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Zen Alfandi, 210441075



by Widia Suci.

Learning media is a learning resource that can improve attention of students in learning and facilitate
teachers in teaching so as to create an efficient and conducive learning environment.

The problem that can be raised in this research is whether there is the influence of learning media on Al-
Islam learning outcomes in high school Muhammadiyah 1 Gisting, Tanggamus Regency. The population
in this study was class X, totaling 153 participantsstudents, while the sample in the study is guided by
the surrounding population 100, the sample is taken by 30%, namely 46 students. Technique data
collection in this study is to use a questionnair /distribution of questionnaires to several respondents
who have been selected and with documentation.

the purpose of carrying out this research is to find out how big the influence of learning media in
teaching and learning activities on Al-Islam subjects as well as teacher efforts in improving learning
outcomes students in class.

in this reaearch, using quantitative by using the chi square formula the data was obtained through the
distribution of questionnaires/questions which were then taken a conclusion and verification.

Based on the results of the study it turns out that the calculated Chi Square price (smaller than the Chi
squared table (both at a significant level of 1% as well as at a significant level of 5%. Where is the
calculated Chi Square value 7.276 while the price of Chi Square table ( at a significant level of 1% is
21.666 and a significant level of 5% is 16.919. Thus that the price of Chi The calculated square of 7.276 is
smaller than the Chi Square price table at a significant level of 1% or 5%, namely 21.666<7.276<16.919.

The research can be concluded that there was no media influence learning on Al-Islam learning
outcomes at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Gisting Tanggamus District. This is proven from the results data

by ; Helmi Akmal.

smartphones are used by educators and students as a tool learning support. In Indonesia, learning to
usu help information Technology has applied.

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of learning applications accessed via mobile smartphones
as a medium for introducing local history during the physical revolution in South Kalimantan. The
research subjects were students of class XI IPS at SMAN 7Banjarmasin which consists of two classes with
a total population of 57 people.

The quantitative method was used with a one-group pretest posttest pre-experimental design where the
researcher tested the effectiveness of the media by comparing students' understanding before and after
being given treatment.

The results showed that after being treated using learning application media, the students' posttest
scores were greater than the pretest with an average posttest (76.80) > pretest (56.32). Through
statistical calculations it is known that -t count (-11.058) < -t table (-2.064) with a strong and positive
correlation of 0.729 which means that H1 is accepted so that it can be said that there is an increase in
students' understanding after using learning applications.

The conclusion from this study is that mobile smartphone-based learning applications are effectively
used as a medium for introducing local history during the physical revolution in South Kalimantan to
class XI IPS students at SMA Negeri 7 Banjarmasin.

by Sofika Chandra Nilawati.

English as an international language is used in countries throughout the world, including Indonesia. Last
few years, English has been taught at elementary school. It has been accepted in Indonesia in line with
the government’s plan on the nine-year compulsory study.

The purpose of this research is to find out whether teaching vocabulary using puppets was effective in
increasing student achievement, this research can enrich teacher's strategy in teaching vocabulary
through wayang especially for elementary school students.The research subjects were students of SDN
Leteh II Rembang in 2011 2007/2008 Academic Year. The number of students is 46 people (24 boys and
22 girls).

The research use quantitative method, there are three steps in this action research. The first activity is
pre-test. The second step of this activity is an act of four activity. In the first activity, the teacher displays
the dolls in front of the class.The theme of the first activity is fruits and animals. In the second activity,
that is teacher staged a puppet about road signs. In the third activity, teacher do puppets about body
parts. The last activity is carried out by the teacher dolls about things in class. using post-test and

differences in student pre-test and post-test results. Average the students' pre-test desire was 56.63%
and 96.19% in the post-test. That The main factor influencing the increase was students' interest in
wayang given. This can be proven from the results of the questionnaire.

in this research can conclude that the use of wayang can be alternative way to teach vocabulary,
especially to improve student mastery in vocabulary. These results are expected to motivate language
teachers to use a dolls in teaching English in class, especially when teaching English vocabulary for
elementary school students.
The Relationship between Students’ Anxiety and Their English Reading
by Sita Pradhita.

Reading is one of the most essential skills in language learning. It is in line with McDonough and
Christopher Saw who state that “.... reading is the most important foreign language skill.”1 Reading
becomes essential for everyone in order to increase his or her knowledge.

The objective of this study is to find the empirical evidence of the relationship between students’
anxiety and their English descriptive reading comprehension.

This research is using quantitative with Questionnaire instrument and tests.

Foreign Language and Reading Comprehension (FLRAS) which consists of 20 questions and added 20
questions with the same indicators as FLRAS.Then, a 20 question Reading descriptive test was used to
measure the level students' reading ability in English descriptive text.

The writer used survey method employing correlational study in which attempts to investigate whether
or not anxiety has significant correlation with students’ English descriptive reading comprehension by
using Pearson Product moment formula.

The research findings showed rxy < rtable = 0.045 < 0.312. Hence, it can be concluded that Ho is
accepted and Ha is rejected. Thus, based on the result.

It can be concluded that there is no significant relationship between students’ anxiety and their English
descriptive reading comprehension.
The Influence of Questioning Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Reading
by Khusnul Hidayati.

English is widely used by people around the world. Most people claim that English is an important
language that has to be mastered in order to make them engaged in the modern life. Nowadays English
is also used in some aspects of life such as education, entertainment, sport, technology, and so on.
Therefore, mastering English is important. Considering the importance of English, most people attempt
to get the information through receptive skill namely listening and reading and also productive skill
namely speaking and writing.

The objective of this study is to see whether there is any influence between questioning strategy and
students’ achievement in reading at the First Semester Students of Department of English Education,
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The sample of this study is 40 students from the first semester of
department of English Education which consists of three classes.

The method used in this study was a quantitative method and the design used in this study was ex post
facto. In collecting the data, the writer administered questionnaire which consists of 20 questions
describing the characteristics of questioning strategy. Based on the table of calculation linear regression,
the gain of F ratio is 6.707 which is greater from F table (4.08) or (6.707>4.08). Then, the p value is 0.01
which is less than 0.05 (0.01< 0.05).

The result of the study shows that there is an influence between questioning strategy and students’
achievement in reading.

The conclusion of this research is, students who have questioning as a reading comprehension strategy
are having better reading achievement than those who have not

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