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Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 17 (2007) 102–111

Reliability of electromyographic normalization methods

for evaluating the hip musculature
a,* b
Lori A. Bolgla , Timothy L. Uhl
Department of Physical Therapy, Medical College of Georgia, CH-100, Augusta, GA 30912, United States
Division of Athletic Training, University of Kentucky, 900 S. Limestone, Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0200, United States

Received 21 December 2004; received in revised form 17 November 2005; accepted 28 November 2005


The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of three normalization methods for analyzing hip abductor activation during
rehabilitation exercises. Thirteen healthy subjects performed three open kinetic chain and three closed kinetic chain hip abductor exer-
cises. Surface EMG activity for the gluteus medius was collected during each exercise and normalized based on a maximum voluntary
isometric contraction (MVIC), mean dynamic (m-DYN), and peak dynamic activity (pk-DYN). Intraclass coefficient correlations
(ICCs), intersubject coefficients of variation (CVs), and intrasubject CVs were then calculated for each normalization method. MVIC
ICCs exceeded 0.93 for all exercises. M-DYN and pk-DYN ICCs exceeded 0.85 for all exercises except for the sidelying abduction exer-
cise. Intersubject CVs ranged from 55% to 77% and 19% to 61% for the MVIC and dynamic methods, respectively. Intrasubject CVs
ranged from 11% to 22% for all exercises under all normalization methods. The MVIC method provided the highest measurement reli-
ability for determining differences in activation amplitudes between hip abductor exercises in healthy subjects. Future research should
determine if these same results would apply to a symptomatic patient population.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Reproducibility; Rehabilitation; Measurement; Hip exercises; Gluteus medius; Normalization; Electromyography

1. Introduction EMG normalization is required to compare muscle

activity among different subjects. Prior studies have nor-
Therapeutic exercise is one of the most important treat- malized EMG signals based on a maximum voluntary iso-
ment modalities used by rehabilitation professionals. They metric contraction (MVIC); however, this method has
have analyzed electromyographic (EMG) muscle activity certain limitations like the assumption that subjects pro-
during exercise and theorized that exercises that produce vided a maximum effort during testing and that activation
higher activation amplitudes would benefit patients. represented total muscle activity required for the task
Although many studies have investigated amplitudes dur- [48,49]. Other investigations have normalized muscle activ-
ing knee [18,21,22,28,42] and shoulder [6,34,41,45] exer- ity based on mean dynamic or peak dynamic amplitudes
cises, none have determined amplitudes during hip because these methods patterned muscle activation pro-
abduction exercises. Hip abduction (HA) exercises have duced during the specific task [5,33,36,47,49]. In addition,
important functional implications because they enable dynamic methods may be more appropriate for patients
patients to regain the muscle strength needed for perform- who cannot safely perform a MVIC.
ing activities of daily living and sports. Reliability is the extent to which measurements are con-
sistent, dependable, and free from error [17,39]. It also
refers to the stability and consistency of measures with
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 859 333 6356; fax: +1 859 323 6003. respect to time so that variations between measures result
E-mail address: (L.A. Bolgla). from changes in the variable being measured [25]. With

1050-6411/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.A. Bolgla, T.L. Uhl / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 17 (2007) 102–111 103

