom, and finally, draw

on your flaps.

3. Cut out your cross shape using a pair of scissors.

4. fold your box along the lines you drew and use glue or tape to fasten the box


Sample Picture

“3-D Activity”

I. Name of the activity:


II. Purpose of the activity:

In this activity, students will explore different nets of a cube while also investigating

edge, face, and vertex properties of three – dimensional.

III. Objectives

Students will be able to:

C- Recognize three-dimensional shapes

P- Measure each side of the 3-D

A- Create original works of art using the shapes

IV. Media/ Resources:

Colored paper, glue , scissor, black marker, stick glue, Oslo paper

V. Anticipatory set: The teacher will read a books about shapes to introduce the

idea and sing shapes song.

VI. Procedures:

1.Prepare all the materials that were going to use to make the activity.

2. To make a cube pop-up, draw one or more cube on the outer edge of your card


3. The bottom side of the cube should be the centerfold of your card stock.

4. Cut the sides of the cube that are perpendicular to the centerfold.

5. Fold the piece across the cube’s top edge and create a fold line.

6. Now open your card stock to 90 degrees. Push the cube from the back with your

finger to pop them forward.

7. Your cube pop-ups are ready. You can attach any character illustration to these

cards. These will then be added to your book to create a 3D look.

Sample Picture

“ 3-D Activity ”

I. Name of the activity:


II. Purpose of the activity:

This activity will help the child to use their creativity.

III. Objectives

Students will be able to:

C- Determine the purpose of cone.

P- Assemble the rocket using a cone.

A- Describe the parts of rockets .

IV. Media/ Resources:

Marker, Oslo paper, glue and scissor

V. Anticipatory set: The teacher will play the cartoon movie about rockets and ask

one child to describe the face of the rockets

VI. Procedures:

1. Prepare all the materials that were going to use to make the activity.

2. Get the Oslo paper and form it a Big Cone

3. Cut each side of the cone for the wings.

4. Make another four little cone.

5. Prepare all the cone and let the child assemble the arms and the legs of the


6. To look more creative add a face for the rockets.

Sample Picture


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