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What I speak showing Slide 1:

 Appearance deals with every aspect of how we perceive an individual.
 The way you dress, and fix your hair, tells a lot about yourself and the way you want
others to think about you.
 Our Appearance is a direct reflection of the environment in which we were raised.
 In an instant, we form opinions about a person based on individual appearance,
cleanliness, and mannerisms.
 A good Appearance gives confidence and feel great about yourself.

What I Speak Showing Slide 4:

 This is a quote by ‘Mary Mihalic’… reads the Quote
 Which means your appearance and Personality operate hand in hand. For Example…
I show myself sitting properly in a chair and in an awkward way.
 I want to remind you all of an old saying that we might hear many times, ‘Don’t
Judge a book by its cover’. So, a good appearance itself doesn’t qualify you as a good
person, but it grabs others' attention towards you to explore more of you.

I Conclude my presentation.

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