respect to EMG analysis of rehabilitation exercises, mea- form a single leg stance on each lower extremity. Subjects
surement variations should represent true differences in could not participate if they had a history of significant
muscle activity among each exercise condition. Therefore, lower extremity injury or surgery in the preceding year.
researchers should normalize muscle activity using the The primary investigator explained the testing procedures
most reliable method in order to make appropriate infer- and associated risks and benefits specific to the study to
ences regarding muscle activation. all subjects. Participants signified their voluntary decision
Prior works have examined the reliability of EMG nor- to participate by signing a University-approved informed
malization methods during gait [5,11,47,49] and single leg consent form.
stance tasks [26] based on a MVIC and dynamic activities
and calculated intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs), 2.2. Subject preparation
intersubject coefficients of variation (CVs), and intrasubject
CVs to establish measurement reliability. Some researchers The principal investigator prepared subjects’ skin for the
[11,26] recommended a MVIC method because it repre- surface EMG electrodes in a standard manner [4]. Bipolar
sented absolute demands required for a specific task; others Ag/AgCl surface electrodes (Medicotest, Rolling Meadows,
advocated a dynamic method because it reduced intersub- IL) were placed one-half the distance between the iliac crest
ject variability and provided information on the pattern and greater trochanter over the muscle belly of the right glu-
of muscle activation during a task [47,49]. teus medius (GM) because placement in this manner can
One should note that many factors might affect the minimize the recording of activity from the nearest motor
interpretation of EMG activity [29]. Heckathorne and unit action potential and minimize musculature interference
Childress [23] demonstrated how changes in muscle length [4,13]. Surface electrodes, placed parallel to the GM muscle
and rate of change altered the magnitude of EMG ampli- fibers, measured 5 mm in diameter and had a 20 mm inter-
tudes. Generally, amplitudes were greater during concen- electrode distance. The principal investigator also donned
tric (shortening) muscle contractions, compared to a ground electrode on the ipsilateral acromion process.
isometric contractions, because muscle fibers had greater The principal investigator visually confirmed the electrical
difficulty producing force in a shortened state [1,32]. Like- signal on an oscilloscope using common manual muscle test-
wise, eccentric (lengthening) muscle contractions produced ing techniques and secured the electrodes with electrode tape
less EMG activity because of a more favorable length–ten- to prevent slippage during testing. Finally, a two-dimen-
sion relationship of the actin-myosin cross bridges [1,32]. sional electrical goniometer was placed on the lateral aspect
Therefore, changes in a muscle’s length-tension relation- of the right and left hips over the greater trochanter for pur-
ship accounted for higher EMG amplitudes observed dur- poses of delineating repetitions during exercise.
ing dynamic contractions. The rate of change of force also
influenced EMG amplitudes; EMG for a given force level 2.3. Protocol
generally increased as velocity decreases [23]. Because of
these confounding factors, it is unknown how they might Subjects reported to the Musculoskeletal Laboratory for
affect the reliability of normalization methods. a single occasion testing session. Prior to testing, subjects
Recently, clinicians have reported on the importance of rode a stationary bike at a submaximal speed for 5 min.
the HA musculature in lower extremity rehabilitation pro- They also performed gentle hamstring, calf, and quadriceps
grams [19,24,30,37]. In determining which exercises best stretching consisting of five repetitions with a 15 s hold.
activate the HA musculature, researchers must use a nor- Next, subjects practiced each exercise to the beat of a met-
malization method that will provide reliable information. ronome (60 beats per minute) to familiarize themselves
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine mea- with each task (see Table 1). For each exercise, we also
surement reliability of HA amplitudes during six rehabilita- demarcated the appropriate range of motion using wooden
tion exercises using a MVIC, mean dynamic, and peak blocks. Subjects performed each exercise until they demon-
dynamic normalization method. strated proficiency as determined by the researchers and
rested 10 min prior to testing to reduce fatigue. The princi-
2. Methods pal investigator implemented these warm-up activities to
ensure that all subjects performed each exercise in a stan-
2.1. Participants dardized and correct manner during testing.
Since clinicians typically use both open kinetic chain
We used data obtained from 13 healthy subjects (7 men, (OKC) and closed kinetic chain (CKC) exercises in rehabil-
6 women; age = 24 ± 7 years; height = 1.6 ± 0.2 m; itation programs, we included three variations of each type
weight = 765.2 ± 137.3 N) who participated in a larger exercise. For the OKC exercises, we donned a cuff weight
study that examined muscle activation amplitudes during equal to 3% body weight on subjects’ right ankle. For the
HA rehabilitation exercises [9]. They represented a sample CKC exercises (except the pelvic drop), we placed the same
of convenience recruited from the local University commu- weight on subjects’ left ankle. We used an ankle weight
nity. Subjects participated in the study only if they if they because it provided a known mass throughout the entire
had no lower extremity dysfunction and could safely per- range of motion for each exercise.
104 L.A. Bolgla, T.L. Uhl / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 17 (2007) 102–111

