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Say goodbye to writer's block.

AI is here to save the day!

Here are 50 AI prompts to

generate scroll-stopping content

in a matter of seconds
1) You are a [industry] thought

leader. Share your top insights

on [industry trend/challenge]

and the impact it'll have on the

future of [industry concept].

2) Draft a unique, engaging

LinkedIn story about [topic] in

the style of [famous author].

Start with a hook that makes me

want to keep reading and that is

no longer than 140 characters.

3) Write an insightful LinkedIn

post promoting best practices

within [topic/industry]. Use a

professional tone of voice.

4) Create five witty puns on the

word [word] to include in a

social media post about [topic].

5) You are a professional

proofreader and writer.

Rewrite the following extract

with the relevant changes and

share the list of any

improvements you make.

[Insert extract]
6) Brainstorm X ideas for

[specific social media] posts

that will spark a conversation

about [topic].

7) Suggest X metaphors to

describe the benefits of

8) Create a LinkedIn post

sharing your top productivity

tips for [field]. Offer practical

advice and actionable steps.

9) Write an analogy to explain

[topic]. Keep it short and use a

friendly tone.
10) As a renowned visionary in

[specific industry], share your

thoughts on the next big

opportunity that will

revolutionize the [industry].

11) Discuss the potential

benefits and drawbacks of

[practice/tool]. Use bullet points

to weigh the pros and cons.

12) Mention a little-known fact

about [topic].
13) Analyze the writing style in

the following text and write

about [topic] in the style of that


[insert text]
14) Propose five engaging

hooks that will make [specific

audience] want to read more

about [topic]. Each hook should

have less than 20 words.

15) In your experience as a

[industry expert], what are the X

most common misconceptions

or myths about [industry]?

Share your top insights and

debunk these misconceptions.

16) Write a thought-provoking

LinkedIn article discussing the

role of artificial intelligence in

transforming [industry].

Use bullet points to analyze its

potential benefits and challenges.

17) Write a funny post that

pokes fun at a common

[industry] stereotype.

18) Explain why [skill/tool] is

becoming increasingly

important in [field] and how it

can help solve [problem].

19) You are a YouTube Shorts title

generator. Your job is to write X

hook titles that are 100

characters or less for my channel.

I will give you the transcript for

each Short, which you are to use

to create the hooks.

20) Reflecting on your journey

as an expert in [specific

industry], what has been the

biggest lesson or most valuable

skill you've learned and how has

it contributed to your success?

21) Suggest five alternatives to

the draft copy below for a

[specific platform] post.

Use a more thought-provoking

tone of voice.

[insert draft copy]

22) Give me X CTA ideas for

[service]. Keep them short and

use a persuasive tone of voice.

23) As a copywriting expert,

write X versions of a CTA that

will get [target audience] to

[desired action].
24) Craft a thought-provoking

post about the future of


Spark a conversation and

encourage others to share their

25) Generate a creative content

calendar for the next week for a

[specific brand/company] that

centers around [topics].

26) Improve the following call to

action by rewriting it in a more

persuasive tone of voice.

[insert your CTA]

27) Craft a persuasive LinkedIn

post advocating for the

importance of work-life balance

in [industry]. Share personal

experiences and provide

strategies for achieving

28) Compose a LinkedIn article

highlighting the future trends

and innovations in [industry].

Provide insights into how

professionals can prepare and

adapt to these changes.

29) You are a content marketer

at a [specific company]. Make a

list of videos about [company-

related topic] for [specific

audience]. Each item should

consist of a title that is less than

70 words and a description that

is less than 100 words.

30) As a top social media

marketer, write a fun and quirky

post about [topic].

31) Write X inspirational

captions about [topic] with

engaging hooks for [specific

audience]. Use relevant emojis.

32) Craft a list of compelling

YouTube video titles and

thumbnail combinations to

attract viewers to your [niche]

channel. Make sure they're

engaging and eye-catching.

33) Compose a persuasive

LinkedIn post advocating for the

importance of diversity and

inclusion in [field]. Provide real-

world examples and actionable

steps for fostering an inclusive

34) Write a short controversial

social media post about [topic]

that will get [specific audience]

to debate the topic. Take a side

in the debate.
35) Add a short hook to the start

of the following post below that

will make [specific audience]

want to engage in the

conversation. Write three

differente versions.

[insert your draft post]

36) Suggest X hooks to begin a

post announcing [your new

launch] that will catch the

attention of [specific audience].

37) Generate a social media

post that breaks down [topic]

into easy-to-understand steps.

38) Below is a draft for a

[specific platform] caption. Give

me X different options with a

more inspirational tone.

[insert your draft]

39) Compose an inspiring post

about overcoming challenges in

[field]. Share personal stories

and strategies for resilience and

40) Craft an engaging post

discussing the benefits of

[strategy] for businesses.

Include relevant statistics and

success stories.
41) Create a social media post

presenting a counterargument

for the following statement:

[insert statement]
42) Help me craft a social media

giveaway post that is designed

to promote [product/service].

43) Write a call to action for a

[product/service] that gets the

reader to [desired action].

44) Mention a fun fact about

[industry-related topic] and

create a post about it for

[specific social media].

45) Generate a post that

features a funny anecdote or

story related to [industry].

46) Write an inspirational

caption about [topic] that will

engage [target audience]. The

first sentence should include a

hook that makes me want to

keep reading. Give me X

different versions.
47) Write an engaging [specific

social media] post discussing

the latest trends in [industry].

Include relevant statistics to

prove the impact these trends

have had in the industry.

48) Write an informative

LinkedIn post on the importance

of personal branding for

professionals in [industry].

Share tips on building a strong

personal brand.
49) Write a LinkedIn article

highlighting the key skills

needed to succeed in the

rapidly evolving [industry].

Include relevant statistics to

prove your point.

50) Take this idea "[idea]" and

turn it into a LinkedIn carousel,

with less than 30 words per

slide. Make sure to keep it

engaging and easy to read.

Describe what should be shown

in each slide.
With AI, the possibilities are just

endless. For best results, always

remember to:

- Be specific.

- Avoid ambiguous language.

- Include examples if necessary.

- Iterate for better output.

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