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Emergency Depatment Concsultant on Duty

Newton Hospital

100 Main Sreet


30 August 2019

Dear Doctor,

Re: MrsPatricia Styles, aged 62

Thank you for seeing Ms Styles, a 62-year-old widov and retired school teacher who requires urgent
menagement and investigation of a possible pericarditis.

Today Ms Styles has experiencing chest pain which is relieved by sitting up, shortness of breath and
fatigue. She has low grade fever (38.1 C), her hearth rate is tachicardic ( 115 bpm ) tachypnoeic (28
bpm) and her current blood pressure is at 125/78 whic is lower than usual blood pressure levels at
140/90. She also has hypertansion, type 2 diabetes which are respectively menaged with Quinapril
(accupril) 40 mg twice daily, Medformin (diabex) 500 mg twice daily and glicazide( APO- Glicazide MR)
30 mg daily.

On 25.08.2019 She was admitted to Green Walley Hospital with fever , chest pain and tachicardia.
Blood tests eindicated elevated levels of of ESR ,CRP and WCC. Throat swab and Echocardiogram
tests detected viral influenza type B and pericarditis. It was menaged with ıv saline and ibobrufen
600 mg every 8 hours. Her chest x-ray indicated no abnormalities.After 2 days Mr Styles was
dicharged and was given advice regarding self-care at her home and follow-up Nurse Home Visit was
arranged for today.

I refer her to you for urgent assesment and menagement due to the relapse of pericarditis.

Kind Regards


Metehan Koçar

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