Table 1
Description of Hip Abduction Exercises
Exercise Description
Standing hip abduction Subjects stand with both lower extremities 10 cm apart. They abduct the right lower
extremity 25 degrees and adduct it to the starting position during this exercise, while
standing solely on the left lower extremity with the pelvis in a level position
Standing hip abduction with flexed hip Subjects stand with both lower extremities 10 cm apart with the hips and knees in 20° of
flexion. They abduct the right lower extremity 25 degrees and adduct it to the starting
position during this exercise, while standing solely on the left lower extremity with the pelvis
in a level position
Single leg stance with contralateral load [27]a Subjects stand with both lower extremities 10.16 cm apart. They abduct the left lower
extremity 25 degrees and adduct it to the starting position during this exercise, while
standing solely on the right lower extremity with the pelvis in a level position
Sidelying hip abduction [15,23] Subjects lie on their left side with the right lower extremity parallel to the left one. They
abduct the right lower extremity to 25 degrees and adduct it to the starting position during
this exercise
Single leg stance with contralateral load and flexed hipa Subjects stand with both lower extremities 10.16 cm apart with the hips and knees in 20° of
flexion. They abduct the left lower extremity 25 degrees and adduct it to the starting position
during this exercise, while standing solely on the right lower extremity with the pelvis in a
level position
Pelvic drops [15] Subjects stand solely on the right lower extremity on a 600 step. With both knees in a fully
extended position, they lower the left pelvis toward the floor in order to adduct the right hip.
Subjects then contract the right GM to return the pelvis to a level position
Cuff weight donned on the left ankle.

Subjects performed 15 repetitions of each exercise to a 2.3.1. Reference muscle activation for normalization
metronome set at 60 beats per minute and in a standard- We determined reference values both before and after
ized manner to ensure similar rates and ranges of motion exercise for purposes of establishing measurement reliabil-
among subjects [42]. For the hip sidelying and standing ity. To determine reference values for the MVIC normali-
abduction exercises, subjects raised the specific lower zation method, subjects assumed a left sidelying position
extremity on one beat, lowered it on the next, and rested with the right lower extremity in 25 degrees of hip abduc-
one beat, a sequence they repeated for 15 repetitions. For tion as determined through goniometric measurement.
the pelvic drop exercise, subjects lowered the left lower We maintained this position by placing pillows between
extremity on one beat and raised it on the next one in a each subject’s lower extremities and securing them with a
continuous manner. Subjects rested 3 min between each mobilization (immovable) strap over the lateral femoral
exercise and testing order randomized to reduce fatigue condyle (see Fig. 1). A mobilization strap was used since
and ordering bias. previous works have demonstrated the reliability of this

Fig. 1. Subject position for obtaining MVIC for right hip abduction.
L.A. Bolgla, T.L. Uhl / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 17 (2007) 102–111 105

