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earnmize BY ADYMIZE


A smart digital marketing learning hub to learn In Demand marketing skills in the industry. Learnmize
promise to nourish you with skills to excel you with super career building skill.

A smart digital marketing learning hub to learn In Demand marketing skills in the industry. Learnmize
promise to nourish you with skills to excel you with super career building skill.

Our Mission
Our motto is to nourish Indian youth with practical, skill-based knowledge to
give Indians the ultimate power of skill to shape their career and the future
of India.

How Learnmize helps learners upskill and grow

Learnmize has strategically designed its courses in a hybrid model .i.e, Theory + practical implementation
of everything you learn. So, after the course you’re ready with an industry ready skillset.
About Learnmize:

Learnmate is an educational institution that aims to

equip youth with practical-based skills which helps them
in building their career. We’re focused more on implementation
& practise of the knowledge to make our students the top 1% of any

How Learnmize helps learners upskill and grow

Learnmize was founded by Aryan Tripathi in 2021 with a small idea to help freelancers & entrepreneurs.
In just 2 years Learnmize has trained more than 50,000 students out of wexperience: The reason behind
Learnmize’s graduate success is its unique approach of teaching which is a fusion of Theoretical &
practical implementation of every learning which makes our students ready to crack the industry.

Overview of the team behind Learnmize and their expertise in the education and technology industry
which more than 10,000 students are making more than 1 lakhs/month.

PRICE : 5999/- Duration : 4 Weeks

A smart digital marketing learning hub to learn In Demand marketing skills in the industry.
Learnmize promise to nourish you with skills to excel you with super career building skill.

I. Introduction to Facebook Ads:

Overview of Facebook Ads platform

Understanding the different types of Facebook Ads
Setting up a Facebook Ads account

II. Creating Ad Campaigns:

Defining target audience

Choosing ad objectives
Setting up ad placements
Selecting ad format
Creating ad copy and visuals
III. Ad Budgeting and Bidding:

Understanding ad bidding
Setting up ad budget
Selecting ad bidding strategy
Managing ad spend

IV. Facebook Ads Optimization:

Understanding Ad Performance Metrics

Optimizing ad delivery
Refining target audience
A/B testing ad creatives
Adjusting bidding strategies

V. Advanced Facebook Ads Techniques:

Utilizing Facebook Pixel

Retargeting campaigns
Using Facebook Ads Manager tools
Creating dynamic ads
Utilizing custom audiences

VI. Measuring and Analyzing Ad Performance:

Understanding Ad Performance Metrics

Using Facebook Ads Manager reporting
Interpreting ad performance data
Making data-driven decisions for ad optimization

VII. Conclusion:

Recap of key concepts covered in the course

Best practices for Facebook Ads management
Q&A session and discussion.

PRICE : 3999/- Duration : 10 Days

Module 1: Introduction to Landing Page Design

Overview of landing pages and their role in digital marketing

Understanding the key elements of a landing page and their importance
Types of landing pages and when to use each type
Common landing page design mistakes to avoid

Module 2: WordPress for Landing Page Design

Overview of WordPress and how to install and set up a WordPress website

Understanding the WordPress dashboard and its functionalities
Installing and setting up Elementor page builder
Understanding the Elementor interface and functionalities

Module 3: Designing with Elementor Theme Builder

Creating custom templates using Elementor

Adding custom widgets and elements to Elementor templates
Designing custom headers, footers, and other templates using Elementor
Adding custom animations and effects to enhance user engagement

Module 4: Copywriting for Landing Pages

Understanding the importance of copywriting in landing page design

Writing compelling headlines and subheadlines
Crafting a clear and concise value proposition
Writing effective call-to-actions
Module 5: Design Techniques for Landing Pages

Understanding the principles of good design

Using color theory to create visually appealing landing pages
Adding images and videos to landing pages
Using spacing and alignment to create a visually balanced layout

Module 6: Optimizing Landing Pages for Conversions

Understanding the role of landing pages in the customer journey

Identifying and addressing common conversion roadblocks
A/B testing landing page elements to improve performance
Using heatmaps and analytics to understand user behavior
Implementing best practices for landing page optimization

Module 7: Advanced Strategies for Landing Page Design

Using landing pages for lead generation and lead nurturing

Creating custom thank-you pages and confirmation pages
Integrating landing pages with marketing automation tools
Optimizing landing pages for mobile devices

Module 8: Conclusion and Next Steps

Recap of the course content

Overview of the projects completed in the course
Recommendations for further learning and improvement
Final thoughts and next steps for creating successful landing pages.

