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Geography has a huge impact in different cultures and on how it’s capable of giving people the

fundamental knowledge about the world we live in.

Geography studies the cultural phenomena and products of different human populations and their link
to space as populations migrate, move, or settle over a given period of time. In addition, geography also
studies the world based on the distribution and structuring of its different regions, each one endowed
with natural aspects and human works, the way in which different human cultures interact and modify
their natural geographic environment. It basicaly studies from a geographical point of view the footprint
of the human being on the planet.

Its influence on Society depends on the level of development of material production and is not
the same under different states of the productive forces. For example, rivers and seas, in the
early stages of the development of the Society, isolated men, but with the progress of
shipbuilding and navigation, they became means of communication and means of
rapprochement. liaison between nations. In other times, many useful deposits such as coal, oil,
minerals. they had no value to the Society; instead, with modern industry and technology, they
play an enormous role in the production of material goods. The very possibility of exploiting
natural resources is determined by the character of the social system.
Geography is an attitude towards life; It represents knowing our entire natural and social
environment, from an integrated perspective. This look allows us to make more efficient use of
the limited resources that surround us. A geographer not only knows where natural and human
resources are, but also how and when to use them efficiently, as a science, geography makes it
possible to identify, qualify and quantify the differences between geographical spaces, it is
capable of providing any person with fundamental knowledge for understanding their place in
the world and for understanding the relationships between human beings, and between them
and their environment.

At each historical moment, societies appropriate nature and take possession of those
elements they need to satisfy their needs, transforming it into an increasingly
humanized or artificial nature. From this perspective, the concept of natural resources
becomes a key articulator of the society-nature relationship, through the notions of uses
and functions of nature and resource management. In order to understand social reality,
you must reflect on the relationship between society and nature: through collective work;
Geographic space is the product of this social and historical appropriation of nature.

Geography has been of vital importance, especially in recent years, with the arrival of COVID 19
and the number of people infected constantly increasing, we all must have been well informed
on the subject, then with the attack on Ukraine by Russia, the media keep us informed of how
the country has been destroyed thanks to the attacks that are constantly carried out by Russia.
It has also help us a lot in the daily life, thanks to google maps we are able to go wherever we
want without getting lost, in any part of the word.

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