method for producing a maximum contraction for the hip 2.4.2. Mean dynamic activity
abductors [24,27,35,46]. We chose 25 degrees of hip abduc- EMG signals collected during the 15 repetitions of the
tion as our reference point since this position has been unloaded (no ankle weight) sidelying HA exercise were full
commonly used for manual muscle testing [15]. wave rectified and linear smoothed using a 250 ms time
The principal investigator instructed subjects to generate constant with Datapac software [5]. The mean amplitude
maximum hip abductor force using the ‘‘make test’’ [2,7]. for this linear envelope was determined and represented
For the ‘‘make test,’’ subjects generated maximum hip 100% mean dynamic amplitude (m-DYN). For each exer-
abductor force over a 2 s period and held the maximum cise condition, we processed signals using this linear enve-
contraction for a 5 s period. Prior to testing, subjects famil- lope, calculated the mean amplitude, and expressed these
iarized themselves with the test position and sequence by amounts as a percentage of the m-DYN (% m-DYN).
performing two submaximal isometric contractions. For We normalized EMG signals from each exercise a second
testing purposes, subjects performed three MVICs using time using the post-testing m-DYN value for purposes of
the ‘‘make test’’ and rested 1 min between each effort to calculating ICCs. The % m-DYN for the last 10 repetitions
minimize fatigue. The principal investigator provided (pre- and post-testing m-DYN amplitudes) for each exer-
strong verbal encouragement to facilitate subjects’ ability cise were then averaged and used for statistical analysis.
to perform a MVIC [12]. To determine reference values
for the mean and peak dynamic normalization methods, 2.4.3. Peak dynamic activity
subjects performed 15 repetitions of active right hip abduc- EMG signals collected during the 15 repetitions of the
tion (0–25 degrees) in the sidelying position with no load unloaded (no ankle weight) sidelying HA exercise were full
(no ankle weight) at a rate of 60 beats per minute. We ran- wave rectified and linear smoothed using a 250 ms time
domized order for determining reference muscle activation constant with Datapac software [5]. The peak amplitude
to reduce ordering bias. for this linear envelope was determined and represented
100% peak dynamic amplitude (pk-DYN). For each exer-
cise condition, we processed signals using this linear enve-
2.3.2. EMG data collection
lope, calculated the peak amplitude for each repetition, and
We used a 16-channel EMG system (Run Technologies,
expressed these amounts as a percentage of the pk-DYN
Mission Viejo, CA) to record muscle activity. Subjects wore
(% pk-DYN). We normalized EMG signals from each exer-
a Myopac transmitter belt unit (Run Technologies) that
cise a second time using the post-testing pk-DYN value for
transmitted all raw EMG data at 1000 Hz via a fiber optic
purposes of calculating ICCs. The % pk-DYN for the last
cable to its receiver unit where signals were converted from
10 repetitions (pre- and post-testing peak dynamic ampli-
analog to digital using a 12-byte A/D board (Computer-
tudes) for each exercise were then averaged and used for
Boards Inc., Middleboro, MA). Unit specifications for the
statistical analysis.
Myopac included a common mode rejection ratio of
90 dB, an amplifier gain of 2000 for the surface EMG elec-
2.5. Statistical analysis
trodes, and an amplifier gain of 1000 for the electric goniom-
eters. Raw EMG data were band pass filtered at 20–500 Hz
MVIC reliability was assessed to ensure that electrodes
using Datapac software (Run Technologies), stored on a PC
did not displace during each testing session [31,40]. To
computer, and analyzed using Datapac software. Electrical
evaluate reproducibility, the intraclass correlation coeffi-
goniometer signals were linear smoothed over a moving
cient (ICC) (model [2,1]) [43] was calculated using the
15 ms window and used to demarcate GM activity during
maximal 500 ms of RMS amplitude generated during the
each repetition.
pre-testing and the post-testing MVICs.
To determine measurement reliability for each exercise
2.4. EMG data reduction condition, we calculated separate ICCs (model [2,10]) [43]
using the pre-testing and post-testing % MVIC, % m-
2.4.1. MVIC DYN, and % pk-DYN values. We also calculated the stan-
Using the three MVICs performed by each subject, we dard error of measure (SEM) to describe the precision of
determined the maximum root mean squared (RMS) each measurement [16]. All statistical analyses were con-
amplitude recorded over a 500 millisecond (ms) window ducted using SPSS Version 12.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL)
[3], which represented 100% MVIC amplitude. For each at the 0.05 level of significance.
exercise condition, we calculated the RMS amplitude Although not a measure of reliability, intersubject CVs
for each repetition and expressed each as a percentage are inversely related to reproducibility and have been used
of the MVIC (% MVIC). We normalized EMG signals as a criteria for selecting a particular normalization method
from each exercise a second time using the post-testing [10,11,26,47,49]. We calculated intersubject CVs for each
MVIC value for purposes of calculating ICCs. The % exercise condition by dividing the overall standard devia-
MVIC for the last 10 repetitions (pre- and post-testing tion by the grand mean (Intersubject CV ¼ s=X ) using val-
MVIC) for each exercise were then averaged and used ues derived from each pre-testing % MVIC, % m-DYN,
for statistical analysis. and % pk-DYN normalization method [38].
106 L.A. Bolgla, T.L. Uhl / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 17 (2007) 102–111