PRICE : 6999/- Duration : 3 Weeks

Module 1: Understanding the Digital Marketing Landscape

Overview of the digital marketing industry and its growth potential

Identifying different digital marketing services offered by agencies
Understanding the target audience and competition in the market

Module 2: Building a Business Plan for Your Digital Marketing Agency

Developing a business plan and defining the mission, vision, and objectives
Conducting market research and analysis to determine demand for digital marketing services
Identifying the target audience and developing a unique selling proposition
Developing a pricing strategy and budget plan for the agency
Module 3: Setting Up Your Digital Marketing Agency

Choosing a legal structure for the agency and registering the business
Obtaining the necessary licenses and permits
Setting up a physical office or virtual infrastructure
Developing a website for the agency and creating a strong online presence

Module 4: Hiring a Team for Your Digital Marketing Agency

Defining the roles and responsibilities of team members

Recruiting and training employees
Developing a strong company culture and work environment
Managing employee compensation and benefits

Module 5: Marketing Your Digital Marketing Agency

Developing a marketing strategy to promote the agency's services

Networking with potential clients and building partnerships
Developing a content marketing plan and creating educational materials
Participating in industry events and webinars to promote the agency

Module 6: Offering Digital Marketing Services

Identifying the most in-demand digital marketing services

Developing a process for delivering services to clients
Staying up-to-date with the latest digital marketing trends and technologies
Providing ongoing support and reporting to clients

Module 7: Measuring Success and Growing Your Agency

Defining success metrics and tracking results

Developing a plan for growth and expanding services
Providing ongoing training and development for team members
Scaling the agency and acquiring new clients

Module 8: Legal and Financial Considerations for Your Digital Marketing


Understanding the legal requirements for running a digital marketing agency

Managing taxes and insurance
Developing a financial plan and tracking expenses
Protecting the agency's intellectual property and client data.

PRICE : 7999/- Duration : 10 Days

Module 1: Introduction to Digital Products and Online Business Models

Overview of the digital product landscape and the various online business models available
Understand the pros and cons of each model and what makes a successful digital product
Introduction to e-books, online courses, membership sites, webinars, and other digital products

Module 2: Identifying Your Niche and Target Audience

Importance of identifying your target audience and understanding their pain points
Market research and analysis to determine the demand for your product
Creating a buyer persona and understanding the characteristics of your ideal customer
Module 3: Creating a Digital Product

How to plan and outline the content for your digital product
Choosing the right format and delivery method for your
product (e-book, online course, membership site, etc.)
Using multimedia, such as videos, audio, images,
and animations, to enhance the user experience

Module 4: Building an Online Presence and Growing

Your Audience

Overview of digital marketing and its role in promoting your digital product
Building a website and an email list to promote your product
Using social media to reach your target audience and grow your brand

Module 5: Launching and Monetizing Your Digital Product

Tips for creating a successful product launch

Setting up a sales page and an order page to sell your product
Setting up payment and delivery methods
Developing an upsell strategy to increase revenue and lifetime customer value

Module 6: Measuring Success and Optimizing Your Product

How to track and measure the success of your product

Tips for collecting customer feedback and using it to improve your product
Developing a product roadmap and creating a continuous improvement plan

Module 7: Scaling and Expanding Your Digital Product Business

Expanding your product line to reach new customers and increase revenue
Partnering with affiliates and influencers to promote your product
Using paid advertising to reach a wider audience and increase sales
Tips for managing growth and scaling your business over time.

PRICE : 8999/- Duration : 4 Weeks

Module 1: Introduction to Making Online Courses

Overview of the online learning market and its potential for earning money
Understanding the difference between online courses and other online content formats
Benefits of creating online courses and how it can help grow your
personal brand and business

Module 2: Choosing the Right Topic for Your Course

Conducting market research to find profitable course topics

Identifying your target audience and understanding their needs
Choosing a topic that aligns with your expertise and passion

Module 3: Course Content Creation

Planning and structuring your course content for maximum engagement and retention
Creating engaging video lectures, slides, and other multimedia content
Incorporating interactive elements such as quizzes and exercises into your course

Module 4: Course Promotion and Marketing

Developing a marketing plan to reach and engage your target audience

Using social media and other online channels to promote your course
Partnering with influencers, bloggers, and other marketers to reach new audiences
Module 5: Monetizing Your Course

Understanding the various monetization options for online courses, including subscription-based
models, one-time purchases, and more
Setting the right price for your course to maximize profits while ensuring it is accessible to your
target audience
Incorporating upsells, cross-sells, and other sales strategies to increase revenue from your course

Module 6: Delivering and Supporting Your Course

Preparing your course for launch and delivering it to students

Providing support and feedback to students to ensure they are getting the most out of the course
Managing course updates and revisions to ensure your course stays relevant and valuable to
your students

Module 7: Scaling Your Course Business

Expanding your course offerings and creating new revenue streams

Partnering with other course creators and marketers to reach new audiences
Expanding into related areas such as coaching, consulting, and other digital products.

