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Nishant Bhardwaj


11 Tweets • 2022-03-16 •  See on Twitter 



Say your capital is $500, don’t target for anything

more than $10 $15$ per profit per trade for at least a

Never go beyond 25% margin, EVER.

If someone is mentoring you or you have reliable

source of signals then make even if your 3/5 trades go
right, you would be in decent profit.

Keep your SL at 2% and TP at 4%, if you win 3/5

trades, you would be in very good profits irrespective.
Once your profits take your capital to $700+ in a
week or two, then you would be able to increase your
TP to 5% and SL to 3%.

It goes beyond $1K in a month, you are in a

position to take high risk trades where you either make
$100 or lose but you’d be in profit in the end.

Now you start taking trades by yourself, without

signals; margin max $100, 7x leverage. If 3/5 trades
are going right then again gradually take your capital
to $1,500 with the help of very very few signals but
majorly your own signals.

Now you’re standing at $1,500 in 30-45 day with a

fewer loses and few wins because of your right risk
management which I mentioned above, now you
would only take sure trades with again 20% margin
and max 10x leverage.
Now you’re in a situation to lose 200-300$ easy
because even then you’re in very good profits, now
you’re free but still now you would take fewer sure
trades, 3-5 trades a week are easy to find if you’ve
spent decent amount of hours in the market.

Now after all this practice, you have gained control

on your psychology and emotions, because that’s how
you have been trading since the beginning. Now your
fewer traders would make you easy $100+ into 2 a
week, with 2% SL and 4% TP strategy.

Now you have mastered the most important hurdle;

risk management, psychology and emotions, now you
would be able to trade freely with say 2K$ in two to
three months, you would be able to take trades by
yourself + fewer signals.

After the entire practice, you would be easily able

to make 10%-20% every week of your capital with the
help of strategies I have mentioned, if you religiously
follow this then you could easily take your capital to at
least x10 in 4-6 months.
That being said, it does sound tough? Yes, it does
but if you’d follow the TP and SL strategy then there’s
no way that your capital would depreciate, rather it
would grow gradually.

It’s not as tough as it sounds.

Good luck, you’d need patience but you’d make it


Street free*

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