We determined intrasubject reliability using the middle ICCs ranged from 0.93 to 0.96 using the MVIC method,
five repetitions that subjects performed for each exercise. 0.41 to 0.97 using the mean dynamic method, and 0.71 to
We first determined the total mean square error (MSE) 0.98 using the peak dynamic method. Table 4 summarizes
by performing separate analyses of variance (ANOVA) the intersubject and intrasubject CVs. Intersubject CVs
with repeated measures on values determined under each ranged from 55% to 77% using the MVIC method, 19%
normalization method using SPSS Version 12.0 (SPSS to 44% for the mean dynamic method, and 26% to 61%
Inc.) at the 0.05 level of significance. We then calculated using the peak dynamic method. Intrasubject CVs ranged
intrasubject CVs for each exercise by dividing the square from 11% to 22% for all methods.
root of the overall MSE
ffi by the mean EMG activity (Intra-
subject CV ¼ MSE=x) using values from each pre-testing
normalization method [26]. 4. Discussion

3. Results Clinicians [14,19,20,30,37] have recognized the role of

the HA musculature when developing successful rehabilita-
ICC2,1 for assessing pre-testing and post-testing MVICs tion programs. Although exercise prescription is an impor-
was 0.92, which inferred minimal electrode movement and tant intervention, only a single study [9] has examined
consistent effort. Table 2 summarizes descriptive statistics EMG amplitudes of the hip musculature during therapeu-
for each exercise. Table 3 summarizes the ICCs and SEMs. tic exercises. Information regarding HA activation during

Table 2
Summary of means and standard deviations of hip abductor muscle amplitudes during exercise based on a percentage of maximum voluntary isometric
contraction (% MVIC), mean dynamic activity (% m-DYN), and peak dynamic activity (% pk-DYN)
Exercise % MVIC % m-DYN % pk-DYN
a a
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SDa
Sidelying abduction 40 22 59 21 125 33
Standing abduction 30 21 38 14 88 34
Standing abduction with 20° hip flexion 27 20 32 15 84 39
Pelvic drop 54 30 84 38 156 66
Single leg stance with contralateral load 40 26 58 38 113 68
Single leg stance with contralateral load and 20° hip flexion 44 34 62 30 116 53
SD: standard deviation.

Table 3
Summary of intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and standard error of measurement (SEMs) for hip abductor amplitude during exercise based on a
maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), mean dynamic activity (m-DYN), and peak dynamic activity (pk-DYN)
Exercise MVIC m-DYN pk-DYN
Sidelying abduction 0.93 5 0.41 8 0.71 12
Standing abduction 0.96 4 0.85 6 0.95 7
Standing abduction with 20° hip flexion 0.96 4 0.93 5 0.96 6
Pelvic drop 0.95 6 0.95 13 0.94 13
Single leg stance with contralateral load 0.96 4 0.97 7 0.98 9
Single leg stance with contralateral load and 20° hip flexion 0.96 6 0.95 9 0.97 9
SEM stated as a % EMG activity based on each normalization method.

Table 4
Summary of intersubject (Inter) and intrasubject (Intra) coefficients of variation for hip abductor amplitude during exercise based on a maximum
voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), mean dynamic activity (m-DYN), and peak dynamic activity (pk-DYN)
Exercise MVIC m-DYN pk-DYN
Inter (%) Intra (%) Inter (%) Intra (%) Inter (%) Intra (%)
Sidelying abduction 55 12 19 11 26 12
Standing abduction 70 18 22 14 40 22
Standing abduction with 20° hip flexion 74 17 35 17 44 22
Pelvic drop 56 11 39 12 41 16
Single leg stance with contralateral load 65 11 44 9 61 14
Single leg stance with contralateral load and 20° hip flexion 77 11 37 11 47 15
L.A. Bolgla, T.L. Uhl / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 17 (2007) 102–111 107