Module 8: Conclusion and Next Steps

Recap of the key concepts covered in the course

Tips for continued success in making and selling online courses
Final thoughts and next steps for building a successful online course business.

PRICE : 3999/- Duration : 10 Days

Module 1: Introduction to Whatsapp Marketing & Automation

Overview of Whatsapp as a marketing and communication platform

Understanding the benefits of Whatsapp marketing for businesses
Overview of Whatsapp automation tools and platforms

Module 2: Setting up a Whatsapp Business Account

Creating a Whatsapp Business account and verifying the phone number

Setting up business information and profile picture

Module 3: Creating a Whatsapp Marketing Strategy

Defining the target audience and goals for Whatsapp marketing

Developing a content strategy for Whatsapp marketing
Creating a messaging calendar to plan and schedule messages
Module 4: Building a Whatsapp Contact List

Collecting phone numbers and creating a database of contacts

Segmenting the contact list based on demographics, behavior, and interests

Module 5: Whatsapp Chatbots & Automated Messages

Introduction to Whatsapp chatbots and automated messages

Setting up chatbots and automating responses to common questions and queries
Customizing chatbots and automated messages based on customer behavior and preferences

Module 6: Whatsapp Broadcasts & Groups

Overview of Whatsapp broadcasts and groups

Creating and managing broadcast lists
Creating and managing Whatsapp groups for targeted marketing and engagement

Module 7: Analyzing and Improving Whatsapp Marketing Results

Overview of Whatsapp marketing metrics and KPIs

Using analytics tools to track and measure campaign performance
Optimizing Whatsapp marketing strategies and campaigns based on data-driven insights

Module 8: Whatsapp Marketing Best Practices & Case Studies

Overview of best practices for Whatsapp marketing

Learning from successful case studies and real-world examples

Module 9: Whatsapp Marketing Ethics & Regulations

Understanding the rules and regulations for Whatsapp marketing

Avoiding spam and ensuring compliance with data privacy and security laws

Module 10: Conclusion and Next Steps

Recap of the course content

Overview of the projects completed in the course
Recommendations for further learning and improvement
Final thoughts and next steps for creating a successful Whatsapp marketing strategy.

PRICE : 7999/- Duration : 3 Weeks

Module 1: Introduction to Ecommerce

Understanding ecommerce and its benefits

Identifying the different types of ecommerce businesses
Analyzing successful ecommerce businesses

Module 2: Finding Your Niche

Identifying profitable ecommerce niches

Conducting market research and analysis
Choosing a niche and validating your idea
Module 3: Building Your Ecommerce Website

Choosing the right ecommerce platform

Designing your website and creating a brand
Setting up payment and shipping options

Module 4: Product Sourcing and Inventory Management

Finding reliable suppliers and manufacturers

Managing inventory and fulfillment
Pricing strategies and product listing optimization

Module 5: Marketing Your Ecommerce Business

Developing a marketing plan

Search engine optimization (SEO) strategies
Paid advertising and social media marketing

Module 6: Customer Acquisition and Retention

Building customer relationships and loyalty

Managing customer service and returns
Creating a referral program and increasing customer lifetime value

Module 7: Scaling Your Ecommerce Business

Analyzing data and making informed decisions

Outsourcing and hiring employees
Expanding your product offerings and sales channels

Overview of Learnmize's interactive and engaging learning approach

Learnmize focuses on a practical approach that emphasizes hands-on learning to help students
acquire practical skills that are useful in real-world scenarios.
The interactive learning approach of Learnmize involves a variety of teaching methods that
promote engagement, active participation, and collaboration among students. The institute
uses a mix of online and offline methods, to ensure students receive a holistic learning experience.

Explanation of the support provided to learners, including personal

coaching, mentoring, and feedback

Every Individual has its own pace of learning, with personalized support like personal coaching &
mentoring we focus in the area of improvement & ensure to develop a personalized guideline
to help every individual.
Discussion of the career opportunities available to learners after
completing Learnmize courses

There is a wide range of career opportunities after graduating from Learnmize.

