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The recent ASER survey (2022) shows the current state of school education.

From the case (Pratham – Every Child in School and Learning Well), identify three relevant
interventions that may help improve children’s learning levels given the current situation. Using
evidence from the case, explain why these interventions may work and why they may fail.

One of the key findings of the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) is a significant decline in the
reading and arithmetic abilities of class 2 students, with declines of up to 6.7% and 2.2%, respectively,
between 2018 and 2022. This decline is attributed to the learning loss caused by the COVID-19
pandemic. However, the ASER 2022 figures indicate that the decline in reading abilities is much greater
than that of arithmetic abilities.

Some relevant interventions from the case that may help improve children's learning levels in the
current situation are

1. Remedial education: Remedial education programs can help to address learning losses during
pandemic and improve learning outcomes for children who are falling behind. Pratham's
‘Balsakhi’ program helps the slow-learners in school while the bridge classes aimed to bring
out of school children to minimum learning level by mitigating the leaning losses. Remedial
education can help to close learning gaps for children. However, the effectiveness of the
program relies heavily on volunteer teachers, who may not have formal training or
qualifications. This can lead to inconsistencies in the quality of education provided, which may
not be effective in addressing the learning gaps of all students.

2. Focus on foundational skills: The Pratham case emphasizes the importance of focusing on
foundational skills, such as reading, writing, and basic math, to improve learning levels.
Pratham's approach to teaching these skills involves using low-cost and innovative methods,
such as peer-to-peer learning and activity-based learning. These methods could be effective
in improving learning of children who have suffered learning loss because of the pandemic
and improve their learning outcome. However, one potential challenge in implementing this
intervention is the lack of trained teachers who can effectively teach these skills. In some
cases, a focus on foundational skills may not receive adequate resources or support, leading
to limited impact on student learning outcomes.

3. Community participation: Community participation can be an effective intervention for

improving learning levels. Pratham's approach involves engaging parents and community
members in the education process, such as by organizing reading camps and involving parents
in monitoring their children's progress. This approach can help create a sense of ownership
and accountability among parents and community members, which can ultimately lead to
improved learning outcomes. However, one potential challenge is the lack of engagement and
buy-in from the community, which may limit the effectiveness of this intervention.

In conclusion, the post-pandemic period presents a critical opportunity for education systems to
address the learning loss experienced by students. Interventions such as focusing on foundational
skills, remedial education, and community participation have the potential to improve learning
outcomes and provide a strong educational foundation for students. However, it is important to
consider potential drawbacks and challenges associated with these interventions and ensure that they
are implemented in a sustainable and equitable manner. Overall, a comprehensive approach that
combines these interventions with systemic changes such as increased investment in education,
improved infrastructure, and support from the government is needed to improve learning outcomes
for children in India and provide them access to a quality education, even in the face of adversity.


2. HBS article- Pratham- Every Child in School and Learning Well

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