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The bar chart compares the number of people visiting three different museums

in London, namely the National Gallery, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and
the British Museum over 5 years starting from 2007.

Overall, while Victoria and Albert Museum witnessed a significant decrease in

the number of visitors, the figures for visitors to British Museum and National
Gallery followed a contradictory trend. Additionally, though having the least
number of visitors in 2007, National Gallery became the most visited museum
out of the three 5 years later.

In 2007, about 5 million people visited the National Gallery, which was one-
third of the number of visitors to the Victoria and Albert Museum. However,
during the later years, there was a constant increase in the number of people at
the National Gallery, making it the most famous museum with over 15 million
visitors in 2012. The number of visitors to the Victoria and Albert Museum, in
contrast, fell gradually until 2011 when it saw an improvement to reach the point
of 10 million visitors by the end of the period.

Starting at about 12 million people, the figure for British Museum strikingly
decreased by half in the next two years before steadily improving to reach its
peak of 14 million visitors in 2012.

The bar chart illustrates the number of copies sold for different kinds of books
over a decade starting from 2002.

Generally speaking, except for Hobbies books, Entertainment, History and Art
books all witnessed an increase in their sale figures by the end of the research
period. Additionally, History books remained the best seller reading materials
over 10 years.

In 2002, while there were over 4000 copies sold for History books, the sales
figure for Hobbies books
The bar chart illustrates the proportions of British people including children,
women, and men who consumed enough five servings of fruit and vegetables
between 2001 and 2008.

Generally speaking, there was an upward trend in the rates of people in the UK
eating five portions of fruit and vegetables. Additionally, the percentage of
women remained the highest out of the three categories over an 8-year period.

During the three initial years, about 13% of children and nearly 18% of men
were reported to consume five servings of fruit and vegetables. Moreover, there
was a constant increase in the figures for children and men over the next 4 years
at about 26% and 27% in 2007 respectively. That was followed by a slight
decrease to reach the point of approximately 25% for children and about 26%
for men by the end of the period.

Starting at nearly 24% in 2001, the figure for women experienced a steady
increase to reach its peak of 35% in 2007 before witnessing a considerable fall
over the next two years. That finished the period at 30% .

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