Digital Marketing Manager: A digital marketing manager is responsible for developing, implementing,
and managing the overall digital marketing strategy of a business.

Social Media Manager: A social media manager is responsible for creating and managing social media
campaigns, developing content, and engaging with followers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist: An SEO specialist is responsible for optimizing a website's
content and structure to improve its ranking on search engines.

Digital Marketing Manager: A digital marketing manager is responsible for developing, implementing,
and managing the overall digital marketing strategy of a business.

Social Media Manager: A social media manager is responsible for creating and managing social media
campaigns, developing content, and engaging with followers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist: An SEO specialist is responsible for optimizing a website's
content and structure to improve its ranking on search engines.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Specialist: A PPC specialist is responsible for managing paid advertising campaigns
on search engines and social media platforms.

Content Marketer: A content marketer is responsible for developing and implementing content marketing
strategies, creating content, and measuring the success of campaigns.

Email Marketer: An email marketer is responsible for creating and executing email campaigns, developing
content, and tracking engagement and conversions.

Digital Marketing Analyst: A digital marketing analyst is responsible for tracking and analyzing digital
marketing data to evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns and identify areas for improvement.

Entrepreneur: Learning all about marketing can help you to start your own business or a digital
marketing agency.

Overall, completing a Learnmize courses can prepare you for a rewarding career in a fast-growing
industry with plenty of opportunities for growth and advancement.
Explanation of how Learnmize helps learners stay ahead of the curve in
Learnmize helps learners stay ahead of the curve in
their careers and industries
their careers and industries
Our methods are proven to yield high productivity & superior outcomes for our graduates
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There are hundreds of reasons but I’ve listed some of the important ones that will
help you choose Learnmize.

Experienced Faculty: Composing of experienced professionals Faculty who have worked in various
industries and have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with their students. They are
known to make industry leaders.

Learning with online support: With Learnmize you also get online support & learning materials which
means you can also learn some important topics from the convenience of your home. This flexibility
enables you to learn at their own pace and convenience.

Cutting-Edge Curriculum: Learnmize's courses are designed to provide you with the skills and
knowledge they need to succeed in today's fast-paced and ever-evolving industries. The
curriculum is regularly updated to keep pace with the latest trends and technologies.
Focus on Practical Learning: Learnmize's courses are designed to provide you with hands-on, practical
learning experiences. This means you can apply the knowledge and skills they acquire in real-world
scenarios, which can help them build a strong foundation for their careers.

Learnmize helps you to enhance your skills and stay ahead of the curve in their careers and industries.
With the strategic course planning Learnmize can help you achieve their career goals and aspirations.

Explanation of the unique features and benefits of Learnmize, including its hands-on approach,
supportive learning environment, and focus on real-world skills.

Discussion of the competitive advantage Learnmize provides to learners, including its industry-relevant
We’re committed to making Industry leaders which break the preconception of the market & leave their own
courses and partnerships with leading companies
mark. Our students already are working with top companies in India & have left a strong impact in the Industry.
We’ve partnered with India’s leading brands to help you learn the skills in depth & understand the
industry language & give you hand-on experience even before you graduate.

Overview of the resources available to learners, including course materials, mentorship, and career support


1. Facebook Ads Master 5999/- 4 Weeks


2. Landing Page Mastery 3999/- 10 Days


3. Agency 101 Course : 6999/- 3 Weeks

Start, Scale & Grow Your
Marketing Agency

4. Digital Product Mastery 7999/- 10 Days


5. Zero To One : Earn By 8999/- 4 Weeks

Course Creation

6. Whatsapp Marketing 3999/- 10 Days

Mastery Course

7. E-Commerce Mastery 7999/- 3 Weeks


Contact Number : 9563596635

Address : Learnmize Learning Center, 7,8 Mridul Tower, Near

Bata Showroom, Asram Road, Ahmedabad


Final thoughts on Learnmize and its commitment to helping learners succeed

We’re committed to making Industry leaders which break the preconception of the market &
leave their own mark. Our students already are working with top companies in India & have left
a strong impact in the Industry.

If you want to be the next hero of the Learnmize community, it is the best time to jump in &
learn some skills that upgrade your life.

Encouragement to explore Learnmize's courses and discover how they can help
achieve personal and professional goals.

Explore some of the courses offered by Learnmize & choose accordingly that suits you the best.

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