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SKILL: Describe characteristics of different kinds of plant.

1. Which of these plants undergoes an alteration of generations? a. Cactus b. Fern c. Rose d. Gumamela 2. Roses and thistles have _____ as their protective structure. a. bad odor b. bad taste c. thorns d. poison 3. These are the plants that do not have special channels to convey water and other nutrients to other parts of the plants. a. flowering plants b. non-flowering plants c. mosses d. all of the above 4. These plants usually live or stay in trees. a. algae b. mosses c. lichens d. both b and c 5. Why do the cacti survive in deserts? a. They have food stored in their pockets. b. They have thick stems in which they store water for later use. c. They have protective thorn to protect themselves. d. They have beautiful flowers that attract the insects to come to them. 6. The _______ is an example of a desert plant. a. anthurium b. cactus c. kangkong d. water Lilly 7. It is a flowering plants whose seeds are found inside their fruits. a. endosperm b. angiosperms c. gymnosperms d. lichens 8. Why are herbal plants important? a. They are used to add flavor to food. b. Their body parts can be used as medicines. c. They can be cracked or prepared as salads. d. All of the above. 9. What is the oldest plant on earth? a. Trees b. Herbs c. Spore-bearing plants (non-flowering plants) d. flowering plants. 10. These plants are described as green carpet like plants in the forest floor. a. lichens b. mosses c. ferns d. liverworts 11. Which of the following plants are poisonous? a. belladona plant and the leaves of tobacco plants b. cactus plant and ferns c. roses and gumamela d. angiosperms and gymnosperms 12. How can we be protected from poisonous plants? a. Ask people who know whether they are poisonous or not. b. Avoid putting any plant part in your mouth. c. Wear masks and gloves when handling unidentified plants. d. All of the above. 13. Bromeliads are ______so their roots do not absorb water from the soil. a. water plants b. air plants c. liverworts d. mosses 14. What do you call the plants that are edible? a. flowering plants b. vegetables c. spore-bearing plants d. all of the above 15. These are the plants that do not have the vascular tissues. a. Bryophytes b. Tracheophytes c. Hycophyta d. Plerophyta

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