rehabilitation exercises will assist clinicians in exercise vation during gait. The purpose of their studies was to pro-
prescription. vide patterns of muscle activation that clinicians could use
Historically, clinicians have utilized lower extremity in identifying patient gait abnormalities. Our higher inter-
therapeutic exercises on the assumption that those exercises subject CVs may contradict Yang and Winter’s recommen-
that produce higher EMG amplitudes will produce greater dations; however, the purpose of the present study was to
strengthening effects. These studies [18,21,22,28,42] have determine differences in muscle demands, not patterns of
based recommendations on data expressed as a % MVIC activation, during HA exercise [11,26]. Therefore, intersub-
without examining measurement reliability. Reliability ject CVs provided limited information regarding measure-
means that measurement methods should detect differences ment reliability.
in % EMG amplitudes that resulted from changes in the Intrasubject CVs relate more to measurement reproduc-
variable (exercise) being examined [25]. Reliability is also ibility and stability because they are calculated from sub-
analogous with reproducibility, meaning that others should ject repeated measures and may detect measurement error
obtain similar measures with testing replication [26]. [26]. We examined repeatability using the middle five repe-
With respect to upper extremity exercise, investigators titions for each exercise; values calculated for all normali-
have examined the reproducibility of isometric and zation methods were less than 20%. Our calculations
dynamic normalization methods. Morris et al. [33] reported mirrored those employed in the Knutson study [26] and
that the mean and peak dynamic normalization methods were well below the 38.1% value reported by these
provided more reproducible measures compared to those researchers.
using a MVIC. Based on these findings, we wanted to In summary, we believe that studies that investigate HA
determine if an isometric or dynamic normalization muscle activation using a healthy group of subjects should
method would provide greater measurement reliability continue using a MVIC normalization method. The combi-
when investigating HA activation amplitude during thera- nation of high ICCs, lower SEMs, and low intrasubject
peutic exercises. CVs associated with data expressed as a % MVIC inferred
high measurement reliability.
4.1. Normalization based on a MVIC

Prior work [18,26] has shown that use of the MVIC 4.2. Normalization based on dynamic activities
method can provide a reliable measure of muscular
demands during a specific lower extremity task or exercise. A potential limitation with using a MVIC reference
Earl et al. [18] examined quadriceps activation during value is that symptomatic subjects cannot perform a max-
dynamic mini-squat exercises and reported ICCs of 0.99 imum contraction because of pain and muscle inhibition.
when using a MVIC reference value, which agree with Dynamic methods based on mean or peak muscle activity
the present study’s calculations (ICCs P 0.93). High ICCs do not depend on a maximal contraction, and previous
infer not only good measurement reliability but also rea- work [11,47,49] has shown that these methods may provide
sonable validity [39]. The MVIC normalization method a better representation of the muscle activity required for a
also resulted in low SEMs, which inferred acceptable mea- specific task. Furthermore, Yang and Winter [49] have rec-
surement precision and stability when using this method ommended dynamic methods because they produce lower
[16]. intersubject CVs, which may increase surface EMG sensi-
Intersubject CVs are inversely related to reproducibility, tivity when analyzing gait.
and researchers [47,49] have used them as a criteria for ICCs calculated for each exercise using the dynamic
selecting a particular normalization method. Although methods exceeded 0.85 except for the sidelying abduction
intersubject CVs are not a measure of reliability, we calcu- exercise. For this exercise, we calculated ICCs of 0.41
lated them to compare results to other studies [10,26,47,49]. and 0.71 for the m-DYN and pk-DYN methods, respec-
The present study’s intersubject CVs, which ranged from tively. Although we cannot conclusively determine the rea-
55% to 77% in the present study, are relatively large but son for these findings, we can make the following inference.
agree with those reported by Knutson et al. [26]. These This exercise was the only one that patients did not per-
researchers analyzed gastrocnemius EMG activity during form in a standing position. We made every effort to ensure
a single leg stance activity and calculated an intersubject that subjects performed this exercise with both lower
CV of 91.3%. They also emphasized that large intersubject extremities positioned parallel to each other; however, they
CVs are not necessarily ‘‘good or bad’’ because data vari- could have moved the right extremity in an anterior posi-
ability is required to identify differences. Knutson et al. tion. Such changes in position could have resulted in a dif-
[26] also stated that lower intersubject CVs might infer ferent recruitment of motor units that negatively affected
group homogeneity and limit comparisons of results to the ICC calculations.
future studies. Intersubject CVs ranged from 19% to 44% using the m-
Yang and Winter [49] advocated using normalization DYN method and from 26% to 61% using the pk-DYN
methods that reduce intersubject variability in their studies method, ranges similar to those reported by others
designed for establishing normative values of muscle acti- [11,26,49] who used mean and peak dynamic normalization
108 L.A. Bolgla, T.L. Uhl / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 17 (2007) 102–111

methods. A comparison of intersubject CVs for individual We believe that the m-DYN method may provide a
exercises demonstrated that the MVIC method had greater more reliable measurement of EMG data compared to
variability than the dynamic methods. With respect to the the pk-DYN. With respect to ICCs, the sidelying exercise
dynamic methods, the m-DYN method had lower intersub- had a lower m-DYN ICC value and a lower (more precise)
ject CVs than the pk-DYN method. These findings support SEM. ICC calculations are based on data variability [39],
previous findings that revealed lower intersubject CVs meaning that differences are more difficult to detect when
when normalizing EMG using a m-DYN method using less variable data. In our study, a lower SEM may
[11,26,49]. have accounted for a lower ICC value [8]. All other ICCs
Intrasubject CVs were less than 19% and 23% for the m- were acceptable and similar between methods for the
DYN and pk-DYN methods, respectively. Although Knut- remaining exercises.
son et al. [26] reported intrasubject CVs ranging from 23% A comparison of CVs for both methods revealed that
to 31% when analyzing gastrocnemius activity, we found the m-DYN method resulted in lower intersubject (see
greater intrasubject reproducibility of data with repeated Table 4) and intrasubject CVs (see Fig. 2). Together, these
measures using both dynamic normalization methods. See results inferred greater stability of measures using the m-
Fig. 2 for a comparison of intrasubject measurement DYN method and agree with previous studies [26,47,49].
repeatability using each normalization method. Based on the calculated ICCs and CVs, we believe that

Sidelying Stand
200 140
140 MVIC 100 MVIC
% EMG Activity
% EMG Activity

120 m-DYN 80
100 pk-DYN pk-DYN
60 40
0 0
1 3 5 7 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A Repetitions B Repetitions

Flex Stand Pelvic Drop

% EMG Activity

% EMG Activity

140 300
120 MVIC 250 MVIC
100 m-DYN 200 m-DYN
80 pk-DYN 150 pk-DYN
40 100

20 50
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C Repetitions D Repetitions

Single Leg Stance Flexed Hip Single Leg Stance

350 300

300 250
% EMG Activity

% EMG Activity

150 m-DYN m-DYN
pk-DYN 100
100 pk-DYN
50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
E Repetitions F Repetitions

Fig. 2. Comparison of hip abductor musculature amplitude patterns for each exercise (A) sidelying abduction, (B) standing hip abduction, (C) standing
hip abduction with 20° hip flexion, (D) pelvic drop, (E) single leg stance with a contralateral load, and (F) single leg stance with a contralateral load in 20°
hip flexion based on a percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), mean dynamic activity (m-DYN), and peak dynamic activity (pk-
L.A. Bolgla, T.L. Uhl / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 17 (2007) 102–111 109

the m-DYN method provided greater measurement reli- Another potential limitation associate with surface
ability than the pk-DYN method when evaluating HA EMG studies relates to signal crosstalk. Adjacent muscles,
muscle activation amplitudes during therapeutic exercises. like the gluteus minimus and tensor fascia lata, might have
influenced EMG signals. To address this limitation, we
donned electrodes over the muscle belly of the gluteus med-
4.3. Comparison of EMG amplitudes between normalization
ius in a standardized manner [4,13] and confirmed EMG
signals prior to testing using standard manual muscle test-
ing techniques. Future researchers can easily address this
The MVIC method had lower percent EMG amplitudes
issue by replicating the study using intramusculature dual
compared to dynamic methods. We expected these lower
fine wire electromyography.
values because subjects performed exercises requiring sub-
Finally, we cannot generalize our findings to symptom-
maximal muscular effort. To perform a MVIC, subjects
atic subject populations. Our findings revealed that the
required higher levels of motor unit recruitment. Therefore,
MVIC method provided the most reliable measures, which
the percent EMG activity required for submaximal exercise
agreed with other studies [18,26]. We also found acceptable
would be much lower when normalized to higher EMG
reliability measures for the m-DYN method. Although we
MVIC activation levels. For the dynamic normalization
would expect to find similar HA activation amplitudes
methods, subjects performed a sidelying hip abduction
using symptomatic subjects, we cannot make this conclu-
exercise with no weight applied to the lower extremity, a
sion based on results from the present study.
task that required less EMG activity than a MVIC. Based
on this information, we expected greater percent EMG
5. Conclusion
activation using dynamic normalization methods. During
testing, subjects performed non-weight bearing with an
To our knowledge, this study was the first to examine
ankle weight and weight bearing HA exercises, which
the reliability of normalization methods that researchers
placed greater demands on the hip abductors than the ref-
may use to determine muscle activation during HA thera-
erence sidelying exercise. Therefore, the percent EMG
peutic exercises. Historically, investigators have examined
activity calculated using the dynamic methods would be
muscle amplitudes using healthy subjects and have inferred
higher because the reference activation level was less than
similar findings to symptomatic subject populations.
that during a MVIC.
Future studies should examine muscle activation in sub-
jects diagnosed with pathology in order to generalize find-
4.4. Limitations ings because symptomatic subjects may demonstrate
different motor unit recruitment patterns.
The current study has certain limitations that we would Our results demonstrated that the MVIC normalization
like to address. An inherent limitation associated with method provided greater measurement reliability for evalu-
MVIC normalization has been the assumption that sub- ating activation amplitudes during HA exercise. With study
jects provide a maximal effort. To facilitate a MVIC, we replication to symptomatic subjects, researchers may need
positioned subjects in a manner consistent with standard an alternative method to evaluate exercise if subjects can-
manual muscle testing techniques in combination with not elicit a valid MVIC because of pain and muscle inhibi-
resistance from an immovable object (firmly secured mobi- tion. In these cases, researchers should consider using the
lization strap instead of against manual resistance). Prior m-DYN method because it can identify HA amplitude dif-
works have shown that use of straps can facilitate reliabil- ferences among exercises but with little risk of injury or dis-
ity for generating a MVIC [2,27,35,46]. We also gave comfort to symptomatic subjects.
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Dr. Lori A. Bolgla is assistant professor in the Dr. Tim L. Uhl is associate professor in the
Department of Physical Therapy, School of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, College
Allied Health Sciences at the Medical College of Health Sciences and the director of the
of Georgia. Dr. Bolgla received her Bachelor in Musculoskeletal Laboratory at the University
Science degree in physical therapy from the of Kentucky. Dr. Uhl received his bachelor’s
Medical College of Georgia in 1993 and her degree in physical therapy from the University
Master in Science degree in physical therapy of Kentucky in 1985 and his Master of Science
from the Medical College of Georgia in 1998. degree in kinesiology from the University of
She received her doctor of philosophy degree in Michigan in 1992. In 1998, he completed his
Rehabilitation Sciences from the University of doctor of philosophy degree in education at the
Kentucky in 2005. Her research has focused on University of Virginia with a focus in Sports
the evaluation and rehabilitation of lower Medicine. He is currently the president of
extremity overuse injuries. American Society of Shoulder and Elbow Therapists. His research has
primarily concentrated on evaluation/rehabilitation of shoulder